
Chapter Thirty-four

Jay suddenly sat up, the question had come with sudden surprise, he had not expected that she would push for it right now, all he wanted was to spend sometime with her and here she was asking damn questions. First it was the pills now, what he did for a living. She certainly had bitten more than she could chew. What did she expect him to say to her, that a greater amount of his wealth came from blood fights, dirty deals and murder, or the fact that he was practically inhuman. Or do he tell her that he dealt in most of the greatest things illegality had to offer and that he was the leader. This little woman was something else, she was preposterous in nature in fact. What kind of woman would keep asking questions instead of sitting down and enjoying the pleasures life had to offer if not Annabelle Skye. Did she not fear him?, all he had wanted earlier was to find a way to put her in the mood again, he wanted to test her sweetness and hear her moan beneath him but now, she was putting him through a series of confusing thoughts, what do he tell her now. So, he threw an imaginary coin, to explain to her based on her reaction. "I kill people for a living ", he said but she burst into laughter, "Mr Jay, even if you sound like the joker himself, I know when you're bluffing. If you're job is something you are scared to share with me, just tell me. I'll understand if you're an undercover agent, but a killer... ", she continued laughing. "I'm a business man ", he said with no emotion whatsoever instead, she was not ready to know about him, she was way much too naive and unprepared for the truth and he did not want to loose her so he opted for a lie. He looked serious yet she could not see anything but amusement, "What kind of business? ", she asked him further infuriating him but he chose to stay calm, she was just a woman after all. "I own hotels, clubs and casinos around the country, that's my business ", he said trying in vain not to sound harsh, gladly she had not noticed his harsh tone or had simply decided not to take it into cognisance. At the mention of these places, her eyes widened and showed some up to no good look, "I've never been to any of these places Jay ", she said in awe with her eyes pleading for sight seeing. ", Which do you want to see first ", he asked her trying to satiate her curiosity, she was obviously awoken, "How about the casino? ", she said quickly, "I've always wanted to go to one Jay ". What kind of woman is this, she would drive him crazy someday definitely, of all places to pick, it was the most dangerous of all, the one closest to his work. Deals were made mostly at the casino, it was always filled with the most dreaded criminals and not to mention perverts whose prying eyes seeked for women. In the casino, any available woman could be gropped and he did not want to imagine what he might do should someone touch her. She was still looking at him waiting for an answer of the sort, she was even oogling puppy eyes at him and this all the more weakened him. "Alright be ready by seven, I'll take you to one of my casinos ", he was already heading out. He had to make arrangements for her safety and have his men stationed strategically, you could never trust the goons at the casino. She had mumbled something about a dress after him and he suddenly realized that she would be needing clothings for the outing, women just seems to love driving people over the edge and queen of this attitude was Anabelle Skye.