
The Love Blooms Eternally!

"Why are you here?" Kiara was shocked as well as annoyed to see Aditya at her door. "Go back Mr. Kashyap. You are disturbing me." Kiara emotionlessly told him to leave and pushed the door to close it. Before the door could close, it was stopped by a strong and muscular arm. Aditya pushed the door open as Kiara staggered a few steps back. "What was the relationship between you in Rihaan Khan?" Aditya asked directly without beating around the bush. Kiara was dumbfounded when she heard that person's name after more than five years when he came near the university to bother her. "Tell me the truth and I'll go back immediately. i won't bother you anymore." Aditya declared. "I ain't willing to tell you anything regarding my personal matters. So, please leave Mr. Kashyap!" Kiara almost lost her calm after hearing that jerk's name. "I won't go back unless you tell me the truth." Aditya said as he locked the door behind him and stood in front of her. "You want to know? Okay then! Listen carefully. Rihaan and I shared a very intimate relationship for few days. I used him as I wanted. Then dumped him so that I could court you. Does this fulfill your requirements Mr. Kashyap? Now Please leave!" Kiara lied boldly to make Aditya leave. Aditya's eyes darkened a few shades as soon as he heard Kiara's lies. He walked towards the bed in big strides and sat arrogantly. "You really want me stay here, don't you?" Aditya crossed his legs and raised his left brow arrogantly. Kiara: "....." There was turmoil in her hazel eyes. "Please Kiara... I need to know." Aditya requested tenderly. That night a few knots of their messily tangled relationship eased up. Slowly but surely their relationship that turned sour just due to some mere misunderstandings will improve. Read ahead to join Kiara and Aditya's rollercoaster ride of emotions. The love that blooms eternally.

simmi_jaiswal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

5. Flashback Part 1!


2 years ago,

At Allureville,

" Hello... Kiara ?? Kiara... why weren't you answering my calls??!" Why the hell are you ignoring me!? You didn't even reply to my messages! What the hell is wrong with you?" Rihaan's voice rang out through the phone as soon as Kiara answered the call.

"Don't you like me ??" He asked after a pause.

"No!!! I don't like you!!! Why don't you understand?!" Kiara answered, she was clearly annoyed.

"But didn't you agree to try hanging out with me?" Rihaan asked.

"Yes! I said I will Hangout with you once or twice and so I did!! And I don't like you! Mr. Rihaan khan listen carefully... You are not my type. And I have to focus on my studies too. So stop bothering me. Don't call me or message me please! I'm going​ to block your contact. Find another girl to be with... we have nothing to do with each other anymore." With that Kiara hung up the call before Rihaan could refute.

Rihaan khan was the first person she ever tried to date. Kiara and Rihaan were classmates in school. Kiara never had any romantic feelings towards him. They were not actually close in school. So she didn't know much about him.

After completing school, they met again in a mall when Rihaan suggested exchanging their Instachat profile. She thought maybe he just wanted to stay in contact with her as a friend, so she exchanged her instachat profile with him without thinking too much about it. From that day onwards he started to text her daily. She used to reply to his message out of courtesy until one day he confessed his feelings to her.

Kiara rejected him immediately and said that she thinks​ of him just as her friend. But after that, he persuaded her a lot. And said, they should at least try and hang out a couple of times.

Finally, she gave in as she thought she will have to do it just once or twice, then she will reject him again. So it won't be a problem

Their first meeting was really good.

Rihaan told her many things about him. And they had fun. Maybe because they were teenagers and immature... She felt a sense of attraction towards him. But she knew that it wasn't love.

After a couple of days, they met again. This time at the Infinity park near her home.

Rihaan asked her about her dreams and why she chose the arts stream to study. It was her dream so she loved talking about it.

And Kiara being Kiara once started talking, she talked non-stop.

Kiara wasn't paying attention to the perverted boy sitting beside her at all. But then after a few minutes, she sensed a stare on herself when she caught Rihaan staring at her barely exposed cleavage and breasts lustfully.

Kiara was in her puberty phase, and with her still-growing body, her pale white skin looked extremely luscious.

A sense of creepy feeling ran through her spine.

She always noticed him entering her personal space involuntarily but she thought it was just because he likes her, and wanted to be close to her.

But what she saw this time clearly made her feel disgusted!

She found an excuse of meeting set by her father to meet some relatives and escaped from Rihaan immediately.

From that day onwards she decided that she will never see this perverted guy ever again, and started ignoring his calls and messages.

And after a week of ignoring.

Today, she finally told him not to bother her anymore.

After ending it with Rihaan she felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off from her shoulders. She felt relieved that she will never have to see him anymore.

On the same day, an engagement banquet was conducted at 'Paradise', one of the most luxurious hotels in the country that was under Kashyap Corporation.

The banquet was private, and only a few important relatives and friends were invited. Everyone at the Banquet party knew Kiara's real identity as they were the most important ones, whom her mother trusted a lot.

Mrs. Kashyap was quite picky when it came to choosing people she wanted to be with. One could say, People at today's party were the only people who knew Kiara's identity.

Kiara got ready to go with her father as her brother was busy at the company. She glanced at the mirror for the last time to make sure she was looking presentable and beautiful.


At Nirvana Palace

"Brother, get ready for the banquet. We can't be late. You came back from abroad not long ago. Dad wants you to meet everyone."

Rudra said as he entered Aditya's room.

Aditya closed the book he was reading and stood up to walk towards his closet.

"Hmm" Aditya answered lazily. And randomly chose a suit to wear at the party.

"It's going to be a tough day. I just hope nothing goes wrong and I won't end up offending anyone." Said Aditya unhurriedly.

"Don't worry! No one in India is as powerful as us, except Mr. Ratan Parihaar. and his son

But we are on good terms with the Parihaars." Rudra Explained.

"Hmm... That's good then." Answered Aditya and headed to the changing room.

Aditya, Rudra, and his father Mr. Tej Kashyap headed to the banquet in a white Rolls Royce Serenity Phantom the limited edition car.