
The Lustful Goblin

KayIsBored_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Annoying girl

Clang! Clang!



On the other side of the village, in a wide open field, goblins are seen engaging in training and clashing with each other, honing their combat skills.

It was surprising to see the goblins working together as a team, as goblins tend to be reckless and uncooperative.

"Graw Garw" (This is the training ground.) The old mage goblin said and pointed in a certain direction, "Garw Garw Garw" (That is where the match will be held. I have something to do right now, so wait for me there.)

I nodded my head and went in the direction he pointed. In that direction, there was a 15x15-meter-wide stone platform; that must be where the so-called match would take place. Though I still don't know the purpose of the match,

I noticed some people were already there. I was still far away from them, so I was not able to see their facial features that clearly, but I could tell that they were not goblins judging from the fact that they had hair.

All the goblins I have seen so far are bald, just like myself. The only expectation was half-goblins like Noah and Kene. So they are most likely half-goblins, which means the goblins must have captured some humans or those alike and used them as breeding tools.

Recalling the prison-like structure that I caught a glimpse of while I was analyzing the layout of the village, that is probably where they kept them.

Anyway, they are most likely to be my opponents for the so-called match. That would make sense since they are lingering near the stone platform. As I got closer, they seemed to have noticed me, as I could see all their eyes on me.

"Hey, look, it's a goblin." One of the boys with crimson-red hair and brown eyes pointed at me with his short sword.

"Why is he here? I thought Father had told them not to come near here. The match is about to start after all." The other boy with black hair and sharp brown eyes said this and raised his eyebrow.

"Does he want to be punished or what?" The girl in the group with short red hair and black eyes looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Garw Garw!" (Oi dumbass, why are you here? You want to die, huh?) The girl shouted at me in goblin language. She had no idea that I was able to understand human language too.

Halting my step, I looked over at her and said in an annoyed tone, "Garw Garw" (shut up, don't ask me; I was told to come here by that old man. Bitch)

I didn't show my annoyance before since I was in the presence of those two, but now in front of these guys, I didn't hold it in and let out my irritation at her. I should be at home and enjoying my time with Mia, not staying in a village with these stinking goblins! Now that I think of Mia, I wonder if I will be able to go home today. I don't think I will be able to escape with there being two evolved monsters.

"Garw!" (Huh!)

The red-haired girl was taken aback at first that the goblin could speak clearly, unlike the other goblins she has talked to so far and that her father sent him here, but it quickly turned into anger when she heard him calling her a bitch.

"Garw Garw Garw!" (What did you call me?!) She walked toward me angrily.

The two boys didn't do anything to stop the fight that was about to break out, as it had nothing to do with them, but they both had a surprised expression on their faces too.

"Hey, isn't that goblin kind of different? Look, he even has some good equipment." The red-haired boy whispered to the other boy as he noticed the goblin wearing iron armor and having a hammer axe on his back.

"Yeah, if perhaps he will be in the match, you shouldn't underestimate him." The black-haired boy warned.

"Hm? Why are you giving me advice? You should know that it is a death battle. It is every man for themselves, and I won't show mercy even if it is you." The red-haired boy narrowed his eyes and said it with seriousness. Although they were like brothers to each other, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it was for his own success.

"I know, I just thought it would be a shame if you died too quickly from letting your guard down." The black-haired boy smiled.

"Hmph, Instead of telling me, you should probably tell her that. Though it is unlikely, she will listen." The red-haired boy snorted and pointed his chin at his half-sister, who was now standing in front of the goblin.

"Garw Garw" (Hey, I dare you to say that again!) She threatened and tightened her fist, ready to smash the goblin in the face.

Just when things were about to get heated, the old mage goblin arrived, this time holding a strange stone in his left hand.

"Garw Garw" (Stop this at once; you could fight each other once the match has started.) He said it with cold eyes.

"Tch." Seeing that her father had arrived, she backed off and glared at him.

"Garw Garw" (Now then, I will say the rules of this match once more before we start the match since we have a new fellow here) The old goblin glanced at Leo when he said the last part.

'Wait what? The match is going to start now?' Leo at least thought that he would be given some time to prepare, and didn't he just join the tribe like 30 minutes ago? Are things progressing too fast?

Suddenly, he felt someone looking at him with killing intent. Turning his head toward that direction, he felt it coming from. He saw the red-haired girl smirking at him with a dangerous glint in her eyes, as if implying, 'I will kill you'


Leo stared at her, slowly moved his hand forward, and pointed the middle finger at her.