
The Mafia's Omega

'Hello, my name is Alister Chann. I am a 22 year old omega. Now, you maybe wonder 'What's so interesting about that?' Well, let me tell you. Now, I know that you have heard of regular omegas, but have you ever heard of a mafia's omega? "A mafia's omega? What is that?" You may ask. Don't worry, I will tell you. There are few omega's in this world who are fated to be mated by some mafia alpha and I tend to be one of those said few to be mated with one. What makes matters particularly weird is that my mate is an old friend.' Alister Chann, a strong willed omega, marks his new found journey into the mafia world with no other than a strange, but yet familiar, man who likes to call himself Capo, but is named Dante Mantus. Strangely enough, Dante has somewhat the same features and characteristics of his old friend, Aspen Fenris. While he goes into this journey, he is also determined to find out where his old friend is at. Could it be that his old friend is closer than what he thinks, or is it just his imagination?

Black_Jinxed · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 2

It is the next morning and I groggily sat up in my bed knowing that today I have a 'date' with Capo soon, if that is even his real name. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was only 10:15am. I groaned as I got up from my bed and walked towards my bathroom, like how I always start my day.

Took a shower, brushed my teeth, you know the usual. When it finally came down to getting dressed, I looked at my semi small wardrobe to find something formal to this event. I sighed,

"Which suit should I wear..." I mumbled to myself as I looked through my closet. I will be honest, it took me 10 minutes for me to just settle on a plain white dress shirt, a black tie and black dress pants. I know, what you're thinking, 'Why would it take me so long to pick something so basic?' Well, I'm indecisive. What can I say?

I checked my phone to see what time it was this time and it was exactly an hour later from when I first checked. My eyes widen when I realized I didn't have enough time to fix up my hair, so I decided to leave it unkempt considering it was going to take me 20 minutes to get to the cafe.

I rushed right out of my apartment and began walking briskly... But then turned right back around because I forgot to take my suppressants. As an omega, it is important to have suppressants for my heat so I don't get into it or get harassed by alphas or betas. The only thing I hate about these suppressants that I have been prescribed is that they desensitize my ability to find my mate. In other words, if my mate were to be in the same room as me, I wouldn't be able to tell or know.

I did my little run back to my apartment to get a call from no other than Capo.

What could he want? I sighed and picked up the phone.

"Hey, omega. Where are you at?"

"I'm um... Making my way to the cafe.." I hesitated as I continued to rush towards the cafe. There was a slight pause.

"Where do you live?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Why do you want to know?"

"So I can just pick you up. Why else would I want to know where you live?"

"There's no need! I'm basically almost there anyways." I panted as I continued to rush.

"Are you sure?"

"Um... Yes?" I lied. So what if I did? It's not like he's going to know.

"That's funny, because I see you right outside of my car right now." I stopped running immediately, still panting frantically, but now I started looking around.

"Wait... What?" Then suddenly a very looking expensive black car stopped right next to me. The front of the window rolled down and there he was, Capo. His black hair was slick back neatly that you can see his green eyes, which had dark circles under them, and his masculine features. He also had on a black tuxedo vest, a white button up shirt under it with his sleeves rolled up and probably black dress pants. Now that I can see him in broad daylight, I take notice that he looks rather... hot.

"You know Alister, it's not really nice to lie to me like that." He blankly stared at me from inside his car as he hung up the phone. I looked away and didn't say anything as I was still catching my breath.

"You're a terrible liar, too." He smirked as he motioned me to get in his car. I hesitantly obliged.

"How would you know if I was lying?" I muttered to myself.

"Because, I saw you coming out those apartments, that I happen to own." My head snapped towards his direction in surprise.

"You own that building?!" I spoken rather loudly.

"I happen to own many buildings. Also next time, don't speak so loudly in my ear like that. I'm right here." He cusp his hand to his right ear as his wrinkled his face.

"Wait so.. How come you never told me you owned those buildings? The person who owns that building is named 'Dante Mantus'" I heard a scoff.

"No shit, I am him." I looked at him with annoyance.

"So your name is Dante Mantus?"

"You're pretty slow aren't cha? I guess you can say that."

"Then why did you tell me your name is Capo?" I looked at him with the utmost annoyance. This guy has audacity. It almost reminds me of Aspen in a way.

"Because I like the name and I am a boss." He shrugged as he continued to drive.

"What do you mean 'boss'."

"You know, your slowness almost reminds me of this friend I used to have. That same friend I told you who disappeared seven years ago." He smirked as if he knew something. I cocked my eyebrow. Why would he even bring that up?

"Anyways, 'Capo' means boss in Italian. I think you should know that I am half Italian and slightly of Norse descendants." He started pulling into a parking space of Leblanc.

"And why would I know or care about those things." I stated as I got out of the car with him doing the same thing. He stood up, looked at me, then shrugged. I rolled my eyes while shaking my head, thinking to myself that this man is crazy.

"Come on, little omega. We have much to discuss." He started walking towards the cafe. I hurried along side of him to catch up with his pace considering he walks in long strides and that I am shorter than him.

We finally reached inside Leblanc and this place was fancy all over. Chandeliers, pillars, fancy paintings. Just everything. The strong smell of coffee hit my nostrils immediately.

"Come. Let's take a seat." Dante gestured as he walked towards a two seater booth. I nodded and followed right behind him. I slid in one side as he slid into the other side of the booth. There was a slight silence.

"So, are you going to tell me what my job is or..." I started off. He sat there for a minute, thinking of what to say as a response.

"Hmm... How about we order something first." He suggested. Is he trying to deflect the discussion?

"Also, no. I am not trying to avoid the discussion. I am just hungry and want to eat first." He also stated as he got up to get a menu from the order counter of the cafe. It's almost as if he read my mind.

I sat there for a good five minutes until he came back with two menus. He handed me one and told me to get whatever I wanted since he was paying. I nodded and looked at the menu thoroughly. Everything on this menu looked so good, but the prices were entirely too high. I kind of feel bad for making him spend money on me, but it's not like I can pay for any of this anyways.

"Do you know what you want yet?" Dante questioned me, as he still had his nose and eyes in the menu him.

"Uh, no. Not yet." I declined. We both looked at the menu for another two minutes until we came to a conclusion of what we wanted. I picked a chocolate creme puff pastry with lightly roasted salted caramel creme brulee coffee. I told Dante what I wanted and he nodded, took my menu and went back to that order counter.

This time it took him ten minutes to come back just to tell me it's going to take thirty minutes for our food to be delivered to us.

"Now then. Are you-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. You want to know about the job and what nots. I'm about to tell you. But, first I need that answer." He rudely interrupted me.

"Yeah, I'll do it. It's not like you gave me a choice." I snarked as I rubbed my hand through my curly hair.

"Heh. Nice answer." He smirked. He then pulled out a letter from his coat pocket.

"So, you already know I am an entrepreneur for buildings and a loan shark business man since I take it that you read the business card. I want to say,that's not the only things I do. I am also a weapons dealer and a drug dealer."

"So basically.... You're like some mafia?" I was a little stunned when he told me these things. In our state drug dealing isn't illegal, but it is a dangerous and competitive job to do. You need a verified license and such to become one. Also just to add that, most drug dealing companies are a part of a mafia of some sort. As you should know, mafia's do not play with their money. I guess that's why he killed that man yesterday.

"I guess you could say that. Anyways, for this job, you will basically be my personal secretary. All I need you to do is to look over financial and informational documents and sort them out. Take calls when needed and tell me when deals and meetings are wanting to be made. You are also required to learn how to use firearms and self defense. As you should know, this line of work is not for the light hearted and you will be a walking target when you sign this paper." He added seriously. He pushed the contract near me then handed me a pen.

"Go on, Little Omega. Like I said before, you don't have a choice but to accept." I sighed and snatched the pen from his hand angrily. I should have just minded my business yesterday. I just had to play hero.

"Oh, aren't you a feisty one~?" He teased slightly.

"Shut up." I snapped at him as I started signing the contract. He smirked and just shrugged off my snide remark.

"I am expecting good things from you, Alister." He looked at me softly as he said it. I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

We sat in complete silence for a few minutes. He was scrolling through his phone and I studied his features for a little bit. I just can't shake the feeling that he looks a little familiar.

"If you like what you see, how 'bout you take a picture? It lasts longer." He teased as he continued to scroll through his phone. I blushed slightly in embarrassment and disbelief on how much audacity this guy have.

"Shut up. I wasn't staring at you!"

"Pretty sure you was." He chimed. I rolled my eyes then pulled out my phone just to scroll through social media.

"I'm going to see if our food is done." He informed. I nodded and just mumbled "'Kay'" still looking at my phone. It took him a minute, but he came back with a tray of our food and gently sat the tray down. He gave me my plate and drink, then sat he stuff down on his side.

"How about we toast to a beautiful new companionship?" He suggested as he smirked at me with such mischief. I hesitated at first then agreed. He lifted up his cup as I followed and we clinked our cups together.

"To a new beginning." I muttered to myself silently, then took a sip off my coffee.

Yeah... A new beginning indeed.