
The Lycan's Reincarnation

King Sebastian is a descendant of the first generation of the 'Lycano, his soul has a free pass to reincarnate quickly every time he gets old and dies, but this time it was different when he was killed by his mate Alpha Bernard, who was bent on ending a blood-sucking maniac like him. King Sebastian reincarnated again in the next generation with every memory fresh to him like the morning dew, he surge out to find Bernard but he hasn't reincarnated yet, King Sebastian endlessly looked everywhere for him until he was 26years old he died a sudden death with no reason, he reincarnated again in the next years and his life continued on a loop until a prophecy to came to him that he has to find his mate and claim him, only then he will escape the fate of dying at 26years. Fifty years had passed but it was futile even with his money, power and connections, yet as fate will have its way he will meet Bernard's younger sister by coincidence and picked a familiar scent which will attract him to the young girl, thinking his mate Bernard reincarnated into the body of the girl. At the end of the day, his assumptions were all wrong when he accidentally meets Bernard at the Autumn Pack, at that time Bernard didn't recognise him and Bernard already has a love interest with the Alpha of the Autumn Pack, "King Sebastian's worst enemy.

LameRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Uncanny Steps.

They went on with their normal lives as if it was nothing, they didn't love Bernard any less as they kept everything a secret and allowed him to do what he wanted to do, he would go out for a run most of the days and come back reeking of blood and walks around the house in his Wolf form.

Athena had dreamed on the night that Bernard bloomed about how he was born and how she saw the constellation of his life Fate, she woke up shedding tears as she could remember the words she saw vividly and how his life star was covered with a thick impenetrable black shadow which signifies sadness and betrayal, she wasn't sure if it was the Moon's Goddess punishment or Bernard's non-rewritable fate.

History will surely repeat itself, so Athena thinks as those words keep ringing in her mind.

"(Una vita in cambio di due vite)( One life in exchange for two lives)"

"(Un desiderio del cuore di venire con il colours)( A heart desire to come with pain)"

Athena hastened her search for Bernard especially now that she knows that he is alive and walking the earth, she needs to find him before Sebastian does, any person from his past as he also needs to avoid every uncanny moment to fall in love or meet with his mate.

She immediately went on her way through the cold night without blinking an eye as he doesn't know what she will dream next, she has been travelling for years, and she knows and sees most things, this time around the Lycans are still the superior and are leading the world with every creature under their wings.

Athena was sacred as rumour has it that Sebastian is about to become the next King as his father, but his father is still able and agile yet he said to want to take a rest and explore the world, leaving the 20years old Sebastian to lead the Tropy of Lycans, which most are seemingly a hundred years older than him, a conflicted and ambitious person like him dares to do everything he wishes to do.

Athena fears that she doesn't want Bernard to meet Sebastian as Sebastian is likely to go rogue and die when he turns 26 years and Bernard will be safe to live long and he will avoid all forms of punishment and heartbreaks.

Little she didn't know that it was just rumoured, And Sebastian had denied taking the Lycan's King seat until he finds his mate, especially when it wasn't a thing to hide that he was likely to die soon if he doesn't meet with Bernard, at that time too Sebastian had also ignored the Elders warnings of him not saying No to his right and how he was fated to be killed by his Mate.

Sebastian believed that fate is something to hold on to, he knows that his Mate will not kill him twice as he wouldn't allow him, so he travelled the world in search of his soulmate.

The same goes for Athena, she is tirelessly looking for her best friend, luckily for her, she bumped into Meriam, she had bloomed into a Beta this time and Athena quickly recognised her as nothing had changed about her except her hair colour which is now thickened in black colour and combed and pinned in two sides.

"I'm sorry," Athena apologised.

"Watch where you are going, " Beta Meriam said annoyingly, pushing Athena out of her way. Meriam didn't recognise her or had any memory of her, but she held Meriam by the wrist and pulled her back.

"I know you, Do you have a brother?" Athena asked sincerely.

"Get your hands off me and get lost," Meriam warned and walked away, Athena had no choice but to pick on her trail, she followed her until she entered a flower shop, and she waited for her as she stayed for the rest of the day, later at night Meriam walked back with a middle-aged woman which Athena suspected to be her mother.

She followed back until they got to where she could feel Bernard's presence heavily, she surely knew Bernard was inside, so she stayed outside the gate until midnight, she wasn't surprised that Meriam didn't recognise her, she was just thirteen years back then when the incident occurred, right now she is already grown so beautifully, she is already in her early twenties.

Surprisingly for her, the main entrance door had clicked open and the person she saw led to her jaw slackening in shock, Jason? Bernard and Jason kissed goodbye at the door, and she immediately ran toward them. In the worst case, Bernard didn't recognise her either, but Jason did but he pretended.


Bernard POV

"Pass Jason some blueberry juice Bernard, " Mother said, "lt rare for my son to bring a friend over to the house, it's our first time so please make yourself comfortable.

" Thank you very much, Mother," Jason replied politely.

Mother is right, l don't feel the need to make friends, everyone seems to me like my subordinate, and l don't bother to keep people around me as nobody has ever made me feel fulfilled or comfortable.

I meet different creatures every day at the shop but none of them has ever piqued my interest or made my heart beat fast.

My heart is always longing for the invisible like I'm meant for a different purpose, for someone even more special, in a world ruled by Lycans l bet l am something special to be born in the womb of a human.

Folks at the shop would swear that such a thing has never existed under the sun, of course, father and mother want to keep it a secret as they believe me and Meriam are special, Meriam and l have some type of love-hate bond but l do ignore since she is stubborn and blunt, or maybe because we rank the same type, she is a Beta and l am a Beta too.

Since we both know what we truly are, we prefer to live secretly as we don't wish to live under any Pack or belong to anyone.

And our parents are afraid to let us live by ourselves or leave us alone as they love us so much.