
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 27: Triply Injured


A concept that I often wondered about because of my numerous abductions. Kidnapped so many times, that at a certain point I became numb to it. Escaping the prying eyes from my protectors wasn't such a good idea, now that I think about it.

Still, even though the people who kidnapped me for their own benefit were bad, I never hated them for it. I understood that they had their reasons for what they were doing, and despite it being a stupid reason, I didn't resent them.

Maybe it was because my kidnappers never harmed me outright, and to this day I don't know why. My kidnappers always tied me up and let me sit in a corner, and even then I didn't feel that I was the one in a bad position. I still remember the fear in their eyes.

I often overheard their whispers, things like 'Why did you fucks kidnap him' or 'Were fucked'. Though at that time, I never understood why they thought that way.

Situations like those repeated, and in the end of it, the Guardians came and rescued me. They always show up within the hour I was held captive, and sometimes I secretly wished they took longer to find me.

It was a suffocating experience of feeling like there were eyes everywhere I have gone to. They thought that I wouldn't notice, but it didn't take me long to realize the nature of their presence. I mean come on, a random passerby giving me a cookie was enough reason for me to be suspicious. Especially when it happened several times in a single day. But I did enjoy the cookie though.

Oh where was i? Oh yes Enemies.

My enemies are non-existent. I hate no one and when I mentioned it to my family, I saw them visibly cringe in reaction. They then told me to reconsider, with their argument being that of my sister hitting me in the head.

Of course, I didn't listen. It was useless to hate someone, a waste of emotion and head space. I'd rather think about what I would be having for lunch than hate anyone. Too tiring to be honest.

But now, things are different. As I gazed at the bloodied Amy, the kid hiding off in some dark and dreary corner, and I was injured in more ways than one, it came to me that I already have an enemy. Whether I liked it or not.

Enough of my thoughts, I need to deal with this situation. I leaned against the wall and inspected my condition. Some internal bleeding with some of my body being slightly frozen on the surfaces, as well as several broken bones. Overall it was still fine for me. I can still heal it with my {Forests Touch} but there was a problem.

My mana might be an oceans worth, but not infinite. And i'm pretty sure that i have only enough mana to cast one {Forests Touch}. I had one shot at this, and the next time I'm going to have a chance would be too long. Amy won't live that long.

There was no more need for thought on the use of my {Forests Touch}. I wobbly stood up while I held the walls for support, and limped towards the passed out Amy. Soon enough I was right beside her, and used {Forests Touch} on her.

A bright blue hue started wrapping around her body, frostbites she incurred healed and Amy's ghastly white complexion turned pinkish.

I smiled as i was a little proud of my work. Now with this, Amy wont feel any more pain than necessary. But I do feel guilty that I can't heal her internal wounds. My layer with the spell isn't deep enough.

At the corner of my eyes, I took a peep at the boy and he didn't seem to be as injured as Amy. But he was by no means alright by my cursory glance, he was sitting deep in the dark, making no movement as he was still as a statue. It seemed that he had his own way of healing.

I leaned against the walls , deciding that a proper rest was in order. Aki may still be searching for us but I don't think he would be finding this place, and even if he did, well we'll figure it out by then.

Having another battle with him was suicide at that point. Better to go home and ask for help then run to that icy monster.

Aki stood dazed as he looked around his surroundings. He jumped and stepped into the air, using crystals of ice as a step stone to walk. Soon he was high up and used a frozen platform to stand on. He inspected every area of the forest with his icy glare, yet he sensed and saw nothing. Vanishing like a ghost.

All he saw before Cosmo disappeared was the abyss like darkness that wrapped around his body and submerged him into it. No trace of him ever existing but his Scythe, which already faded out of existence with its owner gone.

He checked everyone else and they too, were gone. Any trace of their existence is gone.

He stood there with a Puzzled expression but also a growing interest in the three. They were able to escape from him, Aki Sunderhall, with their life somewhat intact. The usual process of Aki hunting someone down was them shattering into pieces after he froze them, or them dying from hypothermia.

Either way they ended up dead without fail. Only this time he felt that the hunt was getting a little bothersome.

"I should really stop playing with my food."

He grumbled under his breath. But it was apparent that there was no hint of seriousness to it, l treating the situation as if there was nothing wrong. He canceled his spell and landed gently on the ground.

Aki thought that he could continue tomorrow. There was no rush, orders were only to bring him back by tomorrow so I can afford to delay it for a while, he thought.

Having decided his next course of action, he took a deep breathe and was about to stroll away to get a drink, when suddenly he felt another presence. He activated {Yuki's Domain} and put a big smile on his face.

"Oh Jaque, long time no see."

He greeted me, like he was meeting an old friend. Yet there was a tinge of seriousness. He heightened his guard and senses of the surrounding area, knowing full well the consequences if he didnt.

The shadows squirmed seemingly containing a vicious being. Then it stopped and someone came out of it. He walked unhurriedly and coldly looked at Aki.

The man had raven black hair that seemingly melded in the shadows. Eyes that were cold and as dark as the night sky and his smooth handsome face to tie it all up. He wore the same outfit as Akis, in uniform but his was pitch black.

"The boy. Where is he." he said deeply, with a voice seemingly void of emotion.

Aki heard him but didn't feel that he should respond, nigh, he wanted to not respond. The prey was his and he wasn't gonna let some {Inquisitor Tenebris} take it away from him. Yet he also knew that if he didn't respond, half of the forest might be torn asunder in the matter of a few hours.

"I'm also wondering about that. Sneaky little thing escaped just as I was about to take him."

"Don't lie to me," he replied.

"But I'm not, though." Aki sobbed as if he was hurt by his words. Twiddling his thumbs like a child being caught in a candy jar.

"Do not forget what 'He' has said to Aki."

Aki stopped and deeply looked at the man in front of him, his playful eyes became even more playful, seemingly not taking the situation seriously anymore.

"How I deal with this is up to me, Jaque. Leave while I am still in the mood." Aki threatened.

The man did not reply and gave Aki a deep look. The situation froze over, with a literal blizzard seemingly forming in the sky and the surroundings darkness squirming with malevolence.

"Get it done." The man said, before he vanished without a trace.

What time is it?

My mind felt foggy, i sat up and wanted to see who else was awake. I looked beside me and realized that Amy was already gone. But I didn't need to worry as I already knew where she was.

Glancing to the corner of the room, I saw that the kid was already awake and was observing me from afar. His brown pupils carefully inspected my every movement, and when he saw that I was awake.

He appeared beside me without warning and started checking every part of my body. It was a little funny seeing a kid who was a few years younger than me playing Doctor, but hey i'm fine with it.

There was worry contained in his eyes, seemingly not knowing what to do with me. Giving a sigh, I waved him off and said that there was nothing wrong. But in reality, a lot of myself was wrong.

Sure there were certain perks to my {Lexicon}, like boosting my natural regeneration. The problem with that is it takes too long. By my estimates, it might take a few days. We don't have a few days unfortunately.

Luckily I felt I knew there was another way to heal. I checked my mana reserves and felt that it was half full. I smile with satisfaction as I realize that I can finally heal myself.

So without wasting time, i casted {Forest Touch} and quickly, my injuries started repairing, my bruises turned pinkish and my cuts were closed. Though I still felt that I had broken bones, it gradually healed overnight and was bearable enough for me to move.

Knowing all that, I stood up, though wobbly and made my way out of the cave with the kid. He followed along while grabbing the hem of my robe and i wearily smiled in reaction.

"Hey, are you the one who rescued us?" I asked. Before arriving here, I remembered the shadow that consumed me. Remnant of the one the kid has. He nodded his head in response.

"Thank you." He seemed to be embarrassed by it as he blushed in response.

Soon we saw daylight seeping out into the cave. The forest blew with a calming wind but there were still no birds chirping unfortunately.

In the distance, there was Amy swinging her sword in one perpetual movement. Repeating for who knows how long with beads of sweat running down her face.

She realized that we were awake and made a dash for me. In a few seconds she closed the distance and started checking my body from head to toe. I gave another sigh and told her that I was fine. These guys.