
The Magical Mermaid

This story tells about a magical mermaid who frees the mermaids of the sea...., wanna find out more, read the full story.

Darasimi_Kokoye · Fantasia
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The Magical Mermaid

Long ago in the ancient seas there lived a mermaid kingdom, in the kingdom lived the king, the king's name was Isaac, Isaac was a humble but proud king because he felt the female mermaids were weak.

The Queen who was the wife of Isaac the king, got pregnant during the sunset of the sea which was a very special day, everybody felt the queen was very lucky, the baby was born in moonlight, and the king was disappointed to hear that the Queen gave birth to a girl but still had to stay and accept his ownership for the baby, the queen looked at the sky and announced that her baby would be called moonlight, with her grey eyes and beautiful black hair from her mother and a strand of white hair from her father.

As moonlight began to grow up her mother loved her with all her heart and cared for her while her father on the other hand treated her like she was trash. On moonlight's 15 birthday her mother decided to announce to the whole kingdom that a party would be happening at the grand palace hall at moonlight to celebrate Moonlights birthday.

The day of her birthday party finally came, Moonlight sat at the party table waiting for the guests and when she didn't see them after three hours moonlight swam to her mum to ask her why the guests weren't here her mum said she knew nothing about it so they decided to go to the kingdom to check what was happening, when they got there they were shocked to what they saw, they saw all their guests locked up in a cage and the king laughing at them while they were crying, Moonlight yelled to her dad to explain, her dad admitted how he didn't want her to have fun at her birthday cause she was a girl and needed to be scrubbing the floors, Moonlight was so angry she didn't think twice and grabbed the mighty trident that pronounced her dad as king and held it high in the sky and said "By the power of Neptune I hereby dethrone Isaac from being king" suddenly the ground started to shake, the sea started to move and suddenly the crown started to float off of Isaacs head and shattered into pieces.

"Women aren't weak and I'm going to prove it to you," said Moonlight, she grabbed the trident again and held it up high, and said " By the power of Neptune I make everyone in this kingdom Magical Mermaids and remove such position called KING!" the king yelled for moonlight to stop, Moonlight told him he was never there for her and she will never be there for him and told the guards to lock him up, since that day Kingdom has been better with the Magical Mermaids.

Moonlights special quote: Women aren't weak and I'm going to prove it to you

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