
The Lustful Goblin

KayIsBored_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Turning Mia Into the Dark Side 1

"Garw, Garw, Garw?" (Are you done? And why did you uncuff that boy? Who allowed you to do that?)

Mia's body jerked upon hearing what the goblin said. Turning her eyes to the goblins and seeing those indifferent eyes, her face turned pale.

"Garw Garw." (Perhaps I have been too soft these days for you to think you could do whatever you want now.) Leo said it with a cold tone, stepping closer to her.


"Get away from her!!" Eden shouted in rage, seeing the goblin closing in on Mia. He went out of the cell with shaky legs and threw a punch at the goblin's face.

The punch struck, but it did not have any effect because he was too worn due to the wounds he had suffered and having gone days without food.

"Garw" (Pathetic) Leo snorted and stretched his hand out, grabbing the boy by the neck and lifting him.

"Argh!" He struggled to break free from his clutch, but it was futile as the hand around his neck tightened, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"NOO!! Please let him go!! I will do anything for it! Anything!" She crawled to his feet and begged. "Please… Sniff just this once. Sniff, I beg you."


With a frustrated sigh, Leo threw the boy back into the cell and turned to face Mia.

"Listen, girl, maybe I should remind you again of who you are." His face was an inch from hers as he looked right into her eyes. "You are a slave, my slave. Slaves only follow orders from their owners and nothing else. So act like one. Don't piss me off."

"Y-yes…" The goblin's menacing stare made Mia shiver; she had never been so afraid of him before. Not being able to save her cousin, all she could do was lower her head and weep quietly. 'I am sorry.'

She looked so pitiful right now that anyone would wish to help her, but Leo instead looked at her emotionlessly. He hated the fact that she was begging him for that bastard's safety. It infuriated him; he wasn't sure if this was jealousy or something else.

"You... let her go!! " Eden shouted once more and tried to stand once more, but he was out of energy. 'Damn it! Move body! MOVE!'

Ignoring the boy's shout, Leo lifted Mia's chin and asked, "Do you want him to live?"

Mia's eyes brightened as a sense of hope returned. "Yes!! Please let him live!"

"Garw Garw" (Very well, if you can please me, I may let him live.) Leo smirked and lowered his pants, freeing his all-mighty cock. "Garw Garw" (suck it)

After wiping away her tears, Mia showed a determined look and grasped his penis. She usually wouldn't do this in front of others, but she had to save her cousin's life right now, so she endured her embarrassment and carried out the action. She put the cock in her parted lips and began to bob her head up and down like she had done several times before.


Sitting on the ground with his back facing the boy, not wanting him to see anything but only hear, Leo groaned from the pleasure that he felt from having his cock inside her mouth.

'Just looking at her hungrily sucking on it like there is no tomorrow makes me quite satisfied.' Leo sneered, turned his head, glanced at the boy, and saw his shocked expression.

He had promised Mia he would let that boy live, but that didn't mean he would follow through on that. He only did this to break the boy and make him feel despair.

He's already thought of a plan for how to deal with the boy. He wants to laugh aloud, just thinking about what he is going to do.

'Hehehe, time to take Mia into the dark side.'

"W-What…are you doing, Mia?…." Eden was in disbelief at what was happening.

He had misunderstood everything; he thought that the person with the torch was Mia's savior and that he was providing her some space to grieve for her friend, but that was never the case... She was never saved in the first place.


For some time, in the quiet and dark corridor, only the sound of slurping could be heard.


With a last gulp, a popping sound was heard as Mia let go of the cock. She was breathing heavily with a flushed face, and cum could be seen all over her face. Using her fingers, she scooped the cum off her face and put it in her mouth.

"Delicious" She blurted out with a happy expression and proceeded to start taking her clothes off, but Leo stopped her.

"Garw Garw" (That's enough. He can live) Leo said.

"Ah…" She has been so engrossed in sucking the goblin's cock that she forgot the reason she even did this.

'How could I be this much of a pervert?' She felt shame in herself. She was doing it to save someone, but at some point, she started to enjoy it.

"Mia you…"

Looking toward Eden, she could see he was in total shock. Embarrassed, she averted her gaze from him.

"Garw Garw Garw" (Although I will let him live, that doesn't mean he will be set free. And don't ask me to do so; I am already generous enough.) Leo said.

"Thank you for letting him live." Mia didn't say anything else. For now, this is the best. 'I am sorry, Eden, but I could only do this much.'

"Garw Garw Garw" (Good, then let's head back; we have already been here for quite some time. There is stuff that still needs to be done. And I prohibit you from coming here without my permission, do you understand?)


"Garw Garw" (answer with husband)

"Yes h-husband"

With that said, they head back up to the surface, leaving the shocked boy, who had just witnessed something terrible.

"What happened to you, Mia?" Eden muttered in distress.