
The Lycan's Reincarnation

King Sebastian is a descendant of the first generation of the 'Lycano, his soul has a free pass to reincarnate quickly every time he gets old and dies, but this time it was different when he was killed by his mate Alpha Bernard, who was bent on ending a blood-sucking maniac like him. King Sebastian reincarnated again in the next generation with every memory fresh to him like the morning dew, he surge out to find Bernard but he hasn't reincarnated yet, King Sebastian endlessly looked everywhere for him until he was 26years old he died a sudden death with no reason, he reincarnated again in the next years and his life continued on a loop until a prophecy to came to him that he has to find his mate and claim him, only then he will escape the fate of dying at 26years. Fifty years had passed but it was futile even with his money, power and connections, yet as fate will have its way he will meet Bernard's younger sister by coincidence and picked a familiar scent which will attract him to the young girl, thinking his mate Bernard reincarnated into the body of the girl. At the end of the day, his assumptions were all wrong when he accidentally meets Bernard at the Autumn Pack, at that time Bernard didn't recognise him and Bernard already has a love interest with the Alpha of the Autumn Pack, "King Sebastian's worst enemy.

LameRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Fear of disappointment.


"You don't look like you are from this religion and l can not distinguish your scent either yet it feels like l have seen you before, you feel like a beautiful nightmare," She said smiling tenderly which had my eyes sucking out of its sockets. Did l find him? she has a feeling that she has seen me before, am l right?

"Are you alright? Is my question uncomfortable for you, " she mumbled, getting me out of my thoughts, still holding our gaze. Why am I so uncertain? "I'm from every religion, let's say I'm for the people, " l shrugged while picking up another flower pot, my eyes didn't miss her face giggling under her breath and l wondered what was funny, although l never got to see what Bernard's smiling face looks like, she is sure beautiful. "I suppose l cracked a Joke, " l said.

"Not at all though, it's a nice thing to say, l wish our leaders would say the same, they say the Lycans has never showed genuine interest to the wolves, which is not totally a lie but at least right now we are surviving under the Lycans leadership, with no war to come yet." She muttered plainly, why is she saying something like this to my face, Bernard and l were typically sworn enemies, we never came to an agreement, death was our only answer, now this person here is obviously against my administration, Just what Bernard would talk about, he always has the people welfare at heart.

She is speaking casually to me because she doesn't know who l am, apart from the fact that she feels like she has seen me before l wonder what more she has in her mind, wallowing in my thoughts like this won't help."

"You don't seem to speak much do you?"

"Oh, more likely, " l shrugged."

"We have something in common l guess."

"Well, l guess."

"You didn't come back with the guy beside you earlier, l thought you both were travelling along."

"Derek? We went our separate way, we both had something to take care of."

"What is that Tian? You are here helping with the flowers when you have something to do?"

"I suppose, l told you, l want to know you, beautiful Meriam."

"I don't have much you have to know about me, " She scoffed timidly, she is cute, immediately my eyes drifted quickly at a flash pass and a scent of one that is from my Pack, l know people are always watching over me in disguise, although l mostly go along with Derek but the warlocks that protect the royal family will never let me walk the street alone, l might face danger at any given time and they protect me with or without my knowledge.

And of course, Derek left precisely knowing that I won't be in danger and that flash was definitely a sign that they needed my attention, "Meriam l would love to continue our little chat, but l have to go, l will see you tomorrow, is that okay with you?"

"All of a sudden?.... Thank you for today and especially for the flower."

"It was my pleasure to meet you, Meriam."

"I guess the pleasure is all mine, Tian. If you indeed stop by tomorrow I'm sure you will get to meet my mother. l will be in the store with her tomorrow."

"Then, I will get a gift for her when coming."

"What? No, you don't have to, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"Good then, l will go now, " l groaned as I strode away even though I was feeling somewhat reluctant to go, her scent was inebriating and fuddling and l didn't want to be away from her as that familiar scent eased my mind.

I could still feel her eyes on my back, l wrapped my both hands on my back as l dashed to the next corner, getting out of her sight, l strode a few kilometres with my instinct, and shortly l heard some footsteps approach me.

"My King?"

"Everything is alright?"

"Yes, my King, except that we got intel that you should head back to your private inn immediately."

"And why is that? Any news from Derek or Ethan?"

"Not yet, My King, it says that Alpha Ashina of the Night Blossom Pack is heading to the Autumn Pack, she is riding East and might stop by this village, she is one of your combinet my King, and she will surely recognise you."

"I guess she is heading for the Alpha's meet. There are a few private inns in the village, l don't think we will walk into each other. Let's go back anyway."

"Yes, my King."

I got back to the inn and l picked up on Derek's scent, l guess he already got here before l did, l strode upstairs and got to my room, dinner was already served.

"Your bath is ready as well, my King, " Derek said.

"Mmh, Did you find out what l asked you?"

"Yes, my King, it wasn't hard, they are not really popular among the people but the few ones that knew them spoke with so many good thoughts about her family, her father is a known butcher and her mother owns the flower shop, they are both humans, she has a brother, he works in the butchering store with the father, while she works in the flower store."

"Wait, she has a brother?"

"No one is sure if he is a wolf or human, he is carefree and kind."

"What if he is Bernard? I mean what if she is Bernard's sister?" I implied nervously rubbing my middle finger and my thumb together.

"That is why I said you should take some rest, you can't be thinking that anyone that looks or behaves like Bernard is actually Bernard, who knows you might meet her brother very soon, you will meet her family soon, who knows you will get your answers soon."


"I didn't go to her house to get the information directly, as you instructed that you don't want to be disappointed or we will go there and bring her family here."

"Don't bother, you have done well, you can take your rest too."

"One last thing my King."
