
Chapter One hundred and Forty-eight

Jay had to join Clarkson in pleading with Bella. She yelled for him to go away as he had done nothing short of causing her pain. She asked him to go back to Stella as it was clear to her and everyone that he had made his choice. What more did he want from her. It actually hurt him when she said those words that tore at his chest. She obviously no longer trusted him. Jay looked at Clarkson helplessly and the old man asked him to keep trying his best. He wished him luck and stepped out. Leaving Jay to his fate. Jay began pleading with her, explaining the game with Stella and even had to confess the truth about his mistake to her. He made sure that he was really honest with her and had to continue pleading. 

Bella felt the strong urge rush out there and hug him, she actually wanted to be in his arms. But then, the pain of his betrayal was overwhelming that she had no room to accept his apologies. It was then he made that confession. It really hurt her especially knowing that for a split second, he had left her for his ex-wife. But then, something else seemed to appeal to her, he was baring himself before her pleading. She did not know whether or not to buy his bullshit. A good mind demanded that she stood her ground but then, he suddenly started banging on her door asking her to open up. Bella stood her ground and remained inside. That was when she heard the cars pulling into their compound. Someone let off a gunshot and she peered through her window. She could not believe her eyes, it was obvious that there was about to be a gun confrontation in her compound as Jay's men had suddenly drawn out their weapons. Bella dashed to the door and opened it panicking. Jay was just about banging again and drew her into his arms. He kissed her on the forehead as she stood there really frightened. 

"Stay inside and keep away from the windows ", he said as he hugged her. 

"But I'm scared ", she said shuffling her feets. 

"I know but just trust me, I'll be back soon ", he said to her and detached himself. 

"Please be careful ", she said to him. 

Jay came back and quickly kissed her again before heading downstairs. There was another gunshot and he drew out his gun just as a panicked Clarkson was rushing upstairs. His heart in his chest. Before he could say anything, Jay dished him the same instructions he had dished to his daughter. 

He went downstairs and met Charlie charged for battle, his gun in hand. A scared Jonathan was there looking like an overwet puppy. Jay and Charlie went out, it was none other than Pablo and his men. The bastard sure did have the nerve. He chuckled as he caught sight of Jay making his way to the front, he was prepared. Just then, the car beside him door slide open and Stella stepped outside. She looked prepared and ready for war. Jay was not surprised but he had actually thought she would be backing down now they were expecting a baby... Wait a minute, the baby bump was gone. Stella noticed his shock and began chuckling. 

"Surprised darling cause I bet you are ", she said. 

Actually, Stella was really a selfish woman. She could not imagine herself going through the stages of pregnancy, so, in her second month, she had actually gotten rid of the baby and got a baby bump for a four month old pregnancy. All along, she played her game and had gone through tough times. She tried to get Pablo to support her and that took sometime. But in the end, she succeeded winning him over yet again. 

She fooled you right, yeah, she fooled all of us. 





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Also check on my other books 

Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

All by authoress shalom amarachukwu. Join me on facebook. 

More chapters coming through as daily updates continues.