
the first important event (4/4): the future is uncertain

"A hostage rescue was carried out at 7 pm, the heroes mirko, eraserhead, pussycats and snipe were taken, all the civilians were rescued except the young 12-year-old student named haname yugami.

All the villains of the group burrow a gang responsible for kidnappings throughout the country of more than 150 kidnappings, all members of the gang were captured.

The person responsible for the kidnapping of the civilian who could not be rescued, is currently known as "the purple thief" proved to be a great bloody responsible for the death of one of the villains and another leaving him in a critical state is currently in emergencies, he was also able to knock out the heroes Mirko and Eraserhead. "

A news program was broadcasting the kidnapping incident that took place three days ago, currently we focus on a hospital room, several heroes and policemen were seen in a kind of recapitulation.

"Really a child was capable of doing such things" said ragdoll looking at the information that aizawa just told them and remembering the scene they saw when they went by the civilians, "the most impressive thing was the use of more than one peculiarity by him "said Tiger noting the possible peculiarity of the boy.

"Taking this into account, he is capable of using different peculiarities, launching energy balls, materializing tentacles, forming a shield, creating chains, transforming dolls and teleportation" said pixie-bob, recalling the peculiarities of the story.

"The child must also be responsible for the incident where you appeared as a doll," said Mandalay, recalling the incident where his partner was observed helping a child with the same characteristics.

"If this is true then the boy is responsible for two incidents in a period of six months which means that in that time interval he had to do something which made him make the decision to take the young haname" said the detective in charge in this case "naomasa".

"That child has a very rare peculiarity, for which the most important thing is the limits of that strange ability" said Aizawa, taking into account the peculiarity of the child who defeated him.

"What we have now gives us that it can activate at least two peculiarities at the same time, one of them can be deactivated, but for a while it cannot be activated again, leaving the other with the ability not to be erased and that can summon a kind of book "Naomasa said looking at her notes of the conversation that has been going on.

"The most important thing now is to rescue the young woman and return her to her parents" said snipe seeing the importance of the child who left aside the girl who could not be rescued.

"Currently we do not know the location, clue or image of the boy, so we have to see the boy's capabilities to be able to capture him and make him free the young woman," said Naomasa.

As the conversation continued we moved to an office in the public safety commission.

Hawks and the president were in a chat the two were watching a case that put the government on its feet.

"We want you to find the person responsible for this as soon as possible" said the president, handing Hawks the folder of case "h", "the person responsible for this must be captured in the shortest possible time"

"I understand" said Hawks receiving the folder, "responsible for 60 kidnappings, one hour at the crime scene, one of the kidnapped is a professional hero from the United States and the other is the daughter of David Shield," said Hawks recalling the person responsible for the proceedings.

On the other side was a purple-haired boy watching the news in an abandoned building on the outskirts of town.

"It's time to get going" I said as I got up from the couch and moved to a window "even though I want to be free you always need a few allies" I said as I looked through the glass.

In the reflection of the glass you could see a girl with yellow hair and blue eyes, she was tied in a chair and breathed heavily as she looked at the floor.

"You should bend as soon as possible" I said while my eyes shone in the reflection of the glass, "stop, please" said the girl while looking at her kidnapper, "I do not think you will be a useful piece when I have you" I said to continue with my formation.

Some characters that I will use later that I will use are oc's from my hero academia so credits to all its creators.

next arc: birth of an organization

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