
The Luna Talia

My name is Talia Gray, I'm no ordinary child many things have occurred in my life ,firstly I'm a werewolf my father is an alpha Of the tear moon pack I have two big brother one will be replacing my father as the alpha soon his name is Ben my other brother Skyler I don't know what he's doing .Ben found his mate at the age of 18 he is now 20 But I'm still 17 and my birthday is very soon . Growing up I was taught that having a mate is the best thing ever and feeling but really is it ? ever since I met him I am in a constant debate with myself about everything that was said about the whole mate thing.

Nashamyah_Briggs · Fantasia
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20 Chs

One Time For The Birthday Luna

Xavier P.O.V

I can't believe I am going to be a father like OMG my wolf tells me to stop fan Girling over the unborn baby I roll my eyes and say let me be great, he just laughs at me. I look over at my girl my Luna she looks so beautiful sleeping I want to surprise her today since of course it's her birthday, I grab my phone and look at the time and se that it is only 10:00 AM.

I lay there and come up with some ideas to do for my girl then an idea pops in my head we will do a treasure hunt. I contact a few people so that they can help me with the hints, I smile to myself because I know she is about to be so frustrated but I know she will also be blushing so hard the whole time.

I get out of the bed and take a shower and begin to get dress because I just know I am about to make this girl the happiest girl in the world, I go down stairs and see Alpha Alex sitting in the dining room so I walk up to him and ask him where do they have flowers around here he replies: if you really want to be romantic he says with a wink buy her flowers and some chocolate, I hear pregnant woman likes chocolate he says with a smirk .

I roll my eyes and say cool thank you, I go out to find the flower shop and I see they sell chocolate inside o the shop as well, I walk into the shop and the old lady in front of the cashier smiles at me and says hello Alpha Xavier I smile at her and says hello ma'am she says you can call me Rose I let out a small laugh and she says yes I know how ironic. I tell Rose my plans about the treasure hunt she smiles and says she must be a very special lady for you to do all of this for her I smile thinking about her and say yes she is very special to me.

After the flower shop I call Ali and ask him did he get everything together for his stop he says yes him and his mate set it up at the ice cream shop for her to receive one of the hints, I call Nina and ask her does she have everything ready at her stop and she says yes I finish with all of the calls in order to complete the full treasure with hints.

By the time I finish all of my calls and errands I had to run and also some pack work from our pack, I finish everything at 12:00 I go upstairs and wake up Talia this girl was still sleep, I get out a Speaker that Miya gave me and put on the song Birthday Bitch by Trap Beckham she stars to stir up in her sleep I say wake up baby and then I start to sing; One time for the birthday bitch two times for the birthday bitch fuck it up if its your birthday bitch she gets up and starts to dance I start to laugh and then she comes up to me and says thank you baby then lol she kisses me.

I tell her lets go birthday girl we have a lot to do today I tell her to take a shower and get dress, I go grab the bag of clothes for her that I had Nina and Miya buy for her and I lay it out on the bed and say come on baby don't take a really long shower she says alright .

As soon as she gets in the shower I lay out the note for her first hint and put it on the bed and leave the room.

Talia P.O.V

I get out of the shower super excited for what my man has in plan for me, I loved how he woke me up lol it had me smiling so hard he has me falling for him so hard. I look around the room and call out for Xavier and say in mind link where are you baby he doesn't reply I look at the bed and I notice he has a note and some clothes o the bed, the note reads :

Hey birthday girl,

Don't frown because I am not by your side at the moment, prepare yourself for a day full of adventure and hunting. Your first hint is where there is a beautiful scent there is a lady whos named after it.

GO GO GO!!!!

I finish reading the note and smile I get dress wearing the clothes that was laid out for me and hurry down stairs and enter the kitchen to get a banana and to be on my way, I greet everyone as I walk out they say happy birthday and I reply thank you .

I walk around the area and I spot out a flower shop on the glass window it reads: "Rose's flower shop" That must be it as I repeat what the note said in my head (where there is a beautiful scent there is a lady whos named after it.) That was kind of easy I walk in to the flower shop and greet and older woman with dark skin with salt and pepper hair and a beautiful smile, she looks at me with an exciting expressions and says you must be Talia and says Alpha said that you were a beautiful young lady but that doesn't even surpass what I see ; I start to blush so hard and say thank you Ma'am she says just call me Rose ,I say thank you Rose.

Rose hands me another paper witch I suppose is the next clue and it reads:

Baby girl, I see you are thinking on your feet , next hint is pretty easy I scream , you scream ,we scream ...

GO GO GO !!!

I finish reading it and laugh this man is so funny I say out loud I look up t see Rose grinning I guess she was looking at me the whole time . She says wait before you leave he had purchased these roses and chocolate for you as she hands me the bokeh of roses I smile and say thank you.

I go back to the pack house and get into one of the cars my uncle let me use while I am here and drove to the nearest ice cream place, when I get there I see Nina and my brother Skyler through the window as I finish parking , I run into the shop and they scream happy birthday sis I say thank you and laugh and then they give me and ice cream cone with my favorite flavor coconut and then hand me another hint .

I finish up eating my ice cream then I open up the note and it reads :

Dear Birthday Girl ,

I know your getting a little tired from running around and well time is ticking its is almost time for lunch so here is your next hint , why shouldn't you tell a secret to a taco?

Think baby.....

When it comes to you GO GO GO !!!

I finish reading and then it clicks in my brain because they always spill the beans I get back in my car and wave Nina and Skyler good bye and head to the taco place near by. When I get to the taco place I see that it is very crowded I smell the food even from a distance I see why there are so many people here it smells so delicious, I look at my phone and see that it is already 3:30 Pm and say well dam I am about to throw down I look down at my tummy and hear a low growl as I walk into the taco place I see a waiter yell out: hey you !!!! . I look at him and point to myself and he says yes you I walk towards him and he makes a space for me to sit and brings me out some nachos drowned in cheese and jalapeños and salsa with a note on the side but I disregard that at the moment because a mama is hungryyyyy.

I begin to dive into my food making a mess I have cheese and all different types of sauces on my face, I ask for some napkins as I finish I say thank you. I grab the paper once my hands are clean and it reads :

Baby girl ,

I know the nachos are one of your favorite food so enjoy yourself and make sure you eat enough for our baby too, Your next stop is home because baby we gonna be out all night very soon, I want you to get all dressed up and then ill see you soon.

GO GO GO!!!!

I finish reading and say thank you to the staff they scream happy birthday as I walk pass , I say thank you thank you for everything it was truly delicious from the taco to the drink .

I get back in my car and drive back home blasting You are by Charlie Wilson and singing along ,I get home and open the door and I see balloons and all types of decorations with a banner on top of the stairs saying happy birthday. Suddenly I hear singing and I look around and see everyone coming out singing happy birthday I smile with tears in my eyes I see my parents walking out with my cousins and my uncles and auntie with my brothers I go hug my parents and siblings and lastly I see Xavier on the other side smiling and I jump on him and say you did all of this? he replies I told you I will do all I can to make you happy .

Everyone enter the living room and sit down and me and Xavier stand up in front of everyone and I mind link him and say baby its time to break the news he says yes I know, I clear my throat and say: Thank you everyone for showing up and coming out on my special day I really appreciate each and every one of you, I began to tear up and Xavier comes behind me and touches my belly and we say together: we're pregnant !!