

I don't know anything, just abort the child. I would never want a child from a maid." Blacke said in a harsh tone. He had always been clear that he didn't want a child. So how on earth could this happen in just three months that he was away? No one bothered to inform him about this mess.

And the fact that she went against his will made him even angrier. She knew she was supposed to be his pet, so how dare she defy him?

"Please, sir. It's your child too. Your blood. Please don't kill it," the girl pleaded, bending down and holding onto his feet.

Her eyes were filled with tears, her delicate nose was red, and her face was flushed from crying all this while.

She always feared this day, and now that it has finally come, she can't help but feel completely helpless and at his mercy again.

Seeing her begging for a small thing and even ready to contradict him just made him more and more irritated. In frustration, he kicked her, causing her to roll over on the floor and cry in pain.

Lucy started crying in pain, clutching her slightly protruding abdomen. She couldn't believe this was happening.

"You're just a namesake wife, little slave. Deep down, you know this. A maid can't be the one giving me an heir, especially not the mighty Blacke," he sneered down at her. For a moment, she saw a flicker of emotion in his eyes, but it quickly turned black, crushing the only hope she had left.

Now get up and go out, or I would have to throw you out." he ordered, without even stopping to think about how the 19-year-old pregnant wife of his, whom he had just kicked and who was crying in pain because of him, would be able to move out with all that pain.

Lucy, who heard his harsh command, shrieked in fear. She tried to stand up and move, but a sharp pain in her abdomen caused her to slump back down. "Ahhh," she cried out.

Her cry was so loud and painful that everyone in the mansion shivered in fear and quietly prayed for her, hoping to save her and themselves from the demon who would harm this beautiful soul without any remorse.

"Shut up. Just shut up and leave now," Blacke clenched his teeth and frustratedly pulled at his hair, overwhelmed by everything that was happening.

"Bloody actor," he murmured, loud enough for the mother of his child to hear, but he didn't even look at her. Meanwhile, the person's soul was bleeding.

As a result, her bottom started turning red.

A tear escaped from her honey brown eyes as she listened to him. She began crawling on the floor, desperately trying to get away and muffling her cries by biting her lips, which caused them to bleed.

Deep down, she knew she had to leave, as another attack from him might end her life.

After a lot of struggle, she finally managed to escape from the room.

The maids who were waiting outside, anxious to find out what had happened, screamed in fear as soon as they heard the door open, and quickly backed away.

"Aunt", the small weeble cried and pleaded for help. They all turned to look back, and their eyes widened in horror at the scene before them.

The small girl, who was treated poorly in the house, was completely covered in blood. Her white pants had turned red, and tears stained her face. She crawled on the floor, trying to avoid putting pressure on her belly, like a toddler.

The eldest maid of the house immediately rushed to her side and cradled her in her arms.

"Lucy, my dear," she cried, seeing her terrible condition. To her, Lucy was like her own innocent daughter.

"Please, Aunt, save my child," Lucy whispered, finding comfort in her aunt's embrace, and she closed her eyes.

Aunt panicked when she saw Lucy closing her eyes. "Lucy, open your eyes, dear. Fight for your child. Fight and survive the cruel world, my child." She tapped her cheeks, but got no response, making her panic even more.

After a week,

Lucy felt herself wandering in the dark, trying to find her way out. She saw a light and happily started walking towards it, hoping to escape the black hole.

"Come, Lucy. I'm here to take you with me," a white angel appeared in front of her. Lucy gasped in shock when she saw who it was. "Dad...daddy...you came," she cried, embracing him. For the first time in a long time, she felt safe in someone's arms.

He patted her head and eased her pain by gently patting her back.

"Come, child. We will go somewhere peaceful," her dad said, wiping her tears. There was a caring look in his eyes.

"Dad, my baby! Where is he?" Lucy frantically searched for her unborn child, but tears streamed down her face when she couldn't find him by her side. Her flattened belly only increased her anxiety.

"Lucy, you're coming with me. Your children will come too," her father reassured her.

Lucy understood what he meant, but she didn't want that. She wanted her child to experience the world, its beauty, and grow up surrounded by love.

"No, Dad! I want them to see the world. Please, Dad. I want to give them life and let them enjoy it," Lucy cried, feeling terrified and desperate.

"But, my child, their father didn't want them. He's the reason you're here," he gently explained, knowing what her future might hold. He had returned to save her from living in misery.

But dad, I want them. I don't need their father. I promise, I would be their savior," she cried and folded her hands, falling on her knees. She really wanted this, she knew.

"Oh my child," her father cried in helplessness, and suddenly everything turned black again.

She panicked, cried, but no one came this time.

"Lucy... open your eyes, my child. Lucy, open your eyes," the distant voice reached her ears.

She started trying to open her eyes, which suddenly felt heavy. She could hear the beeps of the machines all around, making her more anxious. She didn't want to die. Neither did she want her children to die. And finally, after struggling, she managed to open her eyes, only to see a blurry figure sitting beside her.

As soon as she opened her eyes, the figure started yelling for the doctor.

And slowly, her vision cleared, and she realized that the beep was coming from a machine attached to her. The figure standing before her was her tearful aunt, who appeared thin with bags under her eyes and hollowed cheeks. This was a far cry from the strict and stern lady she knew.

"Aunt," she whispered, mustering all her energy. Her voice came out hoarse.

Her aunt, noticing her mumbling, came closer and said, "My child." Lucy whispered again, and a tear fell from her aunt's eye.

Lucy panicked as she saw the tear drop. Her breathing escalated. The doctor, who had just arrived, witnessed the scene and quickly rushed over to her. He asked her aunt to step aside, causing her to cry even harder. She pressed her hands against her mouth to prevent herself from making any sound.

Aunt didn't know much about this girl, but she could sense her pain. The man whom she had married had treated her in the same way Lucy was being treated. Like a mere doll. A plaything for his pleasure.Because they share the same faith, the faith of poverty, which ruined her and this girl in a quite similar way. She silently sends her prayers for Lucy, her little girl.

She remembers how her master didn't even ask for the little soul, not even once. He went to San Francisco for his deal without caring about the fact that he put three lives on the death bed. And no one dared to help her bring Lucy to the hospital, out of fear of the master. Tears started flowing endlessly from her eyes once again.

And in that moment, she promised herself that if her children survived this battle, she would take her away, far away from this cruel world. A place where no one would treat her like shit, but instead love her. At that instant, she promised herself to turn Lucy into an independent woman and be her mother forever. She was ready to take the risk of going against her master and fight for her newfound daughter.