
A sudden change

"Am I dead?"

"Why is it so dark?"

As I tried to reach out my arm, but I couldn't grab unto something...

I tried to open my eyes, But all i saw was absolute darkness....

"Where am I? Did I die?"

As I float on the eternal darkness, I couldn't see a single spec of light.

I closed my eyes, and opened it...

I'm in a different place...

The eternal darkness i was in, became a dark room that had mossed concrete walls filled with bones..

When I tried to move my arms, I wasn't able to.

I was chained unto the concrete wall inside a dark room filled with broken bones around. And infront of me was a wooden door...

'Hello!? Is anybody there!?'

'Someone! Hello?!'

As i yelled out for help, nobody responded.

I screamed as hard as I could, yet no one replied.

Then i tried to break free from the chains that binded my movements but it was too thick. So i lifted my head and noticed footsteps coming from outside the door...

As it came closer, I yelled... 'Is anyone there!?'

The door opened as it gave off a creek sound...

Then an unidentified man, who's face was too blurry to see was standing at the door, Looking at me...

'Jin, It's time for your class.'

'Umm, who are you? Can you help me?'

'Jin It's time for your class.'

I tried to ask the person infront of me, but all he said was 'Jin, It's time for your class.'

Then he started walking slowly towards me as he pulled out a sword....

Then grinded it on the floor as it sparked, The person repeatedly said the words as he slowly walked towards me.

I couldn't understand anything but it gave me the shivers... The feeling of fear, despair, as i saw him walking towards me with a sword while i was defenseless..

When the person came close, he suddenly swung his sword at a fast pace.

Then i finally woke up....

"What the? What was that dream?"

As I opened my eyes, It was completely dark.

I remembered that Hongjun kicked me, and i fell.

But why is that there are no holes above...

It was like a cave, A cave with no lights.

"Where am I?"

When i looked at the ground, I saw a rotten fruit laying beside me.

I reached my hand and grabbed it.

But after coming to contact with the rotten fruit, a sudden voice popped out from my mind...

"Eat me."


"Eat me..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Eat me and It'll explain everything."

"What will I eat? This rotten fruit?"

"Yes, Eat me."

"How is this edible?! It's rotten and completely filled with moss."

"Eat me or you'll die."

"What do you mean? I'm alright."

"What do you mean alright? You are dying."


Before i noticed, i couldn't feel my legs and left arm...

And It was cold, I didn't feel any warmth from my body...

My legs were gone as well as my left arm. The coldness that i felt was the first phase of dying...

I didn't knew that i was already dying...

How could I survive that, I fell from a really deep hole...

Most likely my legs and left arm were torn off as i fell and crashed from alot places before landing here.

"But How could i survive?"

"It was because of me..."

"What do you mean?"

"I am the Fruit of death, If you eat me you will survive."

"I can't trust you."

"Do you want to die here? Your sister is still at the surface."

I flinched when i heard the fruit mentioned my sister. I remembered that she was still at the school grounds.

So Yong Jin gulped and didn't say another word...

I immediately ate the rotten fruit, the taste of bitterness at first bite. But as I ate the whole fruit, I tasted nothing....

Then I felt a sudden heartache, It made me faint..


Then Yong Jin woke up and noticed that all of the missing parts from his body was back.

'What!? How!?'

Then he tried to stand up, but his knees were shaking, so he sat down and relaxed.

As he looked around, he noticed that he was really in a deep cave.

'Was I dreaming earlier?'

'That dream felt so real though.' As Jin scratched his head.

Then a voice was suddenly heard from his mind.

"You are not dreaming Jin."

Yong Jin was surprised and stopped moving.

'Who's there?'

"It's me, the fruit that you've eaten."

'The rotten fruit!? So that wasn't a dream?!'

"Unfortunately, yes.. You weren't dreaming. You almost died earlier."

'What!? Then how come my body parts are back!?'

"It's because I'm the fruit of death."

'I don't understand... Kindly explain it to me?'

"Fine, Whoever eats me dies, and gets resurrected. But you will no longer be alive, Don't you feel it? the warmth of your skin, the heartbeat that comes from your heart. They no longer exist. You are already dead but resurrected."

Yong Jin touched his chest and noticed that everything the mysterious voice told him was exactly true.

'So why am i here? I'm sure i fell somewhere at the school ground. Why did i end up in this damn cave?'

"The hole you fell at was connected to the gate. The Goblins escaped and you fell next, but before they completely cut off the gate, Your half body was already inside the gate."

'So that's why my legs and left arm were missing?'

"Exactly. You got drifted to an unknown place since they shut the gate down. But you were already inside the gate that is why you were transported in this unknown cave."

'Oh so that's why.. But before that, Who are you? And why were lying beside me?'

"You don't remember? You already saw me at the school. And every fruit has they're own consciousness, so they can freely move on their own. And Before you fell i completely hid myself unto your pockets."

'But what's your name? I asked you your name?'

"I am the fruit of death."

'I know that, But your name?'

"That is my name."


"Some call me judas, some call me satan, some call me hades, some call me anubis and some call me death. It depends on the human's beliefs whether what my name is."

'I don't get it.'

"Nevermind that and try to escape this place, I'll guide you."

'It's so dark in here. I can't see a thing.'

"Do not worry about such things, You will inherit my abilities if you agree to sign a contract with me."

'What contract?'

"Close your eyes and you'll see."

Yong Jin closed his eyes and he saw an empty space with white floor. There were no walls, no ceilings just white floor.

Then a transparent being with no eyes, nose, ears but only has a mouth approached him.

'I am the Fruit of death, It's nice to meet you Jin.'

'Where are we?'

'We're inside your mind. Reach out your hand so that we can finish the contract.'

'Wait, should you explain first? Everything is driving me nuts. I don't understand why all of this is happening.'

'I am sorry Jin, but i can only explain everything after we complete the contract.'

'What?! Why!?'

'Because there are some laws that restricts us from telling humans who aren't contracted.'

'Okay fine.' As Yong Jin reached his hand infront.

A light shined infront of him and grew bigger and bigger.

And unseen scenes were shown at Jin's mind, he couldn't comprehend everything and fainted.

Yong Jin woke up, and was already back at the dark cave.

'Death? Are you there?'

"Yes I am here. We are now bounded to each other."

'My head hurts, It's like I've seen hell.'

"It was the explanation you've wanted."

'What? I still don't understand.'

"You'll understand soon enough as time goes by."

'Okay fine, but you told me that i would inherit your abilities. Teach me now.'

"First you need to escape this place. I will lead you to my tomb."

'What? You have a tomb?'

"Yes, It's like a base for every Fruit God."

'So you're basically saying that only high ranking fruits have?'

"Yes, As you can see I'm not an ordinary fruit. I get to choose my eater, That's the privilege of every Fruit God."

'So not anyone can eat you? even when you're lying at the ground?'

"They can eat me, But they will eventually die if I do not give the authority."

'Oh, So why me? Why'd you choose me?'

"As you can see, we're compatible."

'What do you mean? How can we be compatible?'

"My abilities are that, You can resurrect forever and not die. But eventually will feel an immense pain after your resurrection. But you have a Congenital insensitivity to pain. So even you get stabbed to death, and resurrect you'll not be able to feel the after effects of my ability."

'Oh, I already knew that i had that.'

"That's a very rare decease that comes once in a lifetime. As you can see, I'm one of those cursed fruits. Humans that have eaten me became mentally ill. They couldn't hold the aftermath of my ability. That is why they all forced to break the contract and die."

'With your resurrection ability and my decease, I can get killed as many times and won't feel anything. That's why you said we're compatible right?'


'But Is that the only ability you have? To resurrect?'

"Unfortunately no, What I've told you was only my passive ability."

'So you have other abilities i can use?'

"Yes, but they're all dangerous."

'Huh? Why? You told me that we're compatible.'

"Yes we are, but my other abilities aren't like that. I am not called the cursed fruit for nothing."

'So what? Explain it to me so that I'd understand.'

"Okay fine, As you already know my passive ability is resurrect. And My other abilities are Death's door, Dark imitate and revive. But the most dangerous is, the death's touch."

'Damn, the names sounds like from one of the games i've played.'

"Yes it might sound like that but those are dangerous abilities. Don't you understand? After you ate me alot of changes occured to you. Starting with the personality."

'Oh you're right. I was always gloomy and silent but now i feel energetic.'

"Those are the fuels of my ability, You will feel great pleasure but when you use my abilities it'll soon vanish until you only feel nothing."

'That's creepy...'

"I know, That is why I'm called the cursed fruit."

'Why the fuck did i eat you if this was gonna happen?!'

"You had no choice, Either accept me or die."

'Fine, Atleast I don't get to feel pain. Keke!'

"I'll tell you in advance, you have a dangerous passive ability besides resurrection. It's called Death's touch. Any living beings you touch that's below you're level will automatically die. Even plants also die. Basically every living being."

'So I can't touch anything?! How am i gonna hug my family?!'

"You will be able to, but first we gotta get to my tomb. There lies the relics of my previous eaters."

'Okay fine, Lead the way.'

"I can't feel anything it seems we're trapped underground."

'The heck!? How can we escape if we're trapped?!'

"Look around you, it's all walls no entrance and exits to be seen. The only escape route in this place is to destroy the ceiling."

'How am i suppose gonna do that?'

"Dark imitate, It's one of my abilities you've inherit."

'How can i use that?'

"You'll need to think of something and concentrate, then It'll appear somehow."

'Thank you very much for the explanation. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'LL APPEAR SOMEHOW!?'

"Just do it! Why do you talk to much!?"



Yong Jin then was instructed by Death, to properly use the 'Dark Imitate' ability that he inherited.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on swords. Since those were the only easy things that he could think of. After that, he opened his eyes and black swords started appearing all over him as It floated around him.

'Now what do i do? Should i just grab this swords and throw them at the ceiling?'

"No, my abilities are basically used by your mind. Just look for a specific target at the ceiling and think of penetrating it. The swords will immediately fly there."

'Damn that's so cool. Okay I'll try it now.'

As Yong Jin locked his target on the ceiling he imagined on penetrating it, then the black swords that were gathered around him suddenly flew at a fast pace and penetrated the ceiling. Causing it to fall unto the ground, Yong Jin couldn't react fast and got crushed beneath. Good thing his head was the only thing that was crushed by the rocks and he immediately resurrected.

Then he saw light coming out from the ceiling...

'At last, We see light!'

"Yes, now go above so that we can pinpoint our location."

'But how?'


The two couldn't stop arguing, and Yong Jin finally escaped. And saw a different dimension infront of him.

'Where the hell are we?'

"It seems we're at a faraway place. We're at a different world."

Yong Jin was stunned to see a terrain filled with large trees, and destroyed castles. Yong Jin flew up at the sky and saw two moons.

He could not believe what he was seeing, different types of monsters were seen from afar, He was not at earth....

"We've got long way to go before we reach my tomb."

'How the hell am i at a different world?'

"This is World Avalon, A different world that used to be occupied with humans. But as you can see, this World didn't last."

As Yong Jin floated mid air, he saw alot of destroyed kingdoms from afar...

'So how can we return to earth?'

"We need to search for a gate and open it."

'Okay, So lead the way....'

Chapter END