

WARNING! ( MATURE CONTENT) A prophecy is revealed by the moon goddess that Ellie, the werewolf princess of the pure heart clan is mate is to Nathan, a forbidden vampire from the circle of elders and their union was to stop a werewolf and vampire war that would take place in the future. It is forbidden for a vampire and a werewolf to be seen together, what will happen when they fall in love with each other? Will they be able to fight for their love and succeed in preventing the war from happening?

JennyBlaze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
149 Chs

Chapter 130 (Aria's silence)

Alina noticed that there was a change in her friend Aria ever since the Prince denied her pregnancy in the presence of his parents; Communication was brought to nought and her entire visage diminished due to reasons only known to her.

Aria was now like a shadow in her own self. Fortunately, she had gotten better from her ailment and was now attending to her duties normally but the only different thing was that she did it in silence. She would wash the dishes and clean up the places assigned to her without saying a single word to her colleagues -- even when they tried to joke with her inorder to cheer her up, she still didn't make a sound or laugh at least. At some point they began to wonder if she had turned deaf and dumb all of a sudden.

Her fellow maidens gossiped about her as the news concerning her pregnancy and her claims of the prince being the father spread quickly. She would hear them whisper as she passed but yet she gave no heed or reacted to it.