
The Lower Class Demon

After getting into magic high, Tom doesn't try too hard in the entrance exams so he can get an easier time, but that's all about to change once he in challenged to a duel by a girl named Taliya

Inndeed · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


This story takes place in a magic school for training future magicians. The story follows the protagonist Tom, no one knows how powerful he really is, he doesn't put full effort into his entrance exams and barely passes so he is put into the lower class. And so he is constantly picked on for being a lower classman. But one girl hates him especially, Taliya, she is the hardest working student there and she notices he doesn't put hardly any effort into school. So one day she decides to confront him

A hand slams down on my desk "Hey!" I look up to see Taliya "Yes?" she proceeds to look more agitated "Don't you, Yes? me!" "what the hell is wrong with you, it's like you're not even trying!" I just give her a blank stare "Uh huh, and is that all you wanted to discuss?" after hearing that she fumes "Yes!" She exclaims "Why do you even care?" "Because you make the rest of us look bad by not even trying!" "As far as i'm concerned I make you look better" With this she becomes so angry she can't even form a complete sentence, with that she leaves. 'Finally' I think, throughout the rest of the day in the halls I notice her watching me and right before the last class, Taliya walks up to me and challenges me to a duel after school behind the building. 'Just gonna nag me worse tomorrow if I don't, might as well'. When class is over I meet her behind the school, and wait for her to finish warming up. I just lay down on the grass and close my eyes, I hear her start to shout at me to get ready to which I just stand up. "Ready yet?" She looks up at me with fury in her eyes. I throw a coin in the air and close my eyes.


The teacher is talking but I'm not really listening. "Alright class remember, there are 5 basic elements that can be used. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lighting these are the main elements you will use in your magic" "You can combine them as well to enhance the power of one or to create new abilities entirely, but don't worry about that just yet, that's far more advanced a technique for you all"

*End flashback*

The coin hits the ground Taliya dashes at me and I open my eyes. She mainly uses earth magic. I dodge the stones thrown at me then, in one swift motion, I drop down to the ground and appear behind her and smack her on the back of the head. "Had this been an actual fight, you'd be dead" She looks at me dumbstruck and in awe. "How did-" I quickly cut her off "We're done here" I turn to walk away, but she steps in front of me, "No! Tell me how you did that, that kind of technique is far too advanced for someone like you!" I sigh and look down at my watch "Fine, but only if it'll get you off my back" "Whatever, now tell me, do you have some kind of device you use or…?" "Are you implying I cheated?" "No! I just want to know how it is you did that, you're a beginner in the lower class, I don't even know techniques like that, and I'm in the upper class " "I combined the elements of earth, wind and lightning to create that transportation technique, that's it" "B-But. What? How can you combine 3?! I can't even use two separate elements"

"Trust me, I haven't even shown you anything" I continue walking. "Then show me!" I stop and turn to face her and with a low ominous voice I say "Do you want to die?" She looks at me shocked as if I just said I was gonna kill her puppy, I turn around again and grab my bag and walk home.