
The magical battle of the 3 realms.

EpicBlad · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Goblins king

Well this is surprising the new king of what should I call them well they declared a war on all of the goblin tribes I no we serve under the king goblin but it just a title it has no meaning...there are 4 major clans the burning flesh.

If I may why did you make the other 3 clan come to us.

Well you see we are the weakest of the 4 great clans so this way we have more time to recover sins the humans are probably looking at how to finish the goblins as fast as they can and if they see the other great clans coming here they will attack them instead of us.

my chef that is smart of you but how did you convince them.

I think he tricked them into coming here right?

No not at all you now how the king belongs to a small clan.


How dus that matter.

well you see they are under my control and I can control the goblin king more than the others thanks to that policy and so we don't kill each other over power. HAHAHAHAH I find that so funny since I didn't support it at all. who would of think that I would control the king because of that policy now let's get ready since the The golden goblins will arriv in 2 hours and if the romers are true....welcome to year 0 of the humans.

hmmmm I now I will call the one with low amount of magi 1 and I will have a system 1-9 and 10 will be call nutrul. that sounds good no I better do 1-4 than nutrul yes that sounds good. man if I am found out I will be dead no matter what WHAT AM DOING THIS IS INsaying better get out of here and your the start of that romer you sneak. (what is this got to go now and got to go fast next the humans this is a long trip).