
Part 3 (9)

A guard opened the door of the underground. A huge light from the hall of the headquarters pierced the penumbra of the cell and blinded Babida. He blocked the might of the glow with the palm of his right hand.

In the meantime, Suzie walked back on her toes to the right corner where uncle Bibi was still dozing. She tried her best to go unnoticed.

"Who are you talking to, disgraced warrior?" The guard reprimanded from the doorstep.

"Pardon me, comrade, I can sometimes be loud during my meditations. I will lower my voice next time." The lumberjack pleaded with the imperial sentinel.

"You better do." He responded to Babida and then closed the door.

"Young maiden, are you alright?" The logger asked his rescuer.

"Yes I am but my uncle is still slumbering. I hope nothing is wrong with him." She declared worried to the lumberjack.

"Yes I hope too. Nevertheless, what's your plan?" He quizzed the young maiden.