
The mage that rules over the heavens in a cultivator world.

Follow Adam the Absolute, the mage god as he makes love to the female cultivators and destroys the sects that hate him. Adam the Absolute, is the Strongest Mage to ever live on Earth. He has power over everything he was born bathed in magic itself loved by it. Magic is existence itself more powerful than all other powers as was the only true way to tap into the Absolute of everything. After destroying the last Nation standing in the way of true world peace Adam finds a portal to another world. He steps into it, finding Dai Fang and Dai Ài, a mother that is a widow and her daughter being chased by people. He saves them, but his price for doing so is the two of them. After all, what man doesn't like sexy women. Follow Adam as he makes the cultivators run in fear, empires shit themselves and Buddha's beg for mercy. As this world finds out what true power is. Watch as women come to him for safety and love. Watch as they make love to a man like no other in this world full of egotistical male cultivators.

Ahmed_Koroma_1382 · Fantasia
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19 Chs

Taking the dragons harem. (+18)

I wake up early, as I wish to take care of this easy work and get me some money. So, I can enjoy as many women as I can today. I have to breed my people into this world, so I can take over without doing much hard work. I get dressed and I summon 10 magical paladins each as strong as 5% of my power they can handle anything in this city. Bai wakes up from it and I hand her some spirt stones so they can enjoy the city and buy some sexy underwear to show me later, she blushes and nods. I tell her that these paladins will guard them each get two. They can command them how they see fit; they are programed to kill anyone that wishes to do y'all harm in any kind of way. She smiles a lovely one as she enjoys my care, putting so much into their safety even her dead husband didn't care this much. 

I head to the city lord to ask which way I must go, all he said was mountain range. Not very telling, I walk around until I find a maid and ask her to take me to the city lord. She guides me with blush, I beat they could hear last night. Well, it's not like I was trying to hide it, the men here need to know who the girls belong to and that's me. We finally get to the city lords office, and she knocks on the door, she goes on and tells him, I am looking for him. He lets her bring me into his office, ask him to point which way as I am heading out to get the job done. As I wish to get back and enjoy the city for a couple of days before I head out to a new place. He points to the northeast about 100 miles away, I tell in I should be back around 2 pm. And I turn to leave he ask if I need people to come with, I tell him that I don't need people slowing me down as the dragon won't be a problem for me. As nothing is a problem to me, I am Absolute.

I leave the building and begin to fly at a mile a second, getting to the mountain range in a minute and forty seconds. I hover over the forest, beginning to move into the deeper part slowly, like a walk in a garden. Taking in the beauty, it is really nice here no wonder he wishes to live here. I get about 100 miles into the mountain range before I see a palace, talk about compensating. I feel the small dick energy from the house he lives in, I teleport over it. Looking over the place, I see six women in their 40's or close to it. A dozen or so children from late teens to the youngest three are girls around 6. I see a man in his 40's it's got to be him as he is starting stage of nascent realm, I cast a sealing spell to lock the others from being able to move. As my target is the man, I won't do anything to the others as long as they keep their mouths shut. 

It happens so fast that everyone is shocked as chains wrap around the women and children, I cast a lightning bolt, and the man barely moves out of the way in time destroying the ground where he was in a 20-foot range. I am impressed he could do that, but it doesn't change anything as now they look at me. He looks at me trying to figure out what's going on, he can't feel any cultivations from me. But he isn't dumb to take me lightly as he changes into his dragon form at about 175 feet long, he opens his mouth to do some kind of breath attack. I cast a mid-level spell called reflect it makes a mirror sending back all attacks at twice its speed and power, the breath attack is absorbed and lunched back he is unable to dodge it getting hit by it and falling to the ground wounded by his own attack. I cast telekinesis a low-level mind magic, I break his neck. Making his body fall to the ground and stop moving, I cast soul destroyer a mid-level soul magic making sure to get his soul. His soul screams out and pain before disappearing from this plan.


Said the oldest child he looks to be 17ish; I slowly walk over and a woman call's out.

Please spare my child oh great one.

I look over to see a woman in black, with black horns on her head she is sexy. I guess, I will steal the dragon's harem while I am here. They are all exotic women, best take the gift that has come to my lap. She is a mid-golden core, no threat to me, I walk over to her. 

You want me to spare him? Why would I let someone who wishes me dead, go? If he knew to shut the fuck up, I would have let them go. But now that one of them has said that he will kill me I guess it's best for me to take care of the trash. But if you ladies become mine, I could let them go. As a gift to my women, the choice is yours.

I summon a magic circle and put them in front of the ladies, telling them the moment they touch the middle of the circle they will be mine to the end of time. I will give them five minutes to think about, before they can put their hands on it. I go and dig out the core that the city lord wants putting it in my bag of holding, as well as the body of the dragon as I am pretty sure it can go for a good price maybe a couple of million spirt stones. I take his storage ring and throw it to wear the oldest girl is. She looks at me and then the ring, as tears fall, I release one of her hands and she grabs the ring crying. I walk over to the older women, and release one of their hands.

What is your choice?

They all look at each other and let tears fall as they put their hands on the circle, the boy screams and cusses me out. He needs to learn his place, so I will take his mother in front of him as a price for the stupidity of not knowing when to shut the fuck up. His mother is willing to lose her freedom for him, it would be best to be quite if he isn't strong. That shit will get you killed, the women place their hands, and the spell activates runic magic burst out from it going into them down to the soul binding them to me for all eternity even in the next life. They will come to me. I walk to the black horned one and speak.

What is your name?

My name is Daiyu, dear.

She said as she bowed, I pull her up from the hand and walk her until we stand before her son. She looks at me wondering what I am doing, I slide one hand into her dress playing with her breast she wanted to fight back but she couldn't. She tries to hold the moans, but I order her to not hold back the moans. Making her moan known, I look at the foolish boy. I pull open her dress showing her ample breast, I pinch and flick her nipples as he watches me. He starts cursing louder, I break into a laugh shutting him up.

You don't even understand why I am doing this; you mother was willing to give up her freedom for you and the lives of the others. And here you are threatening me over and over, I won't kill you as that's what I promised them. But I will fuck your mother in front of you, to make you know that it was you that made her go through this. If you shut that stupid mouth up, I would have just left. Now I need to make you know your place, as your mother bounces on my dick. This is your doing.

I pull her dress completely off letting her naked body shine in the open, she tries to hide it, and I tell her to show me. Making her lower her hands, he pink nipples and a little bush above her pussy. Makes my cock get hard, I pull it out and she is taken aback by the size. Its twice as large as her dead mates, dragon males are bigger than males of this world, but they aren't bigger than me.

Suck my cock Daiyu dear, show your son the act of tasting my cock. Show him the error of not knowing when to shut the fuck up, as you enjoy the taste of my cock.

She tries to fight it, but her body won't listen to her as she falls to her knees and takes my cock into her mouth as her long tongue wraps around it as she pushes it all the way in and pulls it back out, I cast a aphrodisiac spell on my pre cum. So, the more she drinks the hornier she gets. She starts to heat up after three minutes of sucking my cock, her pussy starts to leak in front of her son. She even starts playing with her pussy forgetting that her son is here, she is lost in the taste of my cock. Completely focused on it like it's the only thing important right now, her son starts to get angry at her. He snaps and calls her a whore. Snapping her out of the focus, and she starts to cry, and I pull her up kissing her. Shocking her as I cast a spell called Soothing hands it makes negative emotions go away and replaces them with a pleasant feeling of warmth and kindness. She wraps her arms around me, returning the kiss. As I slowly break down her love for her son. I pull back and touch her face and speak to her.

 Your son is horrible; he makes you give up your freedom. Then makes you have to do this in public and now wants to call you a whore. Even when it's his fault your being made to do this in the first place, you're too good of a woman to be tied to him. Why don't you leave your past and make a new one with me, I will love you for all time and never call you something like whore for self-sacrifice. Become my woman and you will feel true happiness and love like no other, you can have new children that won't turn their backs on you when you're at you lowest. Be my woman, give yourself to me.

I kiss her neck as I speak these words to the world, I can see that it's breaking the family ties they are snapping until she finally reaches her own hand to my cock guiding it to her pussy, as she says make me your woman.

I smile and push my cock into her pussy right in front of her son, I pick her up and walk over to him. Fucking her hard and fast to make her pussy gush with liquid as it splashes his face, she moans loud and starts to scream.


The other dragoness are blushing at the situation as its full of lust and mating making them feel horny but don't want to show it. We go at it for thirty minutes as she squirts all over him twice and I finally blow my load into her tight dragon pussy filling her up. I pull out and let it gush all over the son, making him wish to kill me. But there is no way you ever can, it's a failed dream before it even started. She bites my neck to mark me, as she purrs in bliss of our love making. I carry her over to the other woman and clean her with care making them watch. You have to show your gentle side every once in a while, to weaking their defenses. I go get her clothes and dress her while letting her rest as she smiles at me, I tell the woman they can go get the youngest once's as they are only 6 years of age. And they still need y'all the rest are in their teens and can look after themselves.

Daiyu and two others are happy, but the other three are sad so I tell them they can go hug and give them what they need to. I promise to let the meet each other as long as none of them try anything funny, I gave them kindness once. I don't do it again, it's a onetime offer. The women hug and kiss them goodbye while give them their storage rings saying they have stuff to help them in it. And to not go for revenge as I am way to strong as their father couldn't do anything against me and they can't even feel power from me. And I am letting them meet, as long as we don't make trouble. Don't risk their lives for something stupid like revenge, nature is kill or be killed their father just meet someone stronger.

They come back after saying their goodbyes.

Those spells will go away after twenty minutes I casted a protective spell around the palace that will last 3 days. So, nothing will hurt y'all for the time being, leave see the world or stay here I don't care. This is for your mothers' feelings, as they are now mine. I shall look after them. Goodbye. I will let them come back here in every two years; this is the place y'all can meet. I wish you the best of luck. 

I lift the woman and little girls with me, and we teleport away.