

The scene starts with a man getting shot by another man right in the middle of his glabella, where the two eyebrows meet. Within seconds, the wounded person is lying lifeless. The shooter smirks, satisfied with his cruel act.

With a strong and heavy voice that sends shivers down everyone's spines, he declares, "Never dare to betray me. Never. One mistake from you, and my bullets will find their way to your head. Do you understand?"

His words echo and cause everyone to tremble. However, not a single person dares to react. They simply bow their heads, fully aware of the consequences of their actions.

But there is one man who trembles in fear at the back, trying to remain unheard. Yet, the person in front of him hears and shouts, "Michael, come forward now!" This only intensifies the trembling of the man, as he timidly steps forward with his head bowed and his feet shaking, standing in front of the other man.

The man sitting in front isn't someone small. He is the man who is considered the king of the Mafia, with whom no one could meet eyes. His eyes are able to burn a person to ashes. The god of cruelty. The man with no weaknesses. No one knows anything about him; he is that unknown mystery that everyone in the world wants to see. He's the devil in a human's body. One mistake and you would be out of this world. He is the most arrogant bastard.

No regrets, that's his policy. Hence, there is no one who could get a second chance. His dark eyes and blank face depict his devilish self. His perfectly gelled hair with perfect eyebrows, adorned by the scar, make him look even more devilish. He's the one with a dark past, and his demeanor is enough to cause a shiver down your spine.

The news that Michael had was something that could change the world for the person in front of him, and even for himself. It made him all nervous, to tell the truth.

"What were you doing at the back, Michael?" Blacke asked Michael, his right hand and the only one whom he trusts after himself. And seeing him getting nervous only irritated him more.

"I'm asking a question. Blacke shouted this time, making everyone in the room startled with sudden burst of lava.

Blacke, we need to talk in private. Michael looked straight at Blacke with a stern expression, but his eyes conveyed hesitation. The only thing Blacke hates the most.

Blacke gritted his teeth in annoyance. If it was someone else, he would have been ten feet under the earth. But it was Michael, his man from the start of his journey in the dark world. He knew the matter must be related to him only, as Michael's only weakness was him. It was the same old fact.

Many times, he had asked Michael to stop this game of affection , even tried to move himself away from this leech. But this man of his was too stubborn to let go of him.

Moreover, he was even right about him. These man was the face behind his weapon and computer world. He should be the last person to move away from his world, now."

"Hey Blacke, today I went to get your reports."

Black tilted his head, curious about the mention of his reports. Are they really that important? Honestly, he didn't care much about them. His world was filled with danger at every turn, and that was the real thing to worry about. So why was Michael making such a big deal out of it?

"Boss," Blacke was taken aback when Michael referred to him as "boss." It was hard to believe that the guy he had known since diapers was suddenly calling him that. It was pretty crazy, to say the least.

Annoyance started to creep up on Black. This kind of behavior was certainly hard to tolerate.

"Hey, just calm down. Who do you think you are? Are you even my right-hand man, if you could call yourself that? Am I blind for keeping you by my side as my right-hand? You...you need a lesson." Black's face turned red as his veins popped out, clearly infuriated. He looked around and picked up a whip, completely losing his temper.

"Blacke, Balcke. I apologize. I was just scared. Please, don't...don't use the whip." Michael panicked as he saw Blacke with a whip in his hand.

Michael couldn't help but think that this man would turn into Satan himself if he had any kind of weapon. Trembling in fear, he held his breath and closed his eyes, hoping for the best.

"Hey, speak up! You've got two seconds." The voice, now warm and friendly, demanded. Michael turned to look at Blacke, who had a serious expression on his face, reminiscent of a predator eyeing its prey.

Michael hastily pulled out a file, his hands trembling and sweat pouring down his forehead, making his whole body damp and smelly.

Blacke furrowed his brow as he glanced at the blue file in front of him. His eyebrows twitched, giving the impression that it was some kind of hospital report.

"Here, take a look at this," Michael said, his hands shaking as he handed over the file. His eyes filled with fear and a hint of unknown pain.

Blacke snatched the file as soon as it appeared in his line of sight. The pages shuffled forcefully, threatening to tear, but luckily they remained intact, albeit wrinkled.

The room fell into silence, with only the sound of their pounding hearts. Michael stole a quick glance at the person reading the file, noticing how their expression grew darker with each passing second.

None spoke for a minute. Blacke was reading the page over and over again. It wasn't even a file, just a torn-up piece of paper.

"Blacke," Michael whispered softly, his voice filled with fear.

"What the heck is this? Is it some kind of joke?" Blacke shouted, hurling the page into the distance. Anger consumed him, his breaths becoming heavy, and his eyes turning a fiery red.

"You... You actually think that I, the mighty king of the Mafia, am infertile? Do you want me to show you just how fertile am I ?" Blacke dangerously whispered, taking slow, deliberate steps forward. His gaze was intense, emitting a threatening and terrifying aura.

Michael retreated in fear, his entire body trembling with both fear and shame, a tear rolling down his face.