
The Mage Battle God

Laurellius. An apprentice mage of beneath-average talent who dreams of becoming a famous mage in the entire Arcana Empire was desperate to enroll in the famous Arcanum Academy. However, due to inferior skills, he found himself at high risk of failing. With the entrance exams only a week away, and his abysmal ability to cast 2nd Tier magic, Laurellius does his best to succeed. Desperately, Laurellius continued to push himself. . . until one day, he met a girl. A girl with a lot of her secrets and mysterious origins. Follow Laurellius’ journey, as he continues to push forward the harshness of reality, and the determination for greater heights. (Note: I am not the owner of the cover. If you are the owner and want to take it down, please dm me.)

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Avarosa's Offer


The Realm of being a Novice Mage was also known as the First Realm. It was where one truly becomes a mage. The moment one breaks through from being an Apprentice Mage to a Novice Mage, they are permanently released from the shackles of being ordinary and becomes a complete being of the world of mysteries.


"I… broke through…?" Laurellius muttered in disbelief.


Of course, it wasn't that it was completely unexpected. Ever since he got entangled with Avarosa where his entire lifestyle had gone strange ever since, Laurellius had this strange feeling that he was getting stronger with every passing second.


And before he met Avarosa about a week ago, he had already estimated that he could breakthrough somewhere within the next month, and that was further sped up by the fact that Avarosa had awakened his Innate Domain.


However, personally experiencing the breakthrough was completely different from mere expecting it.


"I… did it…" Laurellius muttered with suppressed emotions in his tone. But those emotions only lasted a short while, and disappointment then followed up in Laurellius' expression.


'Ah… that's right. I still don't have any elemental aptitude…'


The power of the Mages revolved around their manipulation of elements. They controlled and guided the elements around them, and used them as foundations for their spells. Though there were a few spells that a mage could use without the power of elements, they were weak in power and could easily be resisted.


But it seems Laurellius would not be able to properly use any spells other than those.


Laurellius gritted his teeth.


'Do I really have to throw away all my efforts and just become a wizard instead?'


Though it sounded the same to the common folks, wizards and mages were not the same. If mages were people who manipulated the elements, then wizards were the opposite to it. They were a group of people who let the element guide them. They channeled the power of laws and elements into their bodies, and carved it into their very being, thus imitating its power.


Of course, as they they were guided, they would have to live their life based on the way their elements existed. Those who channeled the power of fire in their bodies become hot-blooded, those that channeled the power of wood loses a large portion of their intelligent thinking, and those that channeled the power of earth would gain tremendous weight.


It was a double-edged system of magic. Or was it even a system? Laurellius wasn't really sure, but he was sure that they weren't mages and more closer to druids.


Meanwhile, Nell who saw the quick changes in Laurellius' face in a short amount of time, made a concerned look at Laurellius. She spoke: "Rell, are you okay? Your tummy hurts?"


Laurellius snapped out of his daze and made a wry smile towards Nell. "No, I'm fine. My body hurt for a moment. It's gone now."


Nell made a relieved smile and patted her chest. "Oh, I see. I thought I hurt you again, hehe…"


A small smile began to form on Laurellius' face as he looked at her sister. Perhaps she was the only person who worried about him in the truest sense. He had seen a lot of people show concern for him, but most of them were all superficial concern. He knew…


Laurellius patted Nell on the head. He chuckled as he spoke: "Don't worry. I just need a bit more rest, and I'll be fine. Can you let me rest for a while?"


Nell beamed a smile, and nodded.


And so, Laurellius rested once more.




The next day…


Laurellius sat on a rocky river shore a few kilometers south of Arcanum Academy City. He didn't know why he was there, but he simply wanted time to recollect himself.


Raising his gaze to the clear azure skies, he sighed.


'What rotten luck I have,' he thought. 'I wonder if I did something wrong in my last life? People often said one's fate is directly linked to one's deed in his previous lifetime.'


Laurellius didn't exactly believe those kind of superstitions, but strange enough, when people encounters some hardships they quickly turn and seek answers from the supernatural. People were just like that. Trying to make sense from what doesn't.


And Laurellius didn't really think his life made sense. He'd often think he was the most unfortunate person in the world.


And from his situation, it couldn't be blamed. Sure, some good things happened to him lately, but all of those were followed with misfortune. Just when the 'talent' that he used to lack were now something he has a bit of, it turned out, he was someone without a talent to be a mage.


Mages were often called elementalists, as they relied mostly on the power of the elements. However, Laurellius didn't have any aptitude for a single element. Which means he would be limited to the spells that weren't strengthened by elemental empowerment.


Was someone like that even a mage--and elementalist?


"As if it was…" Laurellius muttered with self-ridicule.


He sighed once again, "Should I just abandon being a mage and switch to being a wizard?" he deliberated.


Laurellius quickly shook the thought away. He had invested three years--three and a half even, in becoming a mage. He doubted he would be able to switch now, especially since he didn't have any resources nor tutors. He could only be a mage.


'Perhaps I could ask Avarosa for help?' Laurellius though, 'If it's her, then she surely has way to make me stronger…'


He seriously considered the thought. He didn't know how powerful she was, but she was strong enough to take on a mage who could cast a 4th Tier Spell. That would mean that she was at least as capable strong as a mage in the Fourth Realm. The Elder Mage Realm.


Laurellius clutched his head as he told himself "What are you thinking, you idiot! There's no way she would agr--"


"Very well. In one condition." as Laurellius was denying himself, a voice suddenly came from behind him.


Laurellius' eyes widened in dumbfound. He slowly turned behind him, and sure enough, Avarosa was standing there with her arms crossed.


"Avarosa..?" Laurellius spoke unconsciously.


Avarosa raised a brow and looked at Laurellius with contempt and displeasure, "What is it, plebeian? We're you not seeking my help?"


"N-No, it's just…" Laurellius stuttered.


"It matters not," Avarosa said, "I only want your answer. I shall help you, but I have a condition, will you agree?"


It was a tempting offer for Laurellius. He needed to get stronger, and he wanted to at least graduate the Academy. In order to do that, he needed power.


"You won't tell me the condition beforehand?" Laurellius asked. Avarosa didn't answer.


"I see…" Laurellius lowered his head and pondered. But not long after…


"Alright. I'll do it." He agreed.


Avarosa smiled. It was a beautiful smile, if Laurellius was to be honest, but for some reason, it seemed ominous. He was not liking the repeating ominous feelings this past week.


"Give me a drop of blood," Avarosa suddenly demanded. Her eyes were saying that she would refuse all rejection.


Laurellius bit on his finger. The one that he had bitten before during the aptitude exams, but he hadn't noticed that it had healed. Did Avarosa heal it when she brought him back from the outskirts of the forest?


His finger bled, and he pointed it towards Avarosa. The blood on the tip of his finger began to move, and it then separated from his hand, forming a spherical bead the size of a pinky. It flew towards Avarosa, and stopped about a meter away from her.


Avarosa then began chanting in an unknown language. For some reason, Laurellius could feel all of his mana stirring inside his body.


"Huh?" It felt like something got was wriggling inside him, and it seemed almost…alive.


However, he was not able to inspect the sensation in detail as Avarosa finished chanting not long after. The drop of blood in front of her began to emit a glow, and it slowly expanded in size. When it was finished morphing, Laurellius saw what it had become.


It was a sheet of paper, or something similar.


"That is..?" Laurellius was curious.


"A contract," Avarosa said, "one that is bound by the laws."


Laurellius' eyes widened. Bound by the power of the laws?! Just how powerful is she to make the Laws acknowledge her as equal?!


It was common sense among mages that the Laws were semi-sentient. Some might even form spirits in certain worlds, but it was something that was only heard of in legends. And for Avarosa to make the Laws even notice her, perhaps she was more powerful than Laurellius initially thought.


 With mild turmoil in his mind, Laurellius asked: "What is the contract about?"


"Simple," Avarosa stated, "In the future, I will give you a task and you are not allowed to refuse. You cannot, as the Laws will either kill you…"


She paused, then stared at Laurellius coldly, "I will kill you myself. Or even those you hold dear."


Laurellius' face paled as his body temporarily went cold. He returned to normal quickly, but he knew Avarosa wasn't kidding. He just knew.


Laurellius clenched his fist. He had was hesitating a bit, but he suddenly remembered. 'Yeah… I have to do this. I'd rather do a task from her than return to being useless. I don't want that.'


'And Nell too, had magical talents. I'm sure father would only shift the expectations from me to Nell if I fail.'


And that was why he couldn't afford to fail. He needed to succeed in being a mage. For himself, and for his sister.


Laurellius gave Avarosa a resolute gaze. His resolve seemed burning inside his chest, and his heart was pounding, thundering inside his eardrums. In a firm tone, he spoke: "What do I do?"


Avarosa smiled. The paper in front of her flew towards Laurellius, "Pour your powe--no, your mana inside the paper. It will do the rest."


Laurellius nodded, and poured mana into the paper sheet. It emitted a blinding glow, and then it vanished.


It was gone like it never existed.


"Huh?" Laurellius was confused. He was expecting something more flashy.


"Were you expecting more?" Avarosa asked with a mischievous face. It was a rare expression, so she must've been in a good mood.


Laurellius gave an awkward nod.


Avarosa sighed. He truly was a fool. What point would it have if the contract was more flashy? It might even attract needless attention which might cause trouble later. It had happened countless times before, and the Laws were not fools.


Avarosa waved her hand in dismissal, "Well, it matters not. Follow me."


Laurellius was curious, "Where to?" he asked.

