
The Mage Who Regressed

Derrick Warren used to be a Demi-God rank mage. He was killed by the 7 gods who had banded together against him. Derrick used Creator’s artifact to send his present memories back to the past. Now, using the memories, Derrick will get stronger faster than last time with only one thing in his mind, Kill The Gods

Hiddenveil · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Training At 6 A.M.

Derrick made a plan for what to do in the next few years.

His plan's first thing was to learn swordsmanship.

He had some time before it, but he also had to rescue Sienna from the Count in the future and free his master from her seal.

He could do none right now since right now, knowing Sienna's stubborn and self-dependent nature, Sienna would never come with him and take his help.

As for freeing his master, his master was a thousand year old female dragon and she was sealed by a powerful person so breaking the seal right now would be impossible. In his last life too he had to stay paralysed for 3 years in exchange for lifting the seal off his master.

'It would not be good to get paralysed for 3 years right now'

'Well I should take a break now'

It was night time by now and Derrick also had to eat his dinner. He could also make progress in the second thing in his plan, to get closer to his parents.

Derrick had to change his clothes again since he was drenched in sweat and smelling. Derrick didn't like taking a bath twice a day but he didn't have any other option if he wanted to eat with his parents.

Derrick took a bath and once again went to the Dining room

Although the mansion was very big, Derrick and his parents' room was close to the Dining room and each other.

Derrick entered the Dining room and greeted his parents Good Evening, the same way as in the morning.

But since there was a plan now, Derrick went to his mother's chair and gave her a cute little hug.

Derrick's Mother, Edyln, had blonde hair and blue eyes. She liked it very much when Derrick cam to her first and hugged her and not the other way around as always.

After Derrick left his mother and was about to seat in his seat, he looked at his father.

Aldrich had the 'Where-Is-Mine?' expression on his face. Although his expression was funny, Derrick did not laugh because his father in Black hair and Red eyes looked very serious.

Derrick, in a robotic motion, went to his father and gave him a hug too.

After the hug, Derrick finally took his seat and sat down.

Everyone started eating.

In the middle of eating, Derrick spoke up,"Dad, I have decided to learn swordsmanship starting tomorrow. Will you teach me?"

"Are you sure kid? It isn't easy."

"Yes. I have decided to become strong and protect you and mom when I get strong" Derrick said with a cute face. He had his Father's black hair and his mother's Blue eyes.

"Puff! Alright, I'll teach you starting tomorrow. Come to the training grounds at 7 A.M."

"WHAT???? 7 A.M.? I can't wake up so early"

"Then you can't learn using swords"

"*Sigh* Then I'll come there at 7 A.M."

Soon after Derrick finished his food and left for his room.

In the dining room, his father was talking to his mother

Aldrich held his cochin for a second, adjusted his hair and said," Edyln, isn't he acting weird right now"

Edyln was still thinking about how cute Derrick looked right now that she didn't even hear what Aldrich said.

"Ah, leave it, I'll check it out on my own" Aldrich said as he proceeded to eat his special 'DESSERT'.

Back in Derrick's room.

The guard who always stayed outside his room and was responsible for protecting him, Raia, was called inside his room. Raia is one of the strongest knights in the Warren family Knight Squad. He is a Rank 1 Sword user.

"What is your order, Young Lord?"

"Bring me a anisill leaf, Demon Beast's marrow and one kilogram red grass"

"Yes Young Lord, I'll get them as soon as possible"

Raia exited the room as he said the last line.

The things Derrick asked for may seem like ordinary things that even commoners can buy so they may look very normal. The mixture of the three helps in improving physical strength and mana absorption rate. The reason no one ever found out about this was because the Demon Beast's marrow has a very bad smell

Soon Raia brought all the things Derrick had ordered him to bring. Derrick asked everyone to leave his room. Although Derrick almost vomited at the thought of consuming the things in front of him, he knew he had to.

He made a mixture of the three. It was dull green-ish in colour. It could rather be called poison but…. Whatever.

Derrick drank everything in one gulp and almost passed out.

His body was feeling better than before and he thought that he could at least make it through the training tomorrow.

The Next Morning, at 7 A.M.

Derrick had struggled a lot to leave his precious bed in the morning but in the end, he had to leave..

Derrick somehow got an armour and a wooden sword and reached the training ground

There were Knights everywhere, some were dueling while some were training their bodies.

Derrick saw his father and went straight towards him.

"Good Morning Father"

"Hmm, Good Morning… Why are you slouching in the morning?"

"Oh That? It was because I was sleeping and it was hard to g-" Derrick was speaking with one hand on the back of his head when he was suddenly interrupted

"Then from tomorrow come for training at 6 A.M."