
Chapter 1 The beginning of all

Mizuki Tasa , a 6 years old prince of Tasa family one of the elite 14 houses , of the magical country of rasel lived with his royal family in their beautiful white palace unseen the outside world. He always wanted to see the outside world but his family was very overprotective of him and he was never allowed to leave the city. Even in these circumstances he was taught magic by his father who was already convinced that he was a fast learner and one of the most talented prince their family had ever had. A position reserved for a person who holds the trust of the whole country to lead wizards , the person who is also considered one of the strongest magic users the wizard king as described by his father was another one of his deepest subject of interest . As Mizuki grew up he was 8 when his whole family got assassinated and the place where the Tasa family ruled the area 7 got distroyed. Only he was found alive by the Sura family ( another one of 14 elite families ) which had good ties with Tasa family . He was raised by them for the following years. He was not one of shy people and many times did mischiefs. Still he was loved by the whole family and the other princes including the big brother Sineiza and 4 other brothers who considered him to be their brother. He was taught magic mainly by Sineiza who had a deep interest in his talent . When Sineiza became a wizard Mizuki heard many a times about his achievements.

The day his journey to outside world would begin was his 16 th birthday he asked the Sura family head Sizume Sura IIV to permit him to leave the mansion for the competition which was organised every year for the division of wizards into guilds. These guilds were under the system of wizard king commanded with guild leaders who were supposed to be the closed in becoming the next wizard king were either nobles, warheros or powerful individuals who have been proved worthy. Mizuki also showed the family gratitude for taking him in their family in the very needful time.

Hearing him Sizume laughed and said that he doesn't need to participate in the competition he could join the Sura guild . But Mizuki told him that he wanted to test his strength in the outside world. Sizume unable to stop him with fatherly love ordered his dispatch in morning.

In the night before competition Mizuki ran from the palace as quite as he could . Sizume was told about this by his wife only in morning where Sizume replied with a big smile that he had already known about it .