
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Chapter 54

One year had passed, and I found myself in the training room, deep in meditation. During this time, I had grown significantly stronger, my strength doubling, and my stature increasing. With each breath, mana circulated within me, enhancing my senses, and sharpening my intelligence. A deep glow surrounded my body as I delved into my powers, both teleportation and ice manipulation. My body had become tougher and more resilient.

As I opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of my master, a beautiful woman whom I deeply respected. A smile adorned her face, filled with satisfaction and pride. She had disciplined and honed my talents over the past year, pushing me to reach new heights.

"Your progress is impressive, Lucas," Master Calliope spoke, her voice brimming with contentment. She guided me in connecting with my powers, particularly in mastering ice manipulation and teleportation.

"All thanks to your guidance, Master Calliope," I replied, extending my palm. With a thought, I materialized a dancing figure made of ice. Through its senses, I could see and hear everything, a testament to the power she had taught me. When the figure was destroyed, I closed my palm, leaving no trace behind.

"When will the Duke of Greaca arrive, Master?" I inquired, standing up and beginning to dress myself.

"He will be here in about an hour. You will have the opportunity to meet him, so don't worry," she assured me, her gaze fixed upon me as I buttoned my shirt. Over time, I gradually revealed my ambitious side to her, and she had grown accustomed to it.

"Very well, I should prepare for his arrival," I stated, grabbing my sword and sheathing it. Master Calliope nodded in agreement, and I took it as a cue to leave the training room.

Andrew followed me to my room as my thoughts raced ahead. Today marked a turning point for the kingdom. With the Duke of Greaca's arrival, I would gain control over the South and its armies. Today, the Southern Council would be born under my influence.

An hour had passed, and the anticipation for the arrival of the duke grew with each passing minute. In preparation for this special occasion, I had chosen to wear a tailored black tuxedo. The sleek and refined attire exuded an aura of confidence and nobility, making it the perfect choice for the momentous event.

Beside me stood my esteemed mentor, Master Calliope, radiating elegance and grace in her stunning blue dress. The gown featured intricate details of delicate white lace, perfectly complementing the rich blue fabric. Adorning her ears were earrings adorned with crosses and adorned with small, sparkling blue gems, adding a touch of sophistication to her already magnificent appearance. As I looked at her, a genuine smile crossed my lips.

"You are looking impeccable, Lucas," Master Calliope remarked, her voice filled with warmth and pride.

I inclined my head respectfully, returning the compliment. "Thank you, Master. You look absolutely enchanting."

Our attention shifted as the sound of approaching carriage wheels reached our ears. Turning towards the estate's entrance, I saw the grand carriage drawing near, flanked by a retinue of thirty knights. Their armor bore the emblem of an owl, meticulously designed with a dominant blue color, delicately accented in gold, and featuring subtle earth tones. The emblem exuded a sense of loyalty, intelligence, and nobility, perfectly capturing the essence of its purpose.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the carriage came to a graceful halt. The doors opened, revealing the esteemed Duke of Greaca, resplendent in his formal attire. Stepping out, he exuded an air of authority and sophistication. As he approached us, his eyes met mine with a glint of curiosity and intrigue.

"Welcome, Your Grace," Master Calliope greeted him, extending a hand in a gesture of respect. "It is an honor to have you here."

The Duke reciprocated with a firm handshake, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "The pleasure is mine, Marquess Calliope" Turning his attention to me he spoke, " Young Lucas, I have heard great things about you and your accomplishments."

He extended his hand which I greeted with mine "You have probably heard exaggerations Duke Ellington" I said with a chuckle

With a seamless procession, our entourage gracefully guided the Duke and his esteemed retinue through the opulent halls of the estate. As we advanced, the flickering light from the grand chandeliers cast intricate shadows on the marble floors, reflecting the anticipation that filled the air. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of loyalty, wisdom, and valor, further accentuating the significance of the gathering.

Finally, we reached the entrance to the dining room, where a feast of lavish proportions awaited. The long, polished table was adorned with an array of delicacies, reflecting the abundance and prosperity of our realm. The fine silverware glistened under the warm glow of the room's candelabras, emphasizing the attention to detail and refinement that defined this occasion.

Taking our designated seats at the table, I found myself seated to the left of my revered mentor, Master Calliope. Her presence exuded an air of grace and authority, while her vibrant blue dress, reminiscent of the vast night sky, symbolized her wisdom and guidance. To my right, the Duke of Greaca took his place, exuding an aura of power and sophistication. His attire, adorned with intricate patterns and rich hues, reflected his noble lineage and the weight of his responsibilities.

As we settled into our seats, the atmosphere was charged with a blend of excitement, respect, and anticipation. The air seemed to hum with the echoes of unspoken words, and the glimmer in everyone's eyes hinted at the importance of the discussions that were about to unfold.

As the feast began, the clinking of silverware and laughter mingled in harmony, creating a symphony of celebration and camaraderie. The sumptuous dishes, prepared with meticulous care, tantalized our senses, each bite a testament to the skill and dedication of the culinary artisans.

Taking a moment to savor the flavors of the delectable feast, Duke Ellington directed his attention toward me, acknowledging my contributions to the revival of the South. His voice carried the weight of gratitude as he spoke directly to me.

"Young Lucas, I must express my heartfelt appreciation for your invaluable assistance in rejuvenating the South. If there is anything you desire, simply speak it, and I shall make it happen," he declared, his words filled with sincerity.

A friendly smile graced my face as I responded to his offer. With a snap of my fingers, Andrew swiftly approached, bearing a set of meticulously organized papers that detailed my vision. I extended the documents to the Duke, his eyes widening as he perused their contents. A flicker of delight crossed his features, hinting at his approval.

"So, you propose the establishment of a council," he mused, his voice carrying a cheerful tone. "And you shall assume the position of its leader, with the entire South falling under its jurisdiction. The Marquess Calliope has already signed! How intriguing."

I maintained a calm demeanor as I clarified the purpose and objectives outlined within the papers. "Indeed, the focus of this council will be to oversee and regulate the interactions between the southern territories and those beyond our borders. Furthermore, it shall mobilize our armies to effectively combat crime, safeguard our lands, and provide economic support to struggling territories while resolving any territorial disputes that may arise," I explained, citing the key points from the documents.

Throughout our conversation, Master Calliope remained silent, a smile adorning her face, her unwavering support evident.

Curiosity sparked in the Duke's eyes as he sought further information. "Young Lucas, if I may inquire, who shall comprise the remaining five members of this council?"

"The council shall consist of myself as the leader, along with yourself, Marquess Calliope of Silverglade, Marquis Corvus of Ravencliff, Count Alfred, and Count Roven," I replied confidently, enumerating the individuals who held significant influence within the South. Notably, all of them, except for the Duke and Marquis Corvus, were under my financial support.

Contemplating the proposal, Duke Ellington tapped his fingers lightly on the table, his eyes momentarily closing as he delved into thought. An advisor leaned in, whispering hurriedly into his ear, offering insights. Finally, he opened his eyes, and a glimmer of curiosity shone within them.

"Young Lucas, I must ask, what benefits would you gain from assuming the role of the council's leader?" the Duke inquired, his voice tinged with intrigue.

"With the position of leader, I would possess the authority to deploy our armies in times of emergencies, without the need for approval. I would also have the power to overrule a vote if I deem it necessary. However, this overrules could be challenged and denied if half of the council members vote against it," I responded confidently, highlighting the extent of my influence and decision-making capabilities.

Duke Ellington's voice dripped with a complete lack of mercy as he uttered his threat, "You know, if I don't sign this, the king will have your head." His words were meant to intimidate me, but I maintained my composure, unyielding in my confidence. I knew the duke harbored deep frustration towards the king and desired to seek retribution. This was the perfect opportunity for him to assert his authority.

Smirking ever so slightly, I calmly replied, "That may very well be the case. However, if you sign this, the king won't risk openly opposing it. The potential consequences could ignite a civil war, and that is a risk even the king wouldn't dare take. Besides, isn't this your chance to finally stand up against the royal family? The mistreatment of the South and the undermining of your authority should not go unanswered." My glare locked with his, challenging him to rise above his fears.

A slow, satisfied smile crept across the duke's face as he lifted his drink to his lips. "You know, my advisor vehemently advised me against signing, warning me of the dire consequences the royal family might unleash. But when he spoke those words, I felt not an ounce of fear. The truth is, they have already done their worst."

"Then I am grateful for your decision, Duke Ellington. Your signature will pave the way for obtaining the signatures of other influential nobles, making this council officially recognized," I responded, my voice brimming with confidence. The duke's wide smile conveyed his anticipation, his thoughts undoubtedly turning to the expression on the king's face when faced with the reality of the South's newfound strength and unity.

Very happy how this chapter turned out if any criticism leave it in the comments! Like it ? Add to library!

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