
Fighting the Failed Zodiac

"Attack!" As soon as the signal was out, Kai and the others turned serious.

They followed the movement of the soldiers before glancing at Kai.

"I will be leading you inside the town and use the soldiers as our camouflage. Our enemy will escape after this, so I will use that to discern their movement and other things, confirming whether that place has our target or not." Kai announced and didn't forget to give another job to Sofia. "You are going to see whether the so-called blaze moves to another direction or not."

"Understood." Sofia nodded, locking her eyes on the target.

Meanwhile, Tasha asked. "Are you going to use my teleportation magic?"

"That's the plan. We will use it to get closer, and I will start from there."


As for Michelle, she seemed to want to do something from her looks alone. She sighed. "I want to try something, but I don't know whether it will be useful or not."