
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 21: Orders and Missions

The forest was dark, absent of any semblance of light. Its dreadful feeling didn't help that i was being chased like a rabbit stalked by a tiger. But the darkness of it all, that i can use.

The tune of 'Life Ends' still echoed, further deepening the feeling of a pit in my stomach. By my estimates, an hour has passed since the chase. I call it chase but I'm sure the other one was calling it something different entirely. But I refused to admit his reality to myself.

Using {Lightning Movement} has been taxing on my mana, assuring me that running won't be an option anymore later. {Life Detection} was also used yet any hint of his presence has been smaller than that of an ant. I wish he was an actual ant but he was not.

My body felt cold, even moving became a taxing affair. An ability called {Yuki's Domain} he called it, its specific effects was unknown but it didn't matter since it still affected me either way. Even if I did know of its effects, I wasn't sure that I could counteract it.

The idea of stopping didn't even cross my mind. Because the equivalent of stopping meant facing him, and facing him isn't such a smart idea. Then I started walking, my pace slowing down as the reduction of mana was too much to handle, the mental fatigue worse.

But my worst fears came to reality. My legs halted, with my breath becoming even more clear to see. Instinctively I knew what was happening but I didn't think it was this soon. The encroaching frost that was witling me down, has finally stopped me. There was a feeling of even my own thoughts slowing down.

I saw my own breath come out of my own, and I felt deep down that even my own heart was freezing on itself. The sensation of wanting to sleep rose within my own mind, yet I forced it down and kept thinking of warm thoughts.

Its effects were even worse than I had imagined. Not good.

Moving my fingers suddenly became a harsh task, it refused to budge despite willing it to obey.

Setting my eyes up front, I saw no path. Not in a philosophical sense but there the trail continuing on like forever was no more. It came to a screeching halt and what replaced it was an abyss like crack in the earth. A dead end. Cornered like a rat chased by a cat. Not a good feeling I might add.

I looked down into and saw the proverbial darkness contained within it. Seemingly showing that even light would be swallowed in all its depth. So this is the end, huh.

A clapping sound started resounding, the whistling gone with only the sound of clapping like that of an audience member to a circus performer.

"It's indeed impressive that you lasted this long, little bunny."

The mockery in his voice was apparent, with even the slightest silver of taking me seriously was non-existent. He was like a child out to play, with only the feeling of wanting to have fun on his mind.

I turned to him, staring at the man who was about to end me. Silvery eyes looking at me like I was an actual bunny, his mouth grinning ear to ear with his snow white hair matching his abilities. How poetic.

"Unfortunately runs over little bunny, jobs still not done. Still have to report to someone and all that, you understand right little bunny?"

"Why… me?" I questioned, barely able to make out sounds from my mouth.

"What's that, I can't hear you? Oh, I see, I forgot you were freezing to death. Here, let me slow it down for you."

Staying true to his words, the cold first devouring me slowed down enough so that I could move. The sensation of my fingers returned, with even the feeling that I was able to talk normally.

"Why me?"

I wanted to know. I wanted to know why. What did I do to deserve this? And why the hell am I getting kidnapped no matter where I go. I feel like even if I hide in a cave, I still might be abducted one way or another. I'm getting sick of this shit.

"Don't know, don't care. I'm merely following orders, so you would understand, right?"

His expression was still grinning, but I sensed that there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice. He tried to suppress it but I was still able to pick up on it. Listening to Mr Franks grumbling was indeed useful.

"Fun chat, but a mission is a mission and it must be completed perfectly, as the church would say. Come on, let's go."

He started approaching me with a relaxed gait, still enjoying his so-called mission. I grinned as I thought of a wonderful idea. I electrified my feet and when the man thought I would be attacking, I did the opposite and used it backwards.


He was taken aback, surprised by the stunt I pulled. The chilling frost of death started up once more, and this time it was encroaching me at a faster rate, with my mind and body slowing down significantly as a result.

But he was too late, I was already by the edge, falling. But before I fell into my unknown fate, I gazed directly into his eyes intending to say something as I was already too far for him to catch.

"Fuck you."

I fell. The ever present darkness becomes even more so, with even the sight of seeing my own two hands taken away from me. I let my body relax, knowing that there was no point in doing so otherwise.

I will remember this.

"So, Samuel."

William said as he held a Halberd against his neck. Samuel smiled in response, thinking of whether he should reply or not. He thought of the current situation and it reminded him that he should. Whether he would care was a different matter.

Soldiers arrayed in glinting golden armor surrounded him in all directions. The tension rose, the atmosphere reaching almost a boiling point if not for Williams' decision to not worsen the situation. He did not want a fight, but if it's needed then so be it.

The person they surrounded didn't seem to care, waving them off as if they were flies annoying him. He drank silently, still thinking of whether he should reply.

"Oh, whatever do you mean."

"Where is he?"

"Who? You're going to have to be more specific, I handle a lot of information about people in the Empire, I mean I can't remember all of them."

"Cosmo. Where is he."

He Questioned, his aura rising with immense golden splendor, like the sun rising from the depths of the night. The soldier moved and pointed their shimmering swords at Samuel, ready to drill him in holes if ordered so.

In the dark recesses of the bar, eyes blood red in color all snapped open in unison, glaring at the soldiers. Bloodlust was leaking from them, as if they were ready to paint a sea of blood at any moment. The sound of sheathed weapons resounding.

They stepped out into the open and entered the light. Individuals dressed in complete black, their faces hidden by their hoods, with only the sight of their blood lust filled eyes was seen.

Samuel raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the moment he did, the [Watchers in the Dark] obeyed. Submerging themselves back into the dark, yet their eyes were still open, watching everything transpire.

Samuel finally replied with an answer as he said.

"It's all part of my plan, William."

"And your plan includes leaving the kid to die?"

"Of course not, it's also letting the kid fend for himself as he is about to die."

Williams' cold look deepened, with his patience being empty as there was water in the desert. He was about to signal for his soldiers to attack when he heard something that suppressed all his hostility.

"He decreed it to be."

His atmosphere relaxed yet became even more tense. The soldiers shook from where they stood when they heard 'his' revelation, shaking for various reasons. Fear, awe, love, and respect. The Assassins also reacted, with the darkness coming to life as it squirmed, various eyes who saw all manner of horror becoming fear stricken.

All was dead silent in the room, except for the sound of Samuels ice clinking inside his glass as he drank from it. William slammed the but of his spear on the ground a few times, which the soldiers heard as they left the room within several seconds.

Samuel saw it and ordered, "Leave". The bright red glowing eyes in the dark all but disappeared. As any trace of presence that they ever existed was only a slight gust of wind as they left the room.

The ones left were a dazed and confused William, and indifferent yet playful Samuel. And Frank is sitting at the corner of the room watching everything happen like a play.

He regained his composure and sat down beside Samuel, ordering a round of drinks for both of them. Frank grumpily sat up and served the glasses which William downed in one sitting.

"His decisions, though mysterious and sometimes illogical, are none of our business. Not even me, and certainly not even you can question it." Samuel responded in a serious voice, which even William was surprised to see.

William turned to his glass, ruminating on the possible meaning to what 'He' ordered. Yet it did not last long as he had faith in 'Him'. Contradictory he might be, he trusted 'Him',

"You know, no matter how much time I spent with that guy, I still can't figure him out. Well, maybe it's because he has been so busy lately that even seeing him once nowadays might seem like a miracle."

Samuels seriousness was gone like the wind as he reverted back to his playful nature.

William didn't respond since what he said was true. The last time he ever saw 'him' was several months ago, when they were preparing for the possibility of an all out war with that empire.

To this day, he still couldn't figure out how 'He' managed to prevent a war that would span the entire continent. Plunging it into eternal damnation and slaughter for decades to come.

He was about to continue ruminating when he sensed an unknown yet familiar presence. He withdrew his Halberd in a split second and pointed it at his left side, the sharp end of his Halberd being only a few centimeters away from the man's face.

The man that was almost decapitated didn't react and only gazed back into William's eyes. William, realizing who it was and knowing full well the implications if he continued, unsheathe his Halberd.

"Why are you here?" he questioned, almost threatening. The moment he saw the man he was a little confused, but he didn't show it on his face. He kept a cold expression as he looked at the man.

'We have a problem."

"The Church's concern is none of my business. Leave, you are not welcomed here."

Samuel butted in the middle of the conversation as he said, "Hey now, please put your toothpick down and let's hear him out. Maybe he has some useful information to give us."

He sat up from his seat as he started to approach the uninvited man. He was at arms length when he heard the man say.

"Remove the dagger first, Samuel and then I'll talk."

Samuel halted but didn't remove the dagger he held behind his back. He continued gazing into the men's eyes, trying to see what was his true intention in coming here, and yet what came out was blank, and so he decided that he may as well ask.

"Alright, so continuing Williams line of questioning. Why are you here? aren't you supposed to be hunting that kid down."

"As I said, we have a problem, another Inquisitor was tasked with bringing the cosmos back at the last minute."

"Uhuh, so how is that a problem?"

William kept smiling playfully, yet when he heard who the Inquisitor was, the grin on his face was wiped off.

"It's Aki."