
The Mafia's Muse

“I own everything in this building, and that includes you. Now, get on your knees,” Lorenzo ordered. Natasha stood her ground, not flinching. “I don't like repeating myself,” he stated. - Indeed, he only spoke once. His actions enunciated volumes, and this Greek God didn't fail to wreak havoc on all who crossed his path. Even if you were the clueless assassin sent to end him, Lorenzo Lizzo would show no mercy. Kill the Ruthless Mafia lord and earn her freedom. Little did Natasha, aka Vera, know that she would fall in love with “her mission”. He was supposed to be just another mission. Not an easy one, but a necessary one that would put an end to her past. Instead, she chose to give up her freedom and fall in love with him. When the truth about Natasha's initial mission is discovered, would Lorenzo, a man from Hell who never forgives, make an exception for the woman he loves? - Note: The picture on the cover is not mine

LanaSteele · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs


Natasha over Lorenzo's shoulder felt as light as a feather.

  The rattling of the chains that lowered them down stopped, and he stepped out. Walking the dark length of a hallway that led to a large room ahead of them. He got to the door and opened it.

Two hefty men bowed at his entrance. He gave them a curt nod and passed. Laura was bound to an iron chair. She looked frightened; her skin was torn, her feet bleeding, and dirty dry leaves stuck in her now wavy hair. A blindfold was over her eyes.

Lorenzo shook his head after seeing her state and entered another room that through a four that separated both. He laid Natasha on the bed and locked the door behind her. He went back to Laura and bent to her level.

Tipping her chin with his fingers, "Laura, think carefully before speaking. I'm going to ask only once. Answer me correctly, and I promise to set you free." He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Who are you? Who sent you?"