
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Urbano
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86 Chs

Banging Ashley

Ashley turned to looked back at Dave and she asked him, "Why are you angry with me Dave?."

"Just leave" Dave said, but Ashley fixed her eyes on his thighs, staring at his groin, and Dave frowned as he took out his cloth to wore them back.

Ashley came closer to him again and slight touched him in his member to feel his hard rod.

"What nonsense are you doing?" Dave asked her, getting irritated at her boldness, and Ashley looked up at him and said, "I want you Dave."

"No" Dave replied, seeing she was horny and he walked away from her, feeling too hot as well, As Ashley was indeed tormenting him.

"Why?.. Are you really a gay?" Ashley asked him, and Dave's blood boiled hot and he said to her, "Don't ask me that rubbish again, just leave, I want to sleep."

Ashley bit on her lower lip and she turned sadly and left his room, hurrying her steps as she ran back into her room.


Ashley broke down in sobs realizing how she just acted foolish seeing Dave naked, As she remembered how Dave had seen her naked too, and how she had reacted towards him.

Ashley frowned and couldn't slept as she kept on tossing herself around on her bed as sleeping was far away from her eyes. And all she wanted was to touch Dave, to felt his hard body and to kissed him too deeply, and yet, he sent her away from his room, like he felt nothing for her too.

Ashley sat up on her bed and went to got a bottle water to drink, and returning to her chamber, she sat on her bed again thinking deeply.

"Probably is best for me to just return back home before I do something foolish" Ashley said as she thought about her life.

Meanwhile Dave had gone back to shower again as he was feeling too hot and aroused, and he could have just grabbed Ashley and threw her to his bed and plunge himself deeply into her cave, but he thought against it, as he was still angry at her and even though he wanted her badly, he was still pissed off.

Dave went to his studying table were she had kept his food and he silently ate his food, He remembered her telling him that she wouldn't be able to slept knowing he was still angry with her, and he calmed and finished his food.

Dave later went to bed, but he couldn't also slept, as he hasn't slept with a woman before even though he had been around many of them including strippers and the ones doing prostitution, but he wasn't able to slept with them as he saw them as soft and weaklings.

Dave tossed around on his bed and not being able to sleep, thinking about Ashley alone was enough torture for him as his body crave for her, to touch her, his rod became hardened again wanting her and it ached him so much, that he stood up and decided to check on her.

Dave came to her room door, and knocked on it, As it was already after 2am in the midnight, 2:13am and Ashley wasn't yet sleeping.

Ashley stoop up and walked up to the door, opening it she saw Dave and he stared at her too, and her lips parted to asked him questioned but Dave pushed the door opened and stepped in.

Ashley closed the door and turned to face Dave, to asked him why he was there in her room, as he was the one whom just sent her out of his room few minutes ago.

Before Ashley could popped out the question from her mouth, Dave drew her closer to himself and he kissed her hard to her lips, placing her between the door and himself, as he leaned forward to her and kisses her lips.

Ashley returned his kisses too, as she really missed him for those few days that he wasn't around and Dave carried her up and took her to her bed.

"You haven't slept yet?" Dave asked her in.a hoarse voice, as he placed her gently on the bed.

"Yes.." Ashley shyly replied to him as he laid on top of her searching for her face, and turning her face to looked at him while he questioned her, "What were you doing in my father's mansion today? As I came back and saw you coming out from there?."

Dave looked sternly at her face and Ashley smiled and replied, "I just want a change of environment."

"And you dressed like that?" Dave asked looking directly at her face, and Ashley asked him, "It nothing, and besides weren't you the one whom ask Helen to buy such clothes for me, why are you now complaining now?."

"Well I should, you really do not know how beautiful you looked like, and I can't have other men staring at you like that" Dave said as he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly.

"I don't want to imagine you dress up for my stepbrothers, Don't ever go there again, is that understood?" Dave asked her playfully, but staring at her with a serious look on his face.

"Okay" Ashley replied as she raised her palms up and rub his face, touching his beards, and she pulled his head closer to hers and kissed him too to his lips, "Understood" She said.

"Good!" Dave replied and wanted to seat up but she held him back, crossing her legs wrapped around his waist and she pinned him back to herself, while she quickly crossed her arms around his neck and asked him, "Is that why you were angry with me?."

"Yes!" Dave replied wanting to stood up from her, as he was loosing his control, while she left go of his neck, removing her arms around him, as she slide her hands to touch his bare chest, Dave stared at her face and couldn't fight back to control urge to took her to cloud nine. As her boobs were partly exposed as her night gown was a light material.

Dave pulled opened her night gown and exposed her boobs, and he bent and sucked on her mounds and Ashley moaned biting her lips not to woke up those thay might be probably sleeping.

Ashley sat up and Dave helped her to remove her night gown, exposing her full bossom to his viewed as she was now wearing only pants, Dave pulled off her pants as well as he completely stripped her bare to his viewed.

Ashley was slightly ashamed but she wanted Dave, as she wanted to knew how it would felt like to be with a man. As she couldn't stopped thinking about his rod, since when she saw it.

Ashley gulped as she watched Dave removed his boxers exposing his hardness to her viewed, and he climbed on her bed and moved closer to meet her.

Kissing her softly, Ashley slided her right hand downwardly to felt his hardness, rubbing her fingers on it as she slightly caressed him there and held him there.

Dave parted her legs opened and he made his way into her secret cave, while Ashley winced at the sharp pain and screamed out, causing Dave to slowed his pace as he rode on her gently.

Dave stared to her face, as she held on him tightly, he slowed his pace and kept thrusting deeply into her cave and Ashley screamed loudly in pleasure, that even Thomas whom was in the main mansion heard her voiced by that hour of the night as he wasn't sleeping.

Thomas cursed loudly, hearing how she was moaning and screaming Dave's name.

Thomas gripped tightly to the things closer to him and he slammed them to the ground in jealousy. He was in his room soothing the pain that she had inflicted on his member, while she was in Dave's apartment moaning loudly at that time of the night.

Seeming like she has lowered her voice, Thomas heard her screaming again as she was moaning loudly again and calling Dave name repeatedly.

Thomas cursed and decided he would returned back to his villa the following day, as he couldn't withstood hearing her moaning from the pleasure Dave was offering to her.

That could have been him and her, and he cursed, and planned to deal with Dave for taking everything away from him and his brothers.

Mrs Jeff was also up in her room as she went to ease herself, as her husband had been discharged from the hospital and had also returned back that evening after Ashley left their mansion. He came back few hours later with Brown and some of his bodyguards whom had escorted him home. Mrs Jeff went to urinated in their toilet when she heard the lady's voice.

At first she thought Dave was beating her for coming to their mansion, but when she listened again, she heard the sound clearly as it wasn't sounding like Dave wasn't beating her with cane, but something else.

The grunting and moaning sound also woke her husband and he turned to looked at her, "Who's making that sound?" Mr Jeff asked, and Mrs Jeff gulped while she went and took her sleeping position beside her husband, At least he could heard the lady's screaming and calling Dave's name, so why was he questioning her, Mrs Jeff thought and immediately cover herself up with their duvet to sleep.