
The Love Blooms Eternally!

"Why are you here?" Kiara was shocked as well as annoyed to see Aditya at her door. "Go back Mr. Kashyap. You are disturbing me." Kiara emotionlessly told him to leave and pushed the door to close it. Before the door could close, it was stopped by a strong and muscular arm. Aditya pushed the door open as Kiara staggered a few steps back. "What was the relationship between you in Rihaan Khan?" Aditya asked directly without beating around the bush. Kiara was dumbfounded when she heard that person's name after more than five years when he came near the university to bother her. "Tell me the truth and I'll go back immediately. i won't bother you anymore." Aditya declared. "I ain't willing to tell you anything regarding my personal matters. So, please leave Mr. Kashyap!" Kiara almost lost her calm after hearing that jerk's name. "I won't go back unless you tell me the truth." Aditya said as he locked the door behind him and stood in front of her. "You want to know? Okay then! Listen carefully. Rihaan and I shared a very intimate relationship for few days. I used him as I wanted. Then dumped him so that I could court you. Does this fulfill your requirements Mr. Kashyap? Now Please leave!" Kiara lied boldly to make Aditya leave. Aditya's eyes darkened a few shades as soon as he heard Kiara's lies. He walked towards the bed in big strides and sat arrogantly. "You really want me stay here, don't you?" Aditya crossed his legs and raised his left brow arrogantly. Kiara: "....." There was turmoil in her hazel eyes. "Please Kiara... I need to know." Aditya requested tenderly. That night a few knots of their messily tangled relationship eased up. Slowly but surely their relationship that turned sour just due to some mere misunderstandings will improve. Read ahead to join Kiara and Aditya's rollercoaster ride of emotions. The love that blooms eternally.

simmi_jaiswal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

18. A New Friend.

"Hello, Maisha. Your dress is very beautiful, suits you really well." Kiara smiled sweetly as she praised the taller girl in front of her. It wasn't a lie though, Kiara really liked the dress and how well it suited Maisha. She was indeed very beautiful.

Kiara always liked people with such personality. Putting on a facade of arrogant and rude temperament but caring and loving from inside. Kiara found it really cute, when you can see through the facade of a person who is acting arrogant and rude.

Maisha was just as she thought.

Crimson red blush tainted Maisha's cheeks as she bit her lower lips to prevent her smile from escaping.

"*cough* Thanks" Maisha cleared her throat before muttering a low thanks and shyly took the extended hand for a handshake.

It took so much of Kiara's effort not to laugh out loud at the beautiful blushing face in front of her.

"She is my younger sister" Mahir cut in, to change the atmosphere.

"Would you like to join us?" Mahir asked.

"Sure." Kiara agreed. Having a company is better than being alone after all.

Soon everyone was carrying their own gun and aiming at the target. They were just having fun. Excluding Kiara, Mahir was best among them. Maybe his reason was the same as Kiara. Self-defense! As Mahir was a CEO himself, he carried the burden of constantly being in danger. PinPoint Tech was the best Tech company in the country followed by Grover Inc.

Kiara and Maisha didn't interact throughout their time together. But Maisha was constantly paying attention to Kiara. Maisha realized that she judged Kiara wrongly on impulse. Maisha was really interested in the girl who was genuinely smiling at her brother as she familiarized herself with everyone.

If there was someone else at Kiara's place, she would have taken Maisha as her enemy. But Kiara was different. Maisha was glad she didn't make it more awkward between them. Maisha always behaved like this to let people know that her status was higher than others. So that no one would dare cross her or bully her as she did to others. And everything went according to her way. She never had a genuine friend. Even this group, she was here because of her brother and she befriended them just to expand her connections.

Soon they decided to wrap up and call it a day.

As they reached the parking area Kiara walked towards her motorcycle.

As she accelerated and sped off everyone was once again mesmerized by her cool posture.

As soon as she reached home, she changed her clothes with more comfortable ones and sat on her bed to take some rest.

Kiara exchanged her Instagram Id with everyone in their group except Maisha.

Kiara grabbed her phone and opened Maisha's instachat profile that they exchanged not a long ago. She skimmed through Maisha's profile which had more than 50 posts that seemed to be shot professionally. Kiara thought for a while before sending her a message.

Kiara_ : [Are you a professional model?]

Maisha : [Yes]

[I'm a rookie.]

Maisha's reply came instantly.

Kiara_ : [Were you waiting for my message?]

Maisha : [What?]


[Why did you ask that?]

Maisha's face blushed instantly after getting discovered.

Although Kiara couldn't see Maisha's face, she was sure that the latter was blushing. Kiara wanted to expose Maisha but considering that it was the first day of their meeting and chatting she decided to play along, as a beautiful smile decorated her face.

They chatted about random topics for a while before temporarily saying goodbye.

The next few days went uneventful. Everything was the same except for the blooming friendship of Kiara and Maisha. Kiara told Vaani about Maisha and the eventful Sunday she spent on the shooting range.

Now that the time for Kiara to move to the USA was nearing, Mr. Ratan Parihaar was getting more and more anxious regarding his precious daughter's safety. Due to Kiara's stubborn opposition to hiring a few bodyguards by her side, he grew more and more anxious and insecure.

The news he received from his men a few days ago, seemed like a warning to take a major step towards her daughter's safety.

Regardless of all the anxieties and insecurities Kiara and Vaani were bound to go to the USA. To ease his heart a little, Mr. Ratan Parihaar sent one of his trusted men, in the disguise of a butler. No one would try to abduct or assassinate someone in a broad daylight or amidst hundreds of people. Regarding their safety at home, he trusted his men.

A week later Kiara and Vaani boarded a flight to the USA and registered in the university. The students were given a choice to stay at the dorm or anywhere they wanted to stay.

Time went by, without any danger, which made Mr. Ratan Parihaar's heart ease a bit.

But who knew it was just the pre-storm peace.