
Chapter One hundred and forty-five

Charlie had probably anticipated what was going to come next. He quickly stepped in between the two facing Jonathan. The lad was really heated up and he did not know better. He was set to fire up against Jay, which was the dumbest move ever. He had been with Jay and he knew how he gets whenever he thinks he is being deprived of his possession. He asked Jonathan to zip it and turned to Jay to get him to calm down. 

"Now I get it, you are the bastard who impregnated her right ", an angry Jonathan said to Jay behind Charlie. It really bothered Charlie, and before Jay could deal him with the blow he obviously deserved, Charlie turned around and dealt him a sound slap. That seemed to keep Jay at bay. 

"I thought I asked you to zip it Jon ", Charlie said to him angrily. 

The situation was very much tense enough. He looked at Jay and pleaded that he excused them for sometime while he knocked some sense into his deranged nephew. 

"You better do Charlie cause next time, it would not be you slapping him ", Jay said. 

Jonathan might have said something else but Charlie pulled him along. He had to follow his uncle. 

Charlie managed to drag Jonathan along with him to the back. The youth struggled with him and pulled his hands away suddenly, digging in his heels on the floor. He demanded explanations as he could not understand the reason why his uncle had embarrassed him like that in front of everyone. He felt like he had been more embarrassed that anything. 

Charlie first of all apologized to him for his actions but then, he had to make something really clear to the youth. He was playing with fire. A really huge fire that would consume him. Jay Martins was dangerous especially with his possessions and people under him. He had to remind Jonathan who was all clear and aware that he was a mafia. How could one open eyed walk into a fire. It was a dangerous game, and one he should not be toying with. 

Jonathan was strong headed. He could not believe actually that Jay Martins with all the respect he had for him would do that to a person. He told Charlie that neither of them was aware of all she had been passing through both emotionally, psychologically and otherwise. He however was not  ready to give her up as he had come to grow to love her. 

Charlie could not believe his ears and wondered what exactly was wrong with his nephew. Could he not see that the lady was pregnant with another man's child. He was not even going to allow such a union. Jonathan had to give her up one way or the other. He broke it to the lad the reason why Jay had not been able to come for his woman. All along, he explained to him, he had been unconscious. Jonathan felt that this was a ploy by his uncle to get him to give up on Bella. It was a ploy he was not willing to fall for. 

On her own part, Bella had taken a taxi straight home. She could not believe her eyes. She had been trying to reach out to him for sometime, and here he had come, probably seeking her out or was it a mere coincidence. After all this time, he had to suddenly pop up. She went inside and was surprised that her father was still around. She walked inside quickly, and just before she breezed past him. She said, 

"Should anyone come looking for me, tell them I left for work since morning ".

With those words, she headed upstairs and locked herself in her room. Clarkson stood there, a little confused. 





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Also check on my other books, 

Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

All by shalom amarachukwu. I also go by authoress shalom amarachukwu on facebook. Link up. 

More chapters coming through as daily updates continues.