
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantasia
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26 Chs

Chapter 18: Adrian and the Princess

After Aurelius introduced Alexa to Marcella, it was unanimously decided to host a grand banquet in honor of the former queen of Sapphire. This opulent affair was strategically orchestrated to divert attention while Magnus, Theodore, and Maximilian discreetly executed their mission: planting the crucial evidence required to dismantle House Evergreen. 

Every distinguished household of the realm received invitations to this illustrious event, adding to the anticipation and intrigue surrounding Marcella's return. 

Marcella was beloved by the Sapphirians. Renowned for her beauty, kindness, and profound wisdom, she was cherished as the epitome of an ideal monarch. The tragic events that befell her and Aurelius broke the hearts of the Sapphirians. Since the death of Prince Cassian, Marcella hasn't stepped foot in Sapphire soil. The realm mourned their loss. The subsequent divorce only deepened the sense of sorrow and loss, leaving a void in the hearts of the people. It was as though the King had lost all life within him and so did the Kingdom. 

The mere mention of Marcella's impending visit sparked a fervor across the kingdom, with the populace eagerly anticipating the opportunity to catch a glimpse of their beloved former queen once more.

Meanwhile, in the Princess's Palace, Eternia sat in her bed with Adrian and Whisper, her spirit fox. It was decided that the children won't be attending the festivities tonight. 

"Adrian," Eternia called her hands gently shaking the sleeping boy. 

Adrian opened his eyes, tired from the events that happened that day. He yawned, stretching his arms. "Can't I sleep more?" he asked, "Creating evidence isn't an easy task, you know?"

"Evidence?" Eternia beamed in curiosity, climbing on top of the half-asleep boy. "What do you mean evidence?" She shook him harder, determined to wake him up. "Come on, Adrian!"

Adrian gently pushed her off him, sitting up. "It doesn't concern you, Princess," he said, flicking her forehead. "Why don't you read a book? I'm really tired. I may be an ancient warlock, but my body is that of a boy."

"Can you tell me about your past?" Eternia asked curiously, "Looking back, you never really talk about it. I hardly know anything about you."

You don't need to know that, Princess, Adrian thought. 

Eternia pressed her hands together, pleading, "Please? How can we be friends if I don't know anything about you? You know a lot about me. That's not fair, is it?"

Adrian let out an exasperated sigh, trying to recall his past. What could he tell her? So many things happened… So many fun memories and so many tragedies… 

Eternia tugged on his sleeve, a pout on her lips. "Can you tell me how you ended up in the tower in the first place?" she asked, her eyes sparkling in curiosity. "Please," she added, her tone sweet and alluring.

How did I end up in the tower? Adrian thought hard. How did he end up in the tower? How was a powerful warlock such as he be defeated? The recollection of memories surged like a torrent, each one carrying a sharp pang of pain that echoed in his chest. 

Amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, a vision emerged—a girl with cascading black locks and eyes akin to gleaming sapphires. Though her features remained obscured, her presence enveloped him with a sense of familiarity. Her touch was gentle, her voice a soothing melody that echoed in his mind. In that moment, she offered him everything—her love, her essence, her very being. They became entwined, bound together in a union that transcended mortal understanding. 

Eternia's voice cut through the haze of his reverie, her concern palpable as she reached out to touch his cheek. "Adrian?" Her words pierced the veil of his turmoil, grounding him in the present. With her presence, his erratic breaths steadied, returning to normal. 

"I'm fine," Adrian assured her with a half smile. What was that? He didn't understand the memory that befell him. He didn't know who she was or what connection they had. It was like a dream. He held Eternia's hand with a smile and began to tell her what he could remember. 

"My name, as you already know, is Adrian. Adrian Shadowbane. Once, I held great power as a warlock. They called me the Arcane Sentinel—a Crystal Guardian renowned for my mastery over mana. From a young age, I displayed prodigious talent in magic and excelled as a knight. Over time, I became a formidable figure—a Royal Magician, Knight, and Guardian of Crystalia. For years, I defended our realm with unwavering devotion, until betrayal cast me into the depths of that tower."

Eternia observed the pain etched in Adrian's features as he recounted his tumultuous past. To be betrayed by those he swore to protect weighed heavily upon him. She squeezed his hand in silent solidarity. "Did they kill you?" she inquired softly.

Adrian's smile was tinged with a darkness that sent a chill down Eternia's spine. "They couldn't if they tried," he replied, his voice laced with an ominous edge. 

"I became the Abyssal Dread—a being they feared greatly. Their treachery inflicted wounds that cut deep. I recall countless battles against mages who sought to end me, yet none could rival my power. I was like a possessed demon, unstoppable in my fury. Eventually, they uncovered a vulnerability. How they imprisoned me in that tower escapes my memory, but I swore an oath to exact vengeance upon those responsible." 

"Why would they do that to you?" Eternia asked, enraged by what she had heard. Adrian was a good friend to her. Her heart ached and she found herself wrapping her arms around him. 

Adrian smiled, embracing her back. Somehow, she reminded him of someone from his past. He couldn't figure out who it was, but he was certain it was a person with a great heart. "Are you angry for me?" he asked curiously. 

"Of course, I am!" Eternia held him tighter, her face burrowed in his shoulder. "You're like family to me, Adrian. You're a good person… I can't imagine why they would do that to you!" 

"I suppose you're like family to me too, Princess," Adrian admitted, stroking her back. "Which is why I couldn't just stand and watch Alexa destroy you." He pulled away gently, cupping her face with his hands. "You're like a sister to me, Eternia," his tone became serious, "I find you incredibly annoying and exhausting. You tire me out every day, and yet, I find myself drawn to you more and more. The thought of you getting hurt angers me."

"That's why you told my father," Eternia concluded. 

Adrian nodded, his gaze softening as he gently lifted the fabric of Eternia's dress to reveal her calves. If I wasn't trapped in this body, healing this child would be easy, he mused. With practiced precision, his hand emanated a soft glow as he began to mend one of the scars on her leg. He hissed, feeling a sharp pain as the scar was erased from her soft skin. 

"Stop," Eternia reached for his wrist, her touch gentle but firm. "Healing me is hurting you, isn't it? My mother experienced the same thing."

Adrian paused, meeting her concerned gaze. "Healing you wouldn't destroy me, Eternia," he reassured her softly, though a shadow of discomfort flickered across his features. "Unfortunately, because I'm trapped in this form, it would take longer than it should. When the time is right, we'll travel to Crystalia. Your mother, powerful healers, and I will ensure that all the scars in your body will be erased."

Eternia nodded understandingly. "Alright," she agreed, "But please stop for now."

Out of curiosity, Adrian asked, "Did you and Alexander have a good time?" He was stuck in the meeting with the King so he was unable to accompany her. Naturally, he felt curious to know how well it turned out. Alexander is one of the candidates to become Eternia's other half, after all. 

Eternia pouted, recalling her failed date with Alexander. She really liked him, but because she wanted to protect her secret, she had to become what Alexa made her. She had to be cruel… In addition to that, he pitied her. "I lost a friend," she replied after a moment of silence. 

"How so?" Adrian asked in concern. He wasn't particularly fond of Alexander, but he didn't like seeing Eternia sad even more. "Did the brat do something to upset you? Do you want me to teach him a lesson?"

Eternia waved her hands nervously. "No," she says, "It's just that… I had to protect my secret."

"What do you mean?" Adrian questioned, his tone serious. 

"He saw the scars on my body. He has powerful magic flowing inside his body, Adrian," she explained, "He looked at me with pity. He changed drastically after seeing them—my scars. He became warmer…" She closed her eyes as she repeated what Alexander told her, "Before seeing the real you, I had no intentions of forming genuine bonds."

Adrian nodded in understanding. He recognized the weight of that declaration, the implicit acknowledgment of Eternia's struggle to be seen for who she truly was beneath the scars and burdens she carried. In Alexander's admission, Adrian sensed a reflection of Eternia's innermost fears—the fear of rejection, of being judged solely by the surface rather than the depth of her character. "To tell you the truth, I don't like Alexander. However, I know for a fact that he likes you; he just doesn't want to admit it," he says, patting Eternia's shoulder. "I see how much he admires you."

"Then why does he act so distant and cold?" Eternia questioned, her brows furrowing. 

"Boys are stubborn creatures who refuse to acknowledge their feelings. I know his father is pushing him towards you—that's something he hated," Adrian explained, "He doesn't like to be ordered around. Because of his father's orders, he fails to acknowledge the fact that he likes you. Perhaps seeing your scars made him angry. That emotion probably made him realize that he likes you and wants to be your friend."

Eternia blinked. "Boys are dumb," she concluded, folding her arms over her chest. I still can't believe that he likes me. If anything, he pities me. "By the way, how do you know these things?" she asked him curiously. "Were you in love once?"

Adrian's expression froze, his features mirroring a sudden realization that left him momentarily speechless. Why would you ask me that? He scratched his head, replying, "Well… To be honest, I don't remember most of my past."

"Oh," Eternia frowned. 

"But I suppose there was a time," Adrian admitted shyly. "There was a girl I fell in love with a long time ago… We were supposed to be married, but I don't think we were. It's really hard to remember."

"Was she pretty?" Eternia beamed, her eyes sparkling. 

Adrian practically jumped, his heart thumping in his chest. "Well," he scratched his head, trying to picture his lost love. What did she look like? I can't seem to recall her face… His thoughts went back to the vision he had earlier about the girl with long dark hair and blue eyes. "I suppose she was beautiful," he says, a smile gracing his lips. "Perhaps she's as pretty as you, Princess." He pinched her cheek until it turned red, earning a groan from her. "No more questions about love, alright? You're seven! You shouldn't be asking about such things."

Eternia giggled, gazing at Adrian's flushed cheeks. "Alright," she nodded. Who needs love when I have a friend like you, Adrian? 

A person from the past... Who could that be?

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