
The Mage Battle God

Laurellius. An apprentice mage of beneath-average talent who dreams of becoming a famous mage in the entire Arcana Empire was desperate to enroll in the famous Arcanum Academy. However, due to inferior skills, he found himself at high risk of failing. With the entrance exams only a week away, and his abysmal ability to cast 2nd Tier magic, Laurellius does his best to succeed. Desperately, Laurellius continued to push himself. . . until one day, he met a girl. A girl with a lot of her secrets and mysterious origins. Follow Laurellius’ journey, as he continues to push forward the harshness of reality, and the determination for greater heights. (Note: I am not the owner of the cover. If you are the owner and want to take it down, please dm me.)

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Silence took over the room, but it was Fran who broke the silence. She made a wry smile and then spoke: "W-Well that was awkward... Ahaha.."


Laurellius too scratched his head with a wry smile.


Fran then stood. She looked at Laurellius, as she excused herself: "Well then, I'm sure you still need rest, so I'll be excusing myself."


She then took out a small box. It was only a bit bigger than a fist. "Which hand of yours was unharmed again?" she asked.


"The right one."


Fran smiled and then handed the small box in Laurellius' right hand.


"I'll visit again later, so don't push yourself too much, okay?" she said with a sweet smile.


Laurellius' face reddened, as he replied, "Yeah... Take care of yourself."


Somehow, he felt so cringey with that kind of parting words, but it couldn't be helped. After all, Laurellius didn't interact much with girls other than his sister. If he had time for women, wouldn't it be more productive to use it to train instead?


But unbeknownst to him, Laurellius' brows were twitching.


Fran laughed at his expression but answered back to reduce the embarrassment. "You too, Laurellius."


She then left as she closed the door.


Silence pervaded the room, as Laurellius felt a bit lonely.


Yeah. I guess getting used to rowdy people would make you lonely when alone.


Well, not like I'm alone though.


He glanced at his little sister that was still sleeping, and a smile formed on his face. She was his only family in this place, and he vowed to his parents that he'd protect her no matter what. Even if he had to hurt someone else.


Come to think of it...


A thought entered Laurellius' head, as he began moving the mana in his body.


Wasn't I stabbed by that slave trader's knife? Does that mean I was injected with Manabane liquid?!


However, it seems he was mistaken as his mana flowed exactly as he wanted. Laurellius heaved a sigh of relief. At the very least, he still maintained his magical prowess.


Yeah... It looks like I can still strive to fulfill those promises...


Oh! What about her..?


Avarosa came to mind as Laurellius called to her.  "Avarosa? Are you there?"


However, no answer came. Perhaps she really was gone.


Well, that's no surprise. She should be a fairly powerful being, so I doubt she'd stay with someone like me. Especially from what happened...


Yet contrary to Laurellius' thoughts, Avarosa's voice reached his ears.


"I truly cannot comprehend as to why you would hold yourself in such low esteem. Has your cowardice influenced other aspects of your mind?"


"Huh?" Laurellius was shocked, as he turned to the direction the voice came from. "Avarosa..?"


Avarosa, who for some reason, was out from the sealed core, and was sitting beside his sister. Stroking his sister's hair. She turned to him, and spoke with a blank expression: "You seem well, plebeian."


"You're out..." Laurellius muttered absentmindedly.


An expression of sorrow appeared in Avarosa's face for an instant, but it was soon replaced by prideful indifference. She spoke: "Yes. However, due to some circumstances, I am bound to you, and your life is bound to mine."


Laurellius was dumbfounded by her words. He stared at her blankly, and asked: "Huh? What do you mean by that."


"It was a contract. However, as I possess no Element on my Trinity Base—Or possesses no physical body, to be precise—I cannot sustain my soul. As such I am forced to reside within your Innate Domain. However, such a case is unforgivable, as I only incurred loss. So I bound your life to mine in turn."


"W-W-wait, wait! When did I sign a contract?!" Laurellius asked with panic.


"You were unconscious that time, so I manipulated your domain and used it to agree. After all, the domain is a part of you. So it was valid."


Laurellius was starting to grow angry. It was rare, but he was really angry. "Don't mess with me! Why did you do that on your own?!"


But contrary to Laurellius' expectations, Avarosa had an indignant expression, as she grit her teeth. With a grave tone, she spoke: "You think I wanted this result?! Do you think I even had a choice to save you?!"


"That..." Laurellius faltered.


However, Avarosa was far from done. She grabbed the collar of his clothes, as she let out her frustrations:  "If it had not for you losing your mind, I would not have been forced to form a contract! Had it not for your cowardly self, I wouldst not have been sealed within thy Innate Domain! AND HAD IT NOT FOR YOUR STUPIDITY..."


She paused, and continued in a low voice: "...you would not have been taken captive."


Laurellius' eyes instantly widened. Now that he thought of it, everything was his own fault. His becoming life bound to Avarosa was just a result. But in the end, the main cause of everything was because he was stupid enough to let himself be abducted.


It was all his fault. And now, he had dragged a girl he never knew into his own problems.


Laurellius hung his head. Guilt welled up inside his chest, as he realized he'd just been searching for someone to blame.


Even though it was clearly my fault... How lame.


Laurellius sighed. He then faced Avarosa with a sorry expression and spoke in an apologetic tone of voice:  "Sorry. It was all my fault. I'm... really sorry for dragging you into this..."


His voice trailed as he continued.


Avarosa seemed to have gotten his point, as she scoffed, and turned her gaze away. She spoke:  "Hear me, plebeian. I shall not forget this debt. You will definitely make amends in this."


Still downcast, Laurellius gave a wry smile. He wasn't exactly sure how she'll take her amendments, but he was sure it would be nothing simple.


I guess this adds another promise to the pool, huh..?


A promise to pay her back for helping him. And when he thought of it, another thing came to mind.


"By the way, Avarosa," Laurellius spoke, but Avarosa butted in and corrected.


"You are not allowed to speak my name without permission, plebeian. Know your place," she spoke coldly.


Cold sweat trickled down Laurellius' forehead, as he made another wry smile. He spoke: "Sorry. Then how should I call you? I don't think you'll like it if I just give a nickname."


Avarosa thought for a while and spoke:  " Your Highness would have been fitting.. but I no longer hold power over the Profound Celestial Palace. As one beneath me... you will call me Master from now on."


"No, wait. Just a second," Laurellius spoke up with a "Stop" gesture:  "Why am I beneath you? Wasn't the contract one of mutual dependence?.."


Laurellius paused, as he groaned inwardly. Ugh.. I've been listening to her too much. Now I talk weird...


He cleared his throat. He then spoke: " Ahem... in any case, I don't get why I have to call you Master."


However, Avarosa scoffed as if hinting that Laurellius failed to realize something so obvious:  "It is only natural, is it not? You are inferior to me in every way. You are inferior in Power. You are inferior in knowledge. You are inferior in abilities. It is common knowledge that the inferior bows to the superior."


"Ah." Laurellius couldn't exactly refute her words, but for some reason, something just didn't feel right.


Finally, Laurellius sighed. With a troubled expression, he spoke:  "Actually, I'm enrolling in the Academy this week so. . ."


"You suggest we part ways?"


"Well," Laurellius scratched his cheeks, "That's basically it."


Avarosa's brow raised in interest, and she rested her chin on the back of her hand. She seemed to be pondering. After a while, she grinned as she spoke:


"Very well..."


Her words made Laurellius let out a sigh of relief, however, he was naïve.


"...this Academy is a place of learning, is it not? I have made my mind to attend. This Academy ought to be grateful as I shall grace it with my presence." She said as her grin became wider.


Laurellius inadvertently placed a palm on his forehead.


No matter how much I think of it, my future screams trouble...


•  •  •


Three days later...


Laurellius worked on another magic device for the day and did it far faster and more precise than he had three days prior. Mr. Hicks who saw his speed, was amazed: "Alright, be honest, Laurel boy, did you eat anything strange? Like the bullshit red fruit in the stories?"


Laurellius made a wry smile. He hadn't expected the example. He spoke: "Umm... I am not sure that fruit's supposed to exist. I mean, if there are, it would have been famous no matter how expensive."


"It's just an example. Anyway, fess up. What did you do to improve this quick?"


Laurellius suddenly tensed up as he hadn't expected anyone to notice. It looked like he got too carried away again.


Hiding the truth, Laurellius shrugged as he spoke:  "I'm not really sure. Maybe it's because I had rest? I mean, I didn't do much practice when I was in the hospital. "


"Hm? Did you get in the hospital? "


"I still haven't said it?" Laurellius asked. He then scratched his head. "I got involved in a certain incident two days ago. Abducted by slave traders. I was lucky I got saved by the Inquisition Commander."


"Abducted, huh?" Mr. Hicks muttered. "Come to think of it. You weren't here three days ago. Was that when?"


Laurellius nodded.


Mr. Hicks made an expression of pity:  "Whoaa... You really are a lucky guy, eh?.. Not only you get to be saved by the famous Vergil, you even got yourself a stunning girl."


Laurellius suddenly paused what he was doing:  "A girl? I don't remember getting a girlfriend though?"


Mr. Hicks grinned, and approached him and patted his shoulder:  "Don't play dumb, Laurel boy. You think I didn't see you with that gorgeous young girl? The one with the golden hair?"


Laurellius scratched his head, as he made a wry smile. He tried to with a dry laugh:  " Ahaha... We aren't actually lovers or anything. It's even doubtful if we're friends..."


However, it seems Mr. Hicks misunderstood his denial, as he kept on patting his shoulders:  " Ahaha! It's fine! I understand! I really do!"


"Like I said, it's not like that—ow! Hey, your Pat's are beginning to hurt! Ow! I said stop it!" Laurellius complained.


Their pointless and comical exchange continued until wor time was over, and Laurellius prepared to leave. He stood, and bid farewell: "Well then, I still have to prepare for the entrance exam in three days. Thanks for all the help, Mr. Hicks!"


He then left.


•  •  •


The moment Laurellius returned to the Bearcat's Inn, he went straight to his room. He stood by the door and called out:  " Nell, it's me. Can you open the door?"


"Okay! I'm coming!" Nell's voice came from the inside.


The door then opened, and Nell's head poked out. Laurellius' lips curled upwards, as he spoke:  "What are you doing? You usually don't do as I say and keep forgetting to lock the door. Did something happen?"


However, before Nell answered, a familiar haughty voice reached Laurellius' ears.


"It was my suggestion that she lock the door," Avarosa who suddenly appeared from the inside, spoke. "I do not take kindly to unauthorized entrance to my territory."


But this isn't your territory though...


Laurellius made a subconscious groan the moment he knew she was here. With a nervous expression, he asked: "Why are you here?"


"I had none any chore nor duty to fulfill. As such, I sought your sister to aid my amusement." Avarosa explained.


Laurellius sighed. It had been three days, yet he was finding it harder and harder to understand her words. However, he understood her words just now: " In other words, you were bored."


" Yes."


Laurellius placed a palm on his forehead. The day couldn't get any worse.