
Chapter19 Rekindling frames

The tension between Claire and Ethan had been building for months, a slow burn that neither could ignore any longer. They had always been close, their bond forged through shared challenges and victories. But as the company expanded and their roles grew more demanding, they found themselves craving respite moments where they could just be themselves.

It was late one evening when they found themselves alone in the boardroom after a particularly gruelling day. The city lights cast a soft glow through the floor-to-ceiling windows, creating an intimate ambience that drew them closer. Ethan sat at the head of the table, his tie loosened and the top button of his shirt undone, while Claire leaned against the window, her mind far from the day's negotiations.

"You know," Claire began, her voice barely above a whisper, "we've been so caught up in everything… sometimes I wonder if we're losing ourselves in all this."

Ethan looked up, his eyes meeting hers with a warmth that made her heart skip a beat. "I've been thinking the same thing. We've built something incredible but can't forget what it's all for… or who we are."

Claire moved closer, the click of her heels echoing softly in the spacious room. "Do you remember the last time we just… relaxed? Enjoyed each other's company without talking about work?"

Ethan smiled a hint of mischief in his eyes. "It feels like a lifetime ago. Maybe it's time we changed that."

With a daring glint in her eye, Claire closed the distance between them. She reached out, her fingers grazing his jawline. The contact was electric, sending shivers down both their spines. Ethan's breath hitched as he stood, towering over her yet feeling an undeniable pull to be closer.

"Claire…" he murmured, his voice husky with desire.

Before he could say more, she pressed a finger to his lips, silencing him. "No more words, Ethan. Just us."

Their lips met in a searing kiss, a culmination of months of longing and suppressed emotions. Ethan's hands roamed her body, feeling the curves he had only admired from afar. Claire's hands found their way to his chest, her fingers deftly undoing the remaining buttons of his shirt.

As their clothes began to fall away, so did their inhibitions. The polished boardroom table, a symbol of their hard work and success, became the stage for their passion. Ethan lifted Claire onto the table, his lips never leaving hers as he laid her down gently.

The city outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their world. Ethan's kisses trailed down Claire's neck, eliciting soft moans that spurred him on. Her skin was like silk under his touch, every caress drawing them deeper into their shared desire.

Claire's fingers tangled in Ethan's hair as he continued his descent, his lips worshipping her body with reverence. She arched her back, the sensation overwhelming and utterly intoxicating. When he finally returned to her lips, the kiss was slow and sensual, a promise of what was to come.

They moved together in perfect harmony, their bodies communicating what words could not. The boardroom, usually a place of strategy and decision-making, transformed into a sanctuary of intimacy and connection. Every touch, every kiss, every breath was a reaffirmation of their bond.

As their passion reached its peak, the world outside ceased to exist. In that moment, there was only Claire and Ethan, lost in each other and the love that had always been there, waiting to be fully realized.

When the waves of pleasure finally subsided, they lay entwined on the table, their hearts beating in unison. Ethan brushed a strand of hair from Claire's face, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"I've wanted this for so long," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Claire smiled, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. "So have I. This is where we're meant to be, Ethan. Together."

As they held each other in the quiet aftermath, the city continued to hum around them, oblivious to the momentous shift in the lives of the two people at its centre. They had found each other amidst the chaos and complexity of their world, and now, nothing could come between them. "This is where we are meant to be Ethan together, Claire said closing the short distance between them". But don't forget your family still wants me to divorce you. Most importantly your mother and Jason even if we are okay now it's still the same old story and they still look down on me but what can I do?"