
The Mafia Boss's Ineffable Need

Ethan Mondragon, aka "Storm" lost faith in love as it was the reason that he lost his perfect life and family, turning him into a heartless monster that killed everyone getting his way without mercy. He swore to never submit to love. It wasn't until Julia Natividad came crashing into his life like a fireball— melting his icy heart and awakening his ineffable desire. Julia Natividad came to his life for one purpose— to redeem her sister's blood debt.

Skyra_Lee · Realista
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16 Chs

Come With Me

In a private room in the second floor in Echanting Club, where they can look down in the main dance hall, higher individuals who were the members of organization The Hunters met up.

Wines and drinks are everywhere, laughters filled the room. Hostesses were serving them.

They were so liberated. Despite the presence of each others, they didn't restained themselves. One is kissing a sexy hostess. There was also a man opposite of Storm, sliding each of his hands on the thighs of two women clinging on his sides and kissed them in turns. The sight of that disgust Storm a lot but he didn't say a thing.

He just kept having that unfriendly vibes as he sat at the center of the couch like a King while he sip his wine from time to time. Only God knew how he managed while having his mask on.

On the other table, Reynald came to Marcus, but the latter ignore him.

"Hey, what's your problem?", asks Reynald. He had been noticing since earlier that Marcus was not in his normal self. Marcus never been this quite since they met. "Did you encounter some trouble? Or your teeths ache? Tell me."

Marcus put down his glass and faced Reynald annoyingly. "Why are you so noisy? Get lost and stay to Storm's side." 

"What's your problem?" Reynald frowned.

"My problem is… YOU." Marcus smirked. "You should stay away from me."

Reynald shook his head and sighed. "You're drunk. You should go back to your room." He offered Marcus a hand. "Come with me. I'll escort you back."

Marcus stared at his hand and chuckled bitterly. "No need. I don't want to act bitter here."

"Come with me." Reynald pulled Marcus up.

"Let go."

"Why are you acting like this to me today?"


"Hello, everyone!" Marcus's voice was disrupted by the enthusiastic announcement of someone's arrival. Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to the door and gasps in surprise to find Diego coming in with a woman. 

Not only they came together, the woman's hand was latched on Diego's arm.

The woman was beautiful despite her brown skin color. She has that captivating amber eyes and pointy nose. Her lips are small and looks natutally moists. Her figure was perfectly curvy and her long curly hair scattered seductively all over her shoulders.

She had that exotic beauty that every man couldn't resist but adore.

However, seeing her outfit, which was a halter red dress, they immediately understood that she was a new recruit hostess of the club.

Julia couldn't stop but pulled her dress down when everybody's eyes fell on her. It made her nauseaus to see their lustful gaze on her. She also had that urge to run off, but seeing that masked man that she was looking for, her courage returned.

'I have to do this. Bring him to that room and makes him drink that spikes wine. Then after that, take the necklace back.' Julia reminded herself.

"Smile." Diego whispered through a smile. "He is staring at you."

"Nah, he is killing me with his eyes." Julia replied.

"Don't tell me you want to back down?" 

"I'm not a quitter." Julia firmly said, though, she was damn anxious inside.

"Yoh, isn't that woman this morning?" Marcus asked as he widened his eyes. "Why is she here?"

"Shh, she is Diego's escort. Don't yell." Reynald said to Marcus.

"I'm going to drag her out. Watch me." Marcus attempted to walk towards Julia, but Reynald immediately stopped him by wrapping his arm around Marcus body.

"Stay here. Or I'll kiss you." Reynald threatened.

Marcus halted instantly hearing his threat. He stared at Reynald as if he just heard a joke, and smiled, "You can't do it."

"Try me." Reynald was serious.

Marcus gulped and sat out of no choice. "Alright. I'll stay. But I'm telling you this. I'm not afraid of your kiss. I'm afraid you'll disgrace me in front of everyone."


Under the lusftul gaze of all men in the room, Diego led Julia to Storm, who's cold aura turned frenzy even more.

"Happy Birthday, Storm." Diego greeted Ethan, wide smile reaching his ears. "I'm glad you showed up."

"Today is not my birthday. But thanks." Ethan emotionlessly said while cold eyes fixed on Julia.

Poor girl, if Diego was not holding her, she might have collapsed from the tension and anxiety that Ethan had caused to her mentally.

Julia should be the one who has the right to shoot dagger look on him because he took her precious stuff, but for some reason, the way he stared at her made her feel she did something wrong.

Julia frowned as she heard her own heart thumping so loud. 'What's wrong with this man?'

Diego cleared his throat when he noticed that the two still had their eyes locked. Hearing it, the two immediately moved their eyes away.

Ethan elegantly took a sip of his wine while Julia lowered her head as she clenched her fists.

"Oh Storm, would you mind if we sit next to you?" Diego asked.

"Whatever." Ethan replied in 'who cares' tone.

"Great." Diego was so happy that he almost jumped to Storm's arms, not knowing that Julia had let go of his arm and stood still in front of them. "Hey Julia. What are you doing? Sit here."

"I— ahHH!!" Julia screamed as she jumped forward in horror. Before she could realize what she did, she had jumped into Ethan's arms and intimately sat on his lap, with arms embracing tightly around his neck.

All people present in the room puffed in shock. And the noise inside fell into dead silence.

Ethan had his one hand raised to the air as it was still holding a glass with half amount of wine inside while the other hand raised on the side as if he was disgusted to touch her.

Ethan moved his cold and unfathomable gaze on Julia's face who also looked up on him and met his eyes. His Adam's apple bob as his gaze turned dark and sharp. 

"How long do you plan to sit on my lap?" Ethan asked in a tone that no words could explain. It was somehow annoyed but somehow delighted. Anyway, it was complicated.

"I-it's their fault. Someone just pinched my-my…" Julia gulped.

"Pinch your what?" Diego asked, who was frowning, unhappy to see Julia that was physically intimate to Ethan. "Get off!"

Hearing Diego's upset voice, Julia panicked. She immediately jumped down, causing her to create more mistakes.

By accident, Julia swung her hand in the air and knocked on Ethan's wrist, so, the glass in his hand slipped from his hand and it fell on his crotch, pouring the wine all over his stomach and crotch.

"Oh my God!" Diego exclaimed. "Julia, what did you do?"

Julia covered her lips. She looked like about to cry soon. "I-I didn't mean it. I was too afraid that— oh I don't know how to say it."

Julia covered her face. She was embarrassed and scared. She was about to sob silently on her palms while waiting for Ethan to humiliate her or hurt her when suddenly someone pinched her butt again. "Auh, pervert!!!"

Julia turned around to face the man behind her. It was that man who was in his late forties, with two hostesses clinging on him. 

"You‐ you touched me! How could you!" Julia accused Matheo.

Matheo just laughed at her and sneered. He didn't even hide the greed, lust, and his interest for Julia despite that everyone was watching them. "So what? You're a slut after all. So what if I touched your butt? Don't pretend you're innocent. I'm pretty sure that p*ssy of yours have gone loose. Slut, why don't you fuck with me?"

"Asshole!" Julia rushed to him and slapped him on his face, which again astonished the crowd. "You sick perverted asshole!"

"You hit me?" Matheo tossed two girls away and approached Julia. His face was raging mad and seemed eager to strangle Julia to death. "You whore, how dare you hit me? You'll pay for that, bitch."

Matheo reached out to choke Julia, but before he could touch her, someone from behind Julia pulled the girl backward as he smashed the glass of wine on the table.

Everybody was startled from the sound of glass breaking. As they trailed their eyes to the source of the sound, they found it was Ethan.

Ethan still held that broken glass on the table. He seemed to have frozen after he broke it. His gaze cold, but he exuded a murderous aura as he moved his eyes from the glass to Matheo. 

Reynald wanted to rush and checked if Ethan was hurt but he stopped himself when Julia showed concern before him.

"Oh my God, your hand." Julia immediately pulled his arm and checked if he was injured. "Are you hurt? Oh my God, your hand is bleeding. Silly jerk, why did you do that?"

Once again, the room fell into a dropdead silence hearing how Julia addressed Ethan. And as soon as she realized that she once said something wrong, she gulped as her hold tightened when his cold eyes narrowed slightly.


Ethan stood up and shut a sharp look at Matheo, "Make sure to have fun. Once you're done, Come to my office. We'll talk."

Matheo perspired instantly hearing Ethan's order. Because he knew, the talk that Ethan had said not only means they were just going to talk. It was pretty sure that there was something more awaiting for him in the office. Ethan's tone was like an open book. It told him warning.

Ethan grabbed Julia's arm and ordered, "And you. Come with me."

Under everyone's confused eyes, Julia went with Ethan while trying to match up with his long hurrying strides.

As they left the room, Diego smirked, and a sign of success glinted past his eyes.