
The Lycan's Reincarnation

King Sebastian is a descendant of the first generation of the 'Lycano, his soul has a free pass to reincarnate quickly every time he gets old and dies, but this time it was different when he was killed by his mate Alpha Bernard, who was bent on ending a blood-sucking maniac like him. King Sebastian reincarnated again in the next generation with every memory fresh to him like the morning dew, he surge out to find Bernard but he hasn't reincarnated yet, King Sebastian endlessly looked everywhere for him until he was 26years old he died a sudden death with no reason, he reincarnated again in the next years and his life continued on a loop until a prophecy to came to him that he has to find his mate and claim him, only then he will escape the fate of dying at 26years. Fifty years had passed but it was futile even with his money, power and connections, yet as fate will have its way he will meet Bernard's younger sister by coincidence and picked a familiar scent which will attract him to the young girl, thinking his mate Bernard reincarnated into the body of the girl. At the end of the day, his assumptions were all wrong when he accidentally meets Bernard at the Autumn Pack, at that time Bernard didn't recognise him and Bernard already has a love interest with the Alpha of the Autumn Pack, "King Sebastian's worst enemy.

LameRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs



"I'm sorry for the impromptu visit, it is very urgent that l come but l don't know if l can consider that I'm late already," Athena said and l raised my head to peek at her vaguely, what is she saying.

"Oh, but I didn't consider this a visit, l thought we can only visit the people we are familiar with, not the other way around," I said as l slowly clicked the door to my room open.

"You can stay here, the bathroom is just down the corridor in case you want to make use of it, and here is a towel, l don't know if you will be comfortable with those, you can change them to my clothes.''

" Bernard l came because the dream l had led me to you, on the day you bloomed, since these past years l have been looking for you, thankfully, l found you, l have to warn you about your Fate and most importantly you cannot trust anybody, most especially your sister and Jason, and who you are going to meet in the future as your own." She muttered aggressively as she walked toward me.

She just got here and she is already telling me who l should trust and who l shouldn't and all are the people who are most important to me, is she sick in the head, or she is a manipulator and indeed a stalker.

" l don't understand anything you are saying,"l said as l walked past her to get the wooden alarm clock on my bedside, l will take it to Meriam's room with me, she doesn't have an alarm in her room as she loves sleeping in the morning, she hates noise and l need to wake up early to go with father to the shop.

"Are you not curious how I found you?''

" l just think that you are lost and you need help, l will see you tomorrow morning."

"You have to listen to me Bernard, whether you like it or not you cannot avoid me, l'm a path of your destiny, you cannot go out with Jason? He is literally your worst enemy, your sister is the last person you are supposed to be close with, believe me."

And am I supposed to be close to you? Listen to you? Who do you think you are? And please bring down your voice, l have enough scolding to face in the morning because of you.

"How can a great and sensible Alpha like you be afraid of a common human scolding you, never in my life did l think I will witness this day, l know a lot has happened, but are you this soft now and vulnerable? Your destiny is never going to be easy for you isn't it?"

"I'm a Beta and yes my parents are not common, you don't even know who l am why would you tag me as soft? I have never met you in my life so what place are you to tell me all these?"

"See Bernard l made a mistake 50 years ago by not telling you about your unforeseen fate, even though it was dangerous, l tried convincing you but you were so determined about winning and ending it once and for all, l won't allow you to make bad decisions anymore and you have to listen to me."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," l said as l walked out of the door but she held my arm forcefully.

"I saved your life back then Bernard, at least show some gratitude to me and repay me by allowing me to help you, please?" She said sincerely and l got more confused, when I thought all she had said sounded very new to me but my mind plays as if all those had happened before," l yanked her hands off me as l walked away.

Immediately l opened the door to Meriam's room, she threw a blanket at me.

"You sleep on the floor, you are a good Samaritan that is what you deserve, and who is she? Why are you nice to her?"

"I don't know her either, but l felt the need to help her pass the night, but l think she is a crazy bitch, she claims we know each and we are best friends and she told me to stay — that is all, " l threw the blanket on the floor so l can lay comfortably, l gasped hard as l almost spilled that, not like l believe her, it suddenly felt so wrong to say it.

"You need to be careful with her, she doesn't seem like a good one, she followed me here, it will be a thing of a miracle that we might wake up to see our house intact, she is a thief and her eyes are all over the place, l hate her guts."

"Calm down, will you? She didn't offend you yet listen to all you are saying about her?" I shook my head vehemently as l laid on my back.

Today feels like a hitch, everything doesn't seem right, that kiss with Jason was uncalled for, and meeting Athena today doesn't feel like an accident at all.

She called me a great sensible Alpha, isn't that the Joke of the century? She talked like we were good friends yet she was my subordinate, tch, that is so unrealistic, l bloomed into a Beta, l don't remember even communicating with my wolf, sometimes only when I'm in a state of emergency that l would realise that I'm a wolf, I'm too carefree to be an Alpha, l can't lead people, over my dead body, not in this life.

On the other hand, Jason wants me to visit him in his Pack, l know what he is trying to do, he is trying to get me to live with him in his Pack, but l don't want to belong to any Pack.

In a world, where the Lycans are still leading us it would be easy to escape, run away if war ever breaks out again, the book of old would always say that Packmates of different Packs would surge out to fight till their death, I'm not ready to die, l can't leave my parent, my sister, they would cry so much and Humans would be spare in every war since they will easily sign the peace treaty.

I know this very well, the reason my parents want to keep us a secret, l gave out a slow sigh as l slipped into a realm as comfortable as sleep.