
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Urbano
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86 Chs

Seeing Mr Jeff

Ashley ignored him and wanted to walked into the corridor and went back to her room, but Dave said,

"You don't walk out on me while am still talking to you, that's a bit rude"

Dave was still looking at her while she stopped and asked him

"Hmph fine!.. What do you want me to do for you?" Ashley turned to face him, and she saw Dave smiled, making her to cursed out inwardly for asking him such a silly questioned, that was making him to smile.

Ashley thought she could have just waited for him to said whatever he had wanted to said to her before she leaves other than do something to amuse him.

"Now you're sounding more like a good wife to be, Come!," Dave said and her brows furrowed, while she refused to move from where she was standing and crossed her arm around her chest.

Dave smiled and stood up and he remarked, "Now you are being naughty instead."

Dave approached her, while she took two more steps backwards as Dave drew closer to her. She continued to step backward to kept a distance between them but Dave continued to walk closer to her until she was wedge by the wall behind her, and couldn't move backward again.

Dave bursted out laughing as he now stood in front of her and she was amazed by his handsome looks.

"You don't seem to have good wife quality and you know it. Even the mistresses we hosted are far hotter than you're" Dave teased but Ashley rather frowned watching him tuck a strand of her hair away from covering her beautiful face and putting it behind her ear, as he gently tuck it behind her ear, while Ashley felt her heart warm up by his kind gestured to her, as her heart beat increased simultaneously, thinking Dave wanted to kissed her with that smug look on his face.

Dave ignored his desire burning in him and spoked to her,

"I just want you to tell me, if you truly missed me when i wasn't around or not?" Dave stared longingly to her face, meeting her brown eyes, as he could feel her heart beating loudly too, to what she was thinking

Ashley gulped and looked away from him. And she quickly pushed him and ran back to her room, leaving him surprised..

Dave decided to let her be as he wanted to went out and see his father.

Dave went back to his room after hers and changed into a more comfortable wear, putting on a top and  three-quarter trouser,  he came out and ate his dinner alone as Helen had already served it.

After finishing his food, he stood  up and went out of his apartment to see his father in the main mansion, about the recent happening.

"Greetings father, how have you been doing?" Dave asked as he stepped into his father's private office downstairs and took the opposite seat in front of his father.

Mr Jeff just kept quiet and didn't respond. Seeing that his father didn't respond Dave asked again,

"Did you get all the recent report of all that has been ongoing in the company father?."

Mr Jeff finally sighed and shifted his gaze away him to stare at the file he was reading before Dave entered inside his office.

Mr Jeff knew he hadn't told Dave anything about his mother past, about her being married before he forcefully snatched her away from her husband and son after destroying her husband's company and threatening to kill her little son.

He had wanted to kill Mr Tony whom was his best friend before as they normally did their businesses together in the past. But he became jealous after a day he went to pay Tony and his wife a visit in their home as he had never visited them since they got married. There he meet Tony's beautiful wife and she attracted him, he wondered where his friend had found such a beautiful and holy looking woman.

He fell in love with her and wanted her even though she had just put to bed and welcome a child for Tony his friend, My Jeff couldn't help but went behind Tony's back visiting his wife, and secretly giving her different expensive gifts, most especially hours he knew Tony wouldn't be around or at home with her.

When Tony found out about his coming to see his wife and the expensive gifts, Tony warned him to stayed away from his wife and focus on his own wife, as he was also married to Mrs Jeff by then, but he never respected his wife.

He entertained strippers and slept with prostitutes or young ladies to kept him company instead of saying faithful to his wife, as he was insatiable.

"How much do you want me to pay you Tony, just let me have your wife even if it's once," He had told his friend Tony.

"You must be stupid Jeff what makes you think I want to sell my wife to you, am warning you to stay away from my wife and focus on your own family," Tony had threatened him back then and sent him away cutting off all ties with him, and asking his security guard never to allow him into his compound again. But it did not end there.

He went on plotting with his men against Tony to attack him and destroy Tony's company, destroying everything Tony had laboured years hard for and shooting down his guards while kidnapping Tony's wife.

Tony's wife had pleaded with him then not to kill her little son or husband and she promised him that she will never go back to Tony again if he spared her little son's life and the father, He agreed and took Tony's beautiful wife away, leaving only the little boy whom was sleeping on the bed all alone in the house.

Jeff sighed as he remembered what he had done, he heard when Dave greeted him when he came into his home office but he was too lost in his thoughts to responded, now Tony's son was after his life and had threatened to destroy him completely same way he destroyed his father's business in the past.


Dave observed his father was lost in deep thoughts and he wondered what was eating his father up on the inside.

"Dad what's wrong? you haven't said anything yet since I got in here" Dave asked his father looking all worried as he knew his father was the only blood relative he had aside his step siblings that hated him and their mother.

He sighed and waited for his father to speak.

"Hmph.." Mr Jeff finally sighed

"I saw the recent damages too Dave. I can say nemesis as finally caught up with me," Mr Jeff shook his head in regret, as he feared for his children life as he has heard Norman was more ruthless and heartless compared to Dave. Although he had not seen photos or images of Norman, he wondered how Norman run things smoothly and secretly in shadows without revealing his face or identity to anyone only his name was known.

"Father what's troubling you, speak to me, I might be off help or assistance.. what's the problem or the nemesis you are talking about?," Dave questioned as he stared at his father.

Mr Jeff shook his head hesitating to tell Dave the truth.

He had destroyed a happy couple because of lust and envy yet the woman never loved him nor agreed to slept with him till her death except he forced himself on her.

He had always forced himself on her and raped her. She was very beautiful and Dave resembles her a lot only that Dave was a man.

Mr Jeff shook his head again, as he remembered how Mr Dot had advised him not to attack their friend's business but he refused telling Me Dot "You haven't seen this woman yet, she's very beautiful unlike my wife or the rest of the women I have come across. You should understand why Tony is alway hiding his wife" He had told his friend then, and Mr Dot kones laughed out when he heard how his friend was describing a married woman to him.

"Jeff let her be, she's married and already has a child for Tony, so many sweet ladies are out there, even young women and virgin if you want I can help you place order for them and you will have one, other than lusting after a married woman who dearly loves her husband" Mr Dot had advised him then but he refused

Lana had refused getting pregnant for him, he doesn't know how except for Dave that she had given birth too. He had caught her several times with abortion pills and knew that she has been terminating all the pregnancy that she had for him, after Dave. 

Mr Jeff didn't think too much about him not being Dave's real father because he knew when Lana was pregnant as he had first raped her then, before her stomach grew out bigger and she gave birth to Dave.

After throwing away the abortion pills he caught with her and raped her, same year Lana was killed by his first wife after she found out about his obsession with Lana, his first wife did not hesitated in spearing Lana's life out of jealousy. Mr Jeff shook his head in regret as it hurt him so much, because he had never loved nor wanted any woman as much as he wanted Dave's mother and her center, but he couldn't kill his wife to avenge Dave's mother death instead he decided to will all his assets to compensate Dave now he was still alive, so his wife and sons wouldn't plot to kill him and inherit all his assets leaving nothing to Dave, he sighed.