
The Mafia’s Heiress

In the dark underworld of organized crime, power is everything and loyalty is a fleeting luxury. Vincenzo Romano, a formidable mafia lord, built his empire through cunning and ruthless ambition. However, his two sons, Marco and Luca, are a constant disappointment, more interested in their petty rivalries than in securing the future of the family business. Frustrated and desperate, Vincenzo makes a radical decision that shocks everyone: he adopts Isabella, a brilliant and resilient orphan, to be his heir. Isabella's sudden rise to power ignites fury and jealousy in Marco and Luca. Despite their efforts to sabotage her, Isabella excels, proving herself a formidable leader. Her sharp mind and unwavering determination breathe new life into the family's casino empire, making it more successful than ever. But as her influence grows, so does the danger surrounding her.

Queen_write · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 19: Bloods On Her Hands

Vincenzo paced his office, his mind swirling with anger and betrayal. One of his trusted workers had been embezzling funds from the casino, skimming off the top for months. It was an affront he couldn't ignore, a direct challenge to his authority. He needed to make an example of the thief to maintain his iron grip on the Romano empire.

After piecing together the worker's whereabouts, Vincenzo sent his most trusted men to the man's home and known locations. However, they returned with news that the embezzler had already fled, vanishing without a trace. The frustration gnawed at Vincenzo, and he knew he needed a new strategy.

Summoning Isabella to his study, Vincenzo sat behind his massive desk, exuding an air of cold determination. Isabella entered, her curiosity piqued by her father's urgent summons. She could sense the gravity of the situation from the look in his eyes.

"Isabella," Vincenzo began, his voice steely, "we have a problem. One of our workers has been stealing from us, and he's now on the run I need you to find him, recover the money 

and if necessary,eliminate him."

Isabella's eyes widened in shock.

"Eliminate him? Dad, that's not necessary.We can find him and make him pay without resorting to that."

Vincenzo's gaze hardened. "Isabella, you need to understand something. In our world, betrayal cannot go unpunished. If you are to take over the family business, you must be prepared to get blood on your hands. This is a test of your resolve and your loyalty."

Isabella felt a chill run down her spine. She had always known that her family's business involved violence and retribution, but hearing her father explicitly order a hit was jarring. She swallowed hard, trying to steady her nerves.

"'ll find him and get the money back," she said, her voice firm but uneasy. "But killing him should be a last resort."

Vincenzo nodded, though his expression remained stern. "Very well. Just remember, in our line of work, mercy can be a weakness.

Do what you must."

Isabella left her father's study, her mind racing. She had always been involved in the business, but this was different. This was crossing a line she had never crossed before. She needed to talk to someone, to get a different perspective.

She found Giovanni in the living room, sipping a glass of whiskey. His presence was a comfort, a reminder of stability amidst the chaos.

"Giovanni," she began, sitting down beside him, "my father has given me a new assignment. One of our workers has been stealing, and he wants me to find him, recover the money, and possibly kill him."

Giovanni's eyes widened slightly. "That's a heavy order, Isabella. Are you prepared to do that?"

"I don't know," she admitted, her voice wavering. "I've dealt with tough situations before, but this... this feels different. It feels wrong."

Giovanni took a deep breath, considering his words carefully. "Isabella, the business we're in is brutal. Your father is trying to prepare you for the worst, to make sure you can handle anything that comes your way. But that doesn't mean you have to lose your humanity in the process. You can find a way to get the job done without compromising who you are."

Isabella nodded, grateful for his support.

"Thank you, Giovanni. I just needed to hear that."

With renewed determination, Isabella set to work. She contacted her network of informants, tracing the embezzler's movements and piecing together his escape route. It took days of tireless effort, but eventually, she tracked him to a small town several hours away.

She gathered a small team of trusted enforcers and headed out, her mind focused on the task at hand. As they drove, she couldn't shake the feeling of having crossed a threshold, of stepping deeper into the shadows of her family's legacy.

Upon arrival, they found the embezzler hiding in a run-down motel, clearly on edge and desperate. Isabella approached him calmly, her presence commanding respect.

"You've made a big mistake," she said, her voice steady.

"Now you have a choice.Return the money and face your punishment, or things will get much worse for you."

The man, trembling, nodded vigorously.

"I'll give back the money. Just please, don't kill me."

Isabella's heart pounded, but she maintained her composure. "Good choice.

Now hand it over."

The embezzler complied, handing over a bag filled with cash. Isabella's men verified the amount, ensuring everything was accounted for.

Just as Isabella was about to let him go, a door behind her creaked open. Vincenzo stepped out of the shadows, his expression one of grim satisfaction.The embezzler's eyes hardened in horror.

"You think I'll let you go?" Vincenzo's voice was cold as ice. He approached, pulling out his gun and placing Isabella's hands on it, guiding her to point it at the embezzler's head.

"Please, Mr. Romano," the man pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "I've returned the money. Have mercy."

Vincenzo's grip tightened around Isabella's hands. "Mercy is for the weak. Isabella, this is your moment."

Isabella's heart raced. She felt the weight of the gun, the finality of the act she was about to commit. The embezzler's pleas echoed in her ears, but Vincenzo's presence was overpowering. She knew what was expected of her.

With a deep breath, she steadied her hands. The embezzler's eyes were wide with terror, his body shaking uncontrollably. And then, in one swift motion, Vincenzo pulled the trigger, guiding Isabella through the act. The gunshot rang out, and the man crumpled to the floor, lifeless.

Isabella stood frozen, her hands still gripping the gun. The reality of what had just happened washed over her, a mix of shock, horror, and an unexpected sense of power. She had crossed a line, one that could never be uncrossed.

Vincenzo released her hands, stepping back. "You did well, Isabella. Remember this feeling. It's what keeps us strong."

Isabella nodded numbly, her mind reeling.

She knew she had just taken a step deeper into the darkness of her family's world, a step that would change her forever.