
Chapter Forty-one

Bella felt herself being carried from the somewhere and then footsteps before being dropped off on soft bedding sheets. She was not fully awake and was so exhausted that she did not even have the strength to open her eyes. The passion that night had drained every ounce of energy in her and she felt limp. She slept that night so deeply and she did not notice that he had cuddled her all through, and had watched her sleep. Here layed a woman who was not scared of being ravished, no wonder she was so stubborn he thought. He could tell that she was a novice to sex alone talk more of BDSM sex. She was all he needed in a woman and it felt more than right watching her sleep so deeply. From time to time he planted kisses on her shoulder and forehead, hoping that she would open her eyes and deal with his hardness. It was so late and far into midnight, yet he felt no atom of sleep. He just wanted to watch her sleep and be the first thing she saw when she woke up. Just then, his phone rang. It was Alfredo. He grabbed his phone, she stirred in her sleep but that was all, she murmured some nothingness and that was all. He smiled and took a walk to the balcony, "It's quite late for phone calls, don't you think so Alfredo ", he said to his friend in an half annoyed tone, "If you had not acted so rashly today at the casino, I would not be here calling you now, would I? ", he replied to Jay. Jay had nearly forgotten the incident that evening, he knew it was going to create some amount of ruckus but then, as he always did, he chose not to worry about it. He sighed and then finally getting an accusation for Pablo, "He came at me ", he said and Alfredo corrected, "No Jay, you came at him because of some bimbo you picked on the street ", he listened for a reply and damn well he got one, "For your information Alfredo, That Bimbo is my woman and I would not have anyone, not even you my dear friend, speak of her with such disrespect ", Jay said. "What is so special about her Jay, what is so intriguing about her that you would risk another blood fight with Pablo, what? ", he said with an alarmed Etty tone of a truly worried friend. "Everything Alfredo, everything. Everything about Bella is so intriguing to me and I want more of that, Pablo should have kept his fingers off my property but then he intentionally decided to cross the line" .

Of course, Alfredo knew what trouble maker Pablo was and how he loved to create issues every here and there but then he was wondering if Bella was worth the stress. She was a practical nobody and definitely held no high ranking standard so what exactly had Jay seen in her. Alfredo himself was a calculated man, he believed the girls came with the games and at such could be better off as bargaining chips. If Pablo wanted Bella, Jay should have let him do so and save them all this stress but no, instead he had to create a mountain of problems. It was hard keeping Pablo at bay the first time, and that call of truce never did sit down well with Pablo, he was a greedy man and wanted it all; the respect and fortune, he wanted it all. And when he could not take it all, he jumped at the first opportunity and open weakness he saw to severe their friendship. Honestly, he still wondered if she was worth the ruckus and scrambling. Jay had shown his weakness, how much longer before dogs started barking at him. "There's a home call Jay ", he simply said coded.