
The Mafia Boss's Ineffable Need

Ethan Mondragon, aka "Storm" lost faith in love as it was the reason that he lost his perfect life and family, turning him into a heartless monster that killed everyone getting his way without mercy. He swore to never submit to love. It wasn't until Julia Natividad came crashing into his life like a fireball— melting his icy heart and awakening his ineffable desire. Julia Natividad came to his life for one purpose— to redeem her sister's blood debt.

Skyra_Lee · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Even You


"Where do you think you can go, sweetheart?" Storm whispered in Julia's ear in a hoarse lustful voice. The air of his breathing blew on her ear, and that made her body shiver. It was hot and stimulating. Julia couldn't help but have butterflies fluttering on her stomach.

'This man is… something. How could he have such an impact on me?' Julia thought in panic. 'But wait? Why is he dragging me here? What's his plan? Shouldn't he be lying unconscious on the floor? It's not me who wants this! No! No! No! This can't be happening!'

Julia shook him, but he was so strong like a rock mountain. Her resistance only provoked Storm's desire to touch her.

Storm harshly hauled Julia towards the bed and tossed her there. He immediately pinned her with his burning body.

"No, don't do this to me!" Julia cried as she tried to wriggle him off. "Get off, please."

The room has no lights on. No one could see the expression of the other. But Storm's face was as sizzling as a stove and his gaze was dark. Despite the murky room, Julia could feel the man's lustful glare on her. It was as if his eyes could see under the darkness, stripping her with his look.

She felt a little uncomfortable because of that which was accompanied with a little pleasure trailing all over her body.

Storm slipped his rough hand under her dress while she kept begging him to stop but fell on deaf ears. He traced every inch of her body with his playful fingers as he crawled up even more until their heads leveled with each other. His breathing became heavier and rapid, "Since you don't want this, why did you start this in the first place?"

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Julia refused to admit what she did. Even if he would kill her, she was determined not to spill anything. "Get off me! I hate you!!"

Storm chuckled. "You hate me? Well, I'll be glad to make you hate me more."

Storm ripped her dress, and she screamed in fright. She screamed so loud hoping that someone could save her. It was even better if Diego could hear her. But, everyone had forgotten to remind her that the room was soundproof. No one could hear her even if she yelled on top of her lungs until all her veins on her neck broke apart.

"No, please. You can't do this to me. I beg you." Julia sobbed pleadingly. "I just want my stuff. I didn't mean to harm you."

"Didn't mean to harm me? So it's true?" Storm's voice was mad, filling the room with hostility. She could tell his rage from how cruel he was when he suddenly squeezed her breast as if he was just wringing a balloon. It caused her unbearable pain. "Why? I am being so lenient already for not killing you. And now you want to betray me as well? Why are all women such a bitch? Even you!!"

"I'm not a bitch! And… What are you talking about? Speak human!"

"So you're still brave enough to talk back to me, huh! No one had ever dared to talk back to me like this… Accept your punishment!" In Samantha's horror, Storm gave her a strong punch on her stomach, making her body arch under him from the pain.

She groaned as her body fell straight back to the bed. Now, she couldn't either move freely nor speak. The pain drained all her energy to even utter a growl.

Julia thought that this would be her end. She no longer had the chance to continue her journey to search for the man that her sister owed a blood debt. Once she died, she would never rest in peace. She lost her sister's necklace. She also failed to pay what they owed to that man.

Julia's tears silently fell on the pillow as she gritted her teeth in agony.

'I'm so weak and useless. I can't even finish my goal. Sister, forgive me. I failed you.' Julia thought as she waited for him to do the worst to her body. However, something unexpected happened. His powerful arms carried her and stuffed her underneath the bed.

Julia wondered what evilness entered this man's mind that he had to shove her under the bed. But her question was answered when he gave her a warning, "Make any noise or I'll chop you off into billions of pieces."

He neither waited for her to answer nor reminded her again. The hurrying sounds of his strides getting further was enough to tell her that he was walking away.

Then, she heard the clinking of bottles, it seemed like Storm just grabbed them or something.

'Where is he going? No. That sound..

 What is he exactly doing? Is he planning to make me drink that drugged wine as well? Oh God, I know that my sister made a grave and unforgivable mistake, but please, save me this once and help me atone for my sister's sin.' Julia begged as she bawled in silence.

Before Julia could wonder her thoughts even further, the door grunted as it flipped open, and someone's cautious steps entered the room and turned the lights on, dazzling their eyes from the sudden contact of the lights.

Julia peered her tearful eyes from under the bed. Seeing the man's blue slacks and black leather shoes, she assumed it was Diego. He closed the door and immediately approached Storm who was pretending to be weak and delirious on the couch.

Julia wanted to scream for help, but eventually stopped herself before she could make a noise. It was not Storm's threat that made her hesitate to disclose her presence, but Diego's thrilled voice that shocked her in horror, "Oh Storm, at last. You fall into my arms. Now, I can finally satisfy my craving for you. For your touch. You have no idea how long I'd been dreaming to have a taste on every inch of your body."

'Holy Christ! What have I done?' Julia weeped in her mind. She blamed herself for not asking Diego's purpose for this game. 'So it's because of this? Diego is into Storm and he wants to get him through this despicable way? What have I put myself into? He has the right to punish me!'

Diego sat next to Storm and lustfully caressed the latter's face. "Storm, I don't believe you're ugly. I can tell from your eyes that you're gorgeous. And tonight, I'll prove it. and please, I beg you, you must satisfy me."

Diego was about to pull off Storm's 

mask when suddenly, Storm's hand sneakily moved behind Diego and injected a syringe on his side.

Diego's body jerked slightly and within a second, his eyelids shut down and he collapsed on the floor.