
The Lost Summers of a Lonely God

He woke up from the trance. When was the last time he slept? It must have been a hundred years at least! This can't go on. He's a god, but he's been working like a slave. His consorts have all left him. He no longer had a life. He picked up a parchment and wrote in the cursive women used to love back in the day when he was human and living among them like any other. "Dear Minister, I know you are the only one who cares about me anymore and I shouldn't be doing this to you. But I've had enough of this life. When you'll find this letter, I'll be long gone. Don't look for me. Yours, K P. S. If you're looking for a replacement, "S" would be the best choice. "

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29 Chs

22. Aces and Clubs

"Grihma? Are you sure that's the name?" Arabella asked.

"Yeah, it sounded so." Mira was herself pretty much confused.

"Listen sweetheart, it doesn't seem like a real organisation. I bet they're hiding it from you for a reason. I'm not saying they're bad people; they're probably not. Why don't we just do our bit to balance the situation? Now put a smile on that face, and follow me."

She grabbed Mira's hand and the mic which was in the holder nearby. She walked up to the stage elegantly; her black tux looked sexy as it tugged to her voluptuous body. She had a sparkly black sequinned hair pin the shape of a bow on one side of her hair which was rolled up in a bun.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for gracing this occasion with your presence. As you know, CafeScape has now been given a new appellation and of course, new sets of hands working behind it too. This marvellous hangout, —well it could be a perfect hideout for many bookworms, mind you—, will now be contesting to become your favourite place in this WHOLE WIDE WORLD. "

Mira picked up the cue.

"That's right! With concerts, to book readings, to book signings, plays and of course, food festivals, this place is going to keep you busy if you're up for the challenge. And right now, we invite all those who are interested to enter 'Valhalla' on your left and to join us on an enchanting musical evening presented to us by the hot new band in the city "LAMPTON MEISTERS"! Off we go! "

They stepped down as the audience dispersed, and gave each other a pat on the back and a little hug.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kris couldn't move his hands. A kind of binding charm, he assumed. His hands were bound with something which looked like an octopus' tentacle. Then it occurred to him: "the river God's ivy!", he exclaimed.

"Smart. I think I like you even more, now." Helen walked in, wearing a long black dress with a vampire cape collar. Her lips were coated with a bright red coloured lipstick with black edges. Her fair complexion made the red even more conspicuous. If she were a tree, Kris would have called her poisonous.

"But if you wanted to impress me, this would be the least favourable method, don't you think?" Kris turned a weary eye to look at her again. What a hideous creature, he thought.

"Maybe.. Just maybe.. I wasn't trying to impress you? I mean, why should I? I'm any day better than that human pest you're living with." She cackled at her own magnificent discovery.

Imbecile, she's quite an imbecile, Kris thought.

"Mind freeing me from your tentacle?", he asked.

"You wish! If you ask me, I'd want you to be entangled in my tentacles for a long, long time."

This wasn't going where Kris wanted it to. Impatience was growing on him like a tree.

"Hey.. Why are you doing all this? There are many others who are better than me. Why me? Have you considered the possibility that Rhamnus is playing you? That you're being cheated?"

"Good going, handsome, but I've seen trickier men than you. You probably haven't seen women like me. You know the kind of women you married or courted only. I'm not that sort of a girl, you know. You WILL soon realize." She threw a tantalising glance at him. But it had no effect on this one.

"Just get out of my sight, then. I'm sick of your ugliness, you b*tch." Kris almost bit his tongue to stop himself from cursing her further.

"Ooh.. Please keep at it. I find it kinky." She sat down in front of the dressing table and started to redo her makeup.

"Guess what, I'm bored." Kris muttered a prayer under his breath and then tore at the cord binding his hands. Like magic, it came undone.

"Have you heard of the Gordian knot?"

Helen panicked. Words failed to escape from her throat. She wanted to call for help, but she couldn't.

"Of course, you'd know. Right?" Kris flicked his fingers and her long black hair grew longer and wound in a certain pattern around her wrists and ankles which seemed impossible to open. She fell down as she tried to move. She felt suffocated as her own hair wound around her neck. At that moment the door came open.


"Hey guys. Good timing. I was so puzzled. Why did they call her the most beautiful woman, again? I just can't see it. This is possibly the most hideous creature I have lain my eyes upon. What do you think?"

"As if I care, Kris." Pama brushed him off.

"Well, I have seen something uglier, Kris", Sive solemnly responded, "the pit of sins in Hell."

Kris smirked.

"Rhamnus. We have to get him, Sive. He's aiding her."

"Rhamnus! Oceanus! It makes sense now. I knew there was a missing connection. So that's how Argus Alexopoulos is connected! Interesting."

"Guys, let's chat later. We have a party to at... Er.. conclude."

Kris took one last glance at the struggling Helen, "I hope to see you never again. Else, mark my words, that'd be your very last."


Mira and Bella wrapped up everything by midnight. They were taxed to death.

"Hey, Pama asked us to wait for ten more minutes. They're on their way."

"Ooh. I can wait till tomorrow even. I'm too tired to go anywhere. Did they find your guy?"

"They did. He texted me too."

"Good for you. Imma sleep here till they come."

The chefs were leaving just then, so did the rest of the staff. Everybody bid goodbye to Mira and Bella, promising to meet again soon. There came a knock on the half-closed door.

"Hey, is Mr. Nadet here?"

"No. He's not here", Bella quickly answered. "Who would you be?"

"I'm his business associate. My name is Argus Alexopoulos."

Mira's internal alarm rang instantly. She responded rather formally,

"Ah. Sorry, this is time for us to close. Please contact Mr. Nadet and confirm your appointment for a later date."

"Oh no, what to do. I do not have more time."

He walked in, closing the door behind himself.

Hell-O Godlings! I hope you are having a good week. I'm obviously becoming more and more insomniac. But hey, I get to update more because of that. How're you guys holding up?

NANZIEDRAGONcreators' thoughts