
Chapter Seventy-four

Bella had rushed up to her bedroom, she looked like she was going to puke. A startled Katherine was about following her when she saw Jay chasing after her, "Get the chocolate in the living room ",he had said in haste as he chased after Bella. Katherine went downstairs and picked up the chocolate, her friend was unwell and she did not like the feel of it. Theresa was at the door in the kitchen looking upstairs wishfully, when Katherine came close, she whispered, "The lady is pregnant ",in such a tone that was surprisingly heard as she made no effort to increase her tone. "Be mindful what you say Theresa",Katherine said trying to keep off such suspicions. "It's the truth child, remember I'm much older than all of you, I've seen the world in all its fullness. And after all, they've had sex, right? ", she said making her point then turning back inside. Katherine moved in but she was deep in thought, what if Bella was pregnant? Would there be a wedding to plan? She would love that absolutely especially if it meant that her friend would be happy. Although for a while, Katherine had nursed a crush for Jay, tried yet unsuccessfully to get his attention but she pulled back after meeting Bella. The girl was a sweet, sweet girl after all. Chelsea was saying something, so she moved her attention to the discussion and friendly chatter of Chelsea. 

Jay was worried about Bella, she was throwing up and after that, she rinsed her mouth off. That's when she noticed him, looking so worried and rusty suddenly, "Are you okay Bella, do you want us to go the the hospital? ",he asked with his hands on both her shoulders, sensing what might be the case, Bella forced a nervous laughter although even in her ears, it sounded shaky, "Of course not, I am very much fine now Jay.. ",she said and he cut her off in the sentence, "But you were throwing up earlier ",he said and she gave that laughter again, " I must have had too much sugar coating from the cake and I had to release them. I'm very fine Jay, nothing to worry about ",she said and he suddenly pulled her into his arms. He held her there, for a while, they could only hear their steadily beating heart, he could not loose her, just not when he was beginning to grow accustomed to her presence. "Madeline thought me how to bake cake, we made that together ",Bella started saying, as the silence was only giving her room to worry about her condition; she was uncomfortable. Her period was already five days late and she needed no soothsayer to tell her she was pregnant. But then, she did not know how Jay would react to it, she wanted to be sure of the results herself before telling him. He released her, only to take her face in his hands, looking her with such hot and piercing gaze like he was reading her soul. She tried to smile and asked him, "What? ",he chuckled hearing her voice, he replied, "Just admiring your beauty ",and she threw him a light punch. He pretended to feel pain, and they both laughed. He took her hands in his, went to the bed and drew her down with him, "I've missed you Bella, I have missed us ",he said and kissed her forehead. He was being weird, like a child caught stealing candy, "What's up with you Jay, you're being unusually weird ",she said and it was his time to laugh. "Guess what ",he said and she raised her eyebrow, "We're going to see your mother the day tomorrow ",he said. 'Oh my gosh', he remembered, she thought. Jay Martins was simply the best, she had been thinking of how to ask him about it, it was also her only opportunity to secretly conduct a test after all.