
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 8 - Morrows Light

[Keth Pov]

My eyes shifted to Shae who had walked in, her tan skin, yellow silk like dress, and young face could draw any man to look at her. The dress wrapped every curve, dragging along the floor as she made her way near us. The clips on either side that exposed her elbows, loosely having the silk sleeves dangle around her wrist. Her hair pinned back, spun in a well fixed bun as usual maids had it. She did not focus on me as she had the first night we encountered each other, which I was glad of as she understood what I wanted from her. Her hands coming to either side of her dress as she lifted it slightly, her head bowed, as courtesy towards Alicent.

"Hello, Lady Hightower, I am Shae ma.. I have no family name, my lady.." Shae spoke in a manner far different than when I first met her, my eyes looking over her movements, as if she seemed to be accustomed to this kind of etiquette. My ears not shy to the words she cut herself off from saying, while a smile came to my lips.

"Would you like to explain to me, my prince, the need in this introduction.." Alicent said with a questioning tone, unlike her nervous voice when Marcus introduced himself, her voice was that of a wife questioning why her husband brought a woman home.

"She will take care of your needs, food, clothes, casual conversation in passing, that is all, little flower.." I couldn't help but grin, even as a maid, it was clear she did not like that I had brought a woman she did not know to her. Even more so a beautiful woman like Shae, who was no longer a child, but a maturing woman.

"What need for a maid, the keep has many who would be if ordered to do so?" Alicent seemed to not like it, or rather still did not understand because her gaze never fell on Shae again. It was fixed to me in questioning while I stood, reaching out my hand to caress her cheek.

"Maids, maesters, and aids within the keep are merely ravens, bringing unwanted words. Most of all, about matters that have nothing to do with their person, Shae is loyal to me, and in turn, you.. I will not suffer Little Birds that wish to whisper.." I said, looking into Alicent's eyes, my hand firm as I made her look into mine, more than anything I knew she would not understand fully, but she could not deny the truth. If not for the maids and talking guards, it would have been much easier to talk to the king, rather than being caught in the act.

"Very well, I do not understand, my prince, but if it's out of concern for me, then I am grateful my prince." Alicent said, yet it came out in a spoiled child like tone, her answer with pause that seemed to last minutes before giving an answer as she looked at the bowing Shae.

"Come, dress yourself for the tournament in more appropriate clothing, if you are to be by her side, then it will be much easier." I said, looking at Shae, who did not cut the image of a maid, but a whore bought in waiting as she looked at me.

"Very well, Prince Maliketh, and thank you for accepting, Lady Hightower, I will make sure that your needs are met.." Shae said with a bow, my head nodding toward Marcus as he brought her to the side room, standing in front of the door as she got changed.

My mind went over many things. It may have been easier to let her slip in with the other maids in passing, but what I wanted was a close relationship. Shae would be here while I was away, more so the ming can not guard her always, not when above anything they were soldiers, ones that would not leave me on a battlefield alone, even with my black Legion. More over, she would help communicate when I was away about the happenings within my brother's court of snakes.

My eyes looking at Alicent, she was a strong girl in her own right, but my eyes could not help but move to her hands, I know what stress could do to anyone. While Rhaenyra was her best friend, she could not speak about everything especially my brother or the cunt Otto. If she wanted to speak openly it would have to be someone who was not involved in the matter at all.

"You may speak to Shae, maybe you feel strange about the matter, but in time you will understand. You no longer need to keep what you see or feel within your heart." I said, reaching my hand down to grab her own, gently rubbing across the scars on her finger nails as I smiled with my eyes closed.

"You feel it unlady like, my prince.. such hands no one would want to grasp." Alicent said in a low tone, trying to pull her hand from mine, only for me to grip it even more so than before.

"Hands that I would gladly join with, the result of frustration can manifest in many ways, not just your own. let not yourself be tethered to such misunderstandings." I said, I knew it would be a problem, a reaction over a lifetime of disappointment, one, especially a lady could not speak out about her feelings, but I was different.

"Very well, My prince.." Alicent spoke lowly, looking at me interlock our fingers, her cheeks a silent blush as I brought her lips to mine.

"Shae and Marcus will accompany you to the grounds, I will not be far behind, do not be so disappointed, I will be by your side soon enough." I said, pulling my lips from Alicent, her eyes looking at me with a strange smile at the first part of my words, my hand rubbing her cheek as I spoke the second, reassuring I would not be gone like usual.

Alicent said nothing, her hand gripping my own more for a moment longer as I pulled away. My eyes looking over her beautiful figure as I looked at Marcus. Our eyes having a conversation for a moment as he nodded his head to me in understanding. My feet carrying me to the door as I looked down the long hallway touched by the mornings light.

"Now this will be something far more difficult.." I could not help but let out a sigh, not one of annoyance, or of anger, but purely about the unreasonable situation I had placed myself in. The twist and turns of the keep no longer relevant in my eyes, my body moving with smooth steps as I walked through the mess of halls until I reached where I wanted.

"Is she inside, Mo'at?" reaching the large doors, I looked around the halls that were no longer busy, say for the usual undending aids and Maids seen before. My voice calling out to the darkness as I watched a man come from the corner of the stone walls.

"Yes my lord, but it is wise to hurry, she will start her labors soon." Mo'at said, his head low as I looked him over, he was a skinny man, one who's face could not hide the small traces of ill intent, but that was just his face, he was loyal all the same.

"Very well, do as I have asked, and allow me a few moments with her." I said, my hand on the door as I spoke, my eyes moving back only to see the man gone as I grinned.

My feet brought me into a large room, a desk with countless scribes on it, the floor swept, and a room clear of any unneeded furniture, a large tub which housed milk like water, a red labor like chair in the corner cast down with light from the window that seem to come from the morning's rays. My steps echoing as I looked around the room, my ears picking up the little moans of a woman as I looked at a large bed where a snow white haired woman, looked at her stomach as she rubbed it carefully.

"Is it not me who would need someone, why only now do you show up, my stomach grows pained and heavy.. is it not the maids that should help." through heavy breathing equally heavy words are spoken, her arms struggling to sit herself upright, her words not as gentle as usual, but pained in every sense of the word.

"They will be here soon.. My Queen, you need not worry.." I spoke out to her grieving tone, my feet placing me a good distance away from her bed, fixing my sword as I place my hand Atop The hilt, my eyes looking over her figure as I could not smile. Her head and movements freezing as of my voice was a beast ready to slaughter her.

"Wh-Why.. your here, how? within my chamber?" Her voice was shaky, her words coming out in a stutter, her eyes looking up to me slowly as they grew wider. Her beautiful face covered in sweat from the pain she was in but I was no fool. My body rushing to her as she tried to open her mouth again. My hand covering it as I held her gently but firm.

"Do not do that.. I did not do all this to merely be swatted by your incessent yelling.I need you only to listen to my words. Aemma.. no matter your choices or thoughts, you were once mine, I think you can do as much.. can you not." I can see her eyes shake, her mouth letting out hot breath that hit my hand, her heart beating wildly within her chest, if not for me then the pain that she was in. My eyes looking down into hers as I watched her struggling stop, only to see her eyes become more chaotic.

"Do you wish for this to be like Balor? or will you listen to me.." I moved my head forward, Whispering in her ear soft nothings, only speaking something I know would stop her actions, if only for a moment.

"What is it you want, Maliketh, that you would bring his name up.. something that should never leave your mouth.." Aemma stopped struggling, her eyes that looked into mine were stressed, but soon became melancholic as I let her mouth go. Even now it was clear that she had not let it go, who could blame her, in the end he was our son.

"I may not have the right, but if you continue, not only you, but the life within your stomach will not see morrows light.."