
Chapter 15

"Ah, I see you're all here, good, we don't have to wait then," the three of them looked over and saw Yamato sensei walking with an elderly man wearing a green kimono with a bald head and pencil mustache riding a horse.

Gemu Soru, Merchant of Tea

"This is Gembu, he's our client," Yamato introduced the man.

The bald man looked at the team and raised an eyebrow, "this is your team? Aren't they...a bit young?"

Yamato smiled, "I assure you, they are... more... than qualified for this mission."

"W-What was that pause for?", asked the nervous client

"Nothing", hurriedly said Yamato

Making the client even more nervous

But none saw Hoshiro who was most serious of them all, can't fail the mission, under any circumstances

"Hello, my name is Hoshiro, it's a pleasure to met you," the boy said with courtsy.

"Yamaki Hanako", Hanako said looking bored.

"Where's the cargo?" shouji asked, not bothering to introduce himself.

Geez just how anti-social, these 2 are...

"It's with me, so technically speaking, I'm your cargo," Gembu huffed, "and aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"As far as you need to know, I'm the man who is in charge of saving your hide"

Ok that was cool, maybe one day I should try that.

Gembu snorted, "rude boy."

Yamato smirked, "Alright team 11, assume kunai formation. I'll take the lead, Yagami, you and Shouji stay on either side of the target and Hoshiro bring the rear. We'll set a walking pace, remember, our client is only a civilian. Any questions?" there were none, "then move out!"


(Two days later)

It was a boring two days. Filled with nothing but walking, not even running, walking. It was so boring halfway through Shouji decided that I might as well get some training done, but the paranoia Yamato sensei, masked with the past experience, stopped any form of training to stop any more failure...

Everyone rolled their eyes, Its just walking, nothing more, how much damage does he think we do

It was a slow few days.

However finally, finally, we reached the edge of the border for the land of fire, arriving before a booth of some kind where a shinobi sat in waiting wearing a konoha vest, reading a book...

Yamato sensei eyes moistened, "We completed the mission, we finally completed the mission"

The Client was just confused, isn't that way too Exgegeratting, this whole while, all they did is walking, how tough could it be.

Oh he absolutely had no idea what happened in these few days.


In Konoha, Hokage nodded satisfied, finally the team completed the mission.

Satisfied with their performance, they all went there home


Hoshiro was going home, after purchasing gifts for the girls in the house, and he purchased apples for Ton-Ton.

He giggles now and then, imagining their surprise

An ANBU suddenly appears in front of Hoshiro

"Senju Hoshiro, Lord Hokage Summons You", Said the ANBU

"Who are you"

"Does not matter, what matters is Lord Hokage summons you"

A sly smirk falls on his face...

"If it's Grandpa Hokage, he wouldn't have sent so many Shinobis just in case I refuse right?"


"Again, who are you", he asked this time Dangerously

In a Second, he was circled with many Shinobis

"Truly, what a wonderful Sensor you are...", said one of the ANBU

In a Dash, one of the Shinobi threw the lightning element kunai to his neck, ready to Peirce his neck...


Hoshiro watched the Kunai breaking up, after hitting his neck...

This is not the kind of an Unbreakable defense anyone wish to fight through...

But to his Surprise, another Shinobi at the same time, with a speed faster to react than... hit his back with a Sleeping Seal.

His eyes widened as he fall face first on the Ground.

"Now then--

The sleeping body of Hoshiro began to turn into the tree, which grows too large in a second.


They were shocked...

The roots of the tree entered the ground, as many more trees rise up.

In a mere second, a forest was created out of nowhere

"Wood Style: Hidden in the Forest", a voice resound in the forest

The forest thickens as many more Trees come out of the Ground.

"What the heck, can't you sense him?"

"Impossible, everything in this forest is coated with his Chakra, no kind of sensor can sense hi--


"What is it?"


They looked here and there, where to run in this thick forest... its like a maze in here...

Worst thing worst, their Chakra is being Suck on a consistent basis, they will die in minutes at most.

"Destroy the Trees, get out of here"

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu"

"Wind Style: Wind Cutter"

"Stone Spear"

"Lighting sword"


Nothing worked, these trees can not be cut, burn or destroy anyhow.

"Wood Style: Trees Binding Coffin"

The Roots of the trees, the Vines of the Branches, the grass of the forest... all went in their full speed, to bind the Targets.



Their Chakra is being Drained in even faster way. If this Keeps going up, they would die in seconds.


He comes from deep in the forest...

"Again, who send you gu----

"Summoning Jutsu"

He eyes Darted back, he missed one? how?


The Rhino charged towards him, as he didn't move an inch but closed his eyes...

The vines popped up from the ground, stopping the charge of the giant Rhino

Hoshiro opened his eyes and, there were Lotus in both his Eyelids

A holy and pure aura resounds in the forest

He Joined his hands in an praying motion

"Holy Statue of Buddha"

The Trees turned and twisted, And By manipulating a large dense collection of trees, the Trees were able to create a large Holy Buddha. By breathing life into the entity, The Buddha stands nearly 100–165 meters in height, and has Lotus in both its wooden eyes, two legs, two arms and one head. It was Praying.

Suddenly the Buddha slowly decended its palm to the giant Rhino... Such a huge palm, there was no dodging it...


The Physical Power of the Buddha was so great, that half of the forest was clear out, destroyed without a single sign...

These trees couldn't be destroyed by any means possible, yet one palm of the Buddha cleared half the forest...

He watched the lying bodies of, the chakra Drained ANBUS

He narrowed his eyes, look like he needs to be more careful than ever, some one in the Village is after him...

Just Like Aunt Tsunade Said...

...Its not like, he can't guess it, his flesh and Blood is highly sought after all


He told everything to Aunt Tsunade, who in turn told him to stay in Senju Compound for a few days, she will sort everything out...


These days, he stays in Library, meditating and rarely going out...

Always Muttering something...

"Nature's law is stronger than any little law you have made for yourself."

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. As age comes on, one source of enjoyment after another is closed, but Nature's sources never fail. Understand the Nature, Understand the Buddha... only through endless Meditation, you can attain the Enlightenment..."


Few days Later, he was Allowed to go out once again...

They have the Joint Mission with team Asuma, for a High Rank C-Rank mission

He stunned seeing Ino...

She stunned seeing Hoshiro...

As their breath got sharper, and they ignored each other... but deep inside, she still like him, and deep inside, he still like her...

And Just like that after the Introductions, they went to grab the Mission...