
The Love in the moonlight

After facing a hard life in her father's house, Kaoru escapes an attempted rape and is moved far away from home by her younger half sister, Kohana, to a temple in another town. There she is caught between two brothers who have more to them that meets the eyes. What more? Kaoru suffers the immortal anger and grudge of an abandoned lover who curses her to a repeated lifetime of unrequited love but she is blessed by a kind woman who disproves of the curse. Kaoru is then caught between the heated love rivalry between the two brothers and loses her life to it. She reincarnate and it begins all over again and this time she is pressed to choose, and her choice will either bring her to ruin again or bless her. Who does she give her heart to?

Immortal_blossoms · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 002

Chapter 2.

Kaoru adjusted the kimono as she rushed towards the first young master's quarters, she didn't know how to wear that jewellery so she left them. At the entrance, she was given a veil and a shamisen. The first young master was seated in the courtyard sipping wine with two extremely handsome companions, their beauty was so ephemeral it overshadowed his handsome appearance which she always thought none could rival.

The men looked so alike so they must be brothers, she thought. One had fiery red hair with heavily tanned skin that shone under the lights while the other had flowing midnight black hair that contrasted with his porcelain white skin, he looked like he had never stepped into the sun for once in his life.

Their intense gazes fell on her and the redhead spoke first, 'this is your first young sister you told us about? She's quite ordinary.'

Master Yuukou laughed, 'of course she is, but her skill with the shamisen is anything but. Yami, play us a song.'

'Yes, young master' she bowed. A mat was prepared for her, she sat on it and braced the shamisen against her shoulder.

What should I play? Kaoru wondered, carelessly strumming her fingers on the strings of the shamisen. With the shamisen braced on her shoulder, she went into a world of her own making, a world where madam Kaneko couldn't get her, a world where the last young master didn't exist. And when she began to play, she drew these young men into that world.

At first, it began slow, wrapping everyone in its soft embrace. Filled with the warmth of a mother's touch. Then suddenly the music took a sharp turn and plunged into the darkness, driving up an inexplicable fear of the known and unknown. Then she ended it on a sad note, evoking the pity and sorrow of her audience.

'Oh Yami, you have gotten better since the last time I saw you' first young master Yuukou praised. 'What do you think of my sister's skill?'

'Absolutely wonderful!' the redhead spoke excitedly.

'So-so' the other said and downed his wine.

'Can you be nice for once?' the redhead admonished.

'I've heard better and still, none have gotten my praise. Why then, do you want it for her?'

The redhead paused and bent his head as if to think.

'Okay, thank you Yami' first young master Yuukou dismissed her and the redhead's eyes followed as she left the room like a cat eying the mice.

On getting back to the servant quarters Kaoru took off the kimono and hid it along with the jewellery, next time she was going into town for a festival she would wear it she decided. She changed into her yukata and trudged towards the first young lady's rooms.

Kaoru was to be her chaperone as she travelled to the next town for a party thrown by madam Kaneko's acquaintance for single girls to meet men of substance and valour. Kohana had Kaoru change into soft blue kimono as wearing anything else would diminish her influence, whatever that means.

She was also made to cover her face with a veil as her looks would stand out too much and take the spotlight off her. After all, this was Kohana's season, hers was long past.

At the party Kohana in her red coloured kimono shone amongst all the eligible maidens, the men couldn't keep their eyes off her. However, the two strange men from earlier were there and they didn't even spare her a glance.

This would keep Kohana in a sour mood for the rest of the night.

The lady of the house beckoned Kohana to her side and entreated her to a table of delicacies. 'I heard from your mother your skill with the shamisen, will you humour us with a song?'

Kohana smiled, there was nothing more she liked than a chance to prove she was better than the lot of them. But the way those two mysterious men treated her with contempt rubbed her in the wrong way, and boy was her thinking anymore wrong! They didn't even notice her, much less treat her with contempt!

'I am sorry madam, but I can't treat you to a song. My chaperone, however, is a little worse than I, you will find her playing pleasing to the ear.' Kohana said sweetly and the lady of the house approved of her behaviour.

Kaoru was forced to the centre of the hall and a shamisen was put in her arms. Kohana gave her a look, warning her not to bring shame to her or else…!

Kaoru rolled her eyes and accepted the shamisen then signalled the drummers and flute players to accompany her to play. With this younger half-sister of hers, she felt could be more than a slave even though she treats her the same. She, under the pretext of stopping her from shaming her, taught her everything a noble lady should know when her mother couldn't teach and madam Kaneko cared less.

Sometimes Kaoru even felt she was the younger one, so she catered to Kohana's every whim no matter how bizarre or annoying it was. And tonight she wanted her to play, play she would.

Kaoru flexed her fingers and hummed a lively little tune as she played. Soon everyone was clapping and broke into a dance. The young maidens displayed a beautiful dance as they swayed to the music and the young men were slowly pulled. As the music neared its end they protested to keep it going and she began to play another song.

From the corner of her eyes, Kaoru saw Kohana basking in the light of the lady of the house's admiration for raising such a talented musician. Then she felt an intense gaze fall upon her and stiffened. The hesitation showed itself in her music and she struggled to cover it.

The young men from before, first young master's friends, weren't they? There was something about them not… human, she decided. But it was none of her business, she would not put her nose where it didn't belong, especially on one who doesn't appreciate her music.

In the middle of the third song, Kohana announced her departure and waited only for the song to end to whisk Kaoru away.

'Oh, that was so much fun! I wish we could party every day, don't you wish so too, Kaoru?' Kohana squealed with undisguised joy.

'I wish the same, my lady' Kaoru affirmed. You could bet your life she did not, but she never better than to tell the truth. This short thing had quite the temper.

When they had gotten back to the household Kohana gave her a level look. 'We will be visiting Amaterasu's shrine in a week to make offerings. Try as much as possible to keep a certain person's hands off you, you must not desecrate her temple with a defiled body.'

'Yes, my lady' Kaoru bowed till Kohana disappeared into her rooms. She didn't have to be reminded that a wolf in the guise of their last young master was hunting her but she will not let herself be caught.

That very night, the cold of the night felt more and more like a mother's warmth to her and darkness seemed to wrap her right in its embrace while the moon cast its soft light upon her. It lulled her into a seamless sleep, awaiting an equally cold morning.