
The Lost Shimmer

EBMariam · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


After a long cycle, Robert reached his grandfather's house. He walked with steady feet towards the door which was still locked and the window -as it is now visible- was still shut. The house seemed empty with no sign of occupation;

- "Where would he be?" He is usually sitting on the threshold admiring the moonlight.

- "If he is not there, then he must be inside his house" interpreted Robert.

He looked up at the window for the light to be cast on and fell on his angelic face making his beautiful features rise up to meet his beautiful heart. A protruding forehead of a round face in which his eyes were the biggest feature since his nose was too small as well as his mouth. It is all well-shaped in a supreme devotion. All were designed to find and never lose. To track a clue or a hint that will clarify his state of confusion. Gazing instead of looking since that was his tool for finding what he looked for. Robert came to notice what was shaped as;

-" a star!"

However, how surprising it is that;

-"the fifth angle of the star is missing"

Robert saw only for angles drawn on the glass of the window. He did also notice that a line came down from the fifth angle and drew what seemed to be a trunk of a tree. But;

-"What should this mean?" and "where is grandpa?".

The drawing was too clear to be seen -although it was too far -, while the message conveyed was too blurry as well as his grandfather's local was unclear. Robert decided then to break the glass of the window and go inside the house. So, he climbed the almond tree again and called repeatedly but no sign was seen and no answer was heard. Kidnapped, dead, only God knows since only God has witnessed the horrific incident. He went up the stairs and down numerous times, checking inside and outside the rooms. Not a scent or a trace of his grandfather was left. With heavy steps, he approached the kitchen to see that his grandfather still has not prepared the apple pies.

True that the favorite activity Uncle James enjoyed most was preparing fresh apple pies. Its aroma awakened even the dead from their graves to testify that the scent of heaven is enchained and still remained free. So, it is to be tasted but never really enjoyed. Such moments of delicacy were soared by the knowing which became close to a certitude that the morning is far from reach. Despite how freshly made these apple pies are, the rays of the sun will not rise again for its golden crust to actually shine. Robert stood in the kitchen tracing the steps of his grandfather. Not a trace of him was found anywhere around the corners of his eyes.

Robert's thoughts were too unorganized that it loosened finding a convenient answer to the emerging questions. He was about to faint, so he leaned on one of the dining table's chairs and wished moments like these would not last long. Even if it meant plunging into total oblivion, so be it, it is. He was about to give it all up and admit to his lost breath that it was all lost. And in the midst of that silence, his ears were quick to capture a strange, yet familiar voice coming from outside of the street. He approached the window to see;

-"Somebody is trying to steal my bicycle,"

He ran to the door and screamed at the person

-" hay, that is my bic…"

But the person was already three streets away to hear him. Robert was so affectioned by that bicycle, or rather the memories aligned with it. It was a gift from his father whom he loved very dearly. It is the only object to remind him of his father and to feel his presence with him whenever he went. How much he felt frustrated by the sight of that person on his bicycle. So, he run after him so fast that he skipped the three streets in less than two minutes. And how unfortunate it is that the person who stole the bicycle is now running down the fourth street. Robert gazed profoundly,

- "where is my bicycle?"

He looked around and noticed that the person threw it in the middle of the street and run away, faster than the wind. Little did he care about the why as much as he cared about the how;

-"how to get his bicycle from the driveway?"

It is a very difficult mission to be accomplished since the driveway was too crowded. Robert looked ahead to see oxen-pulled carts coming from all directions as well as wagons. Not thinking or rather not wanting to think, he ran towards his bicycle ignoring the booming, the screaming, and the insults of the wagoner. After what seemed to be a deathly chase, he was able to reach out and get his bicycle. But he could not turn back because it was the driveway was becoming more crowded and it was very accurate that he will simply be run over.

-"not many solutions are left" but to proceed, towards the forest.