

The death of a professor of history at New York University during an expedition in Iraq triggers a chain of events that have been prophesied since biblical times of the flood, where The Book of Nimrod, the most powerful man, was hidden, and now the world is about to succumb to the power that God himself once feared. Gregory Evans, when investigating the death of a boy in a satanic ritual at Trinity Church, finds himself involved in a plot of global domination where everyone is suspect and guilty, including God and the devil himself.

Rafael_Zimichut · História
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs



GREG DIDN'T BELIEVE what he was hearing, that plan had really worked.

— Yes, that's exactly how you said I introduced myself, an Italian-American banker interested in moving the center of his business to Europe.

— I already thought it would work.

— Well, Greg, this is humanity's oldest trick, all it took was a good suit, a little banking knowledge acquired with some applications in the financial market and, as a final ingredient, a little Interpol agent skill.

— And what did you discover?

— I left a small listening device in the banker's office. A friend of mine from the Frankfurt police will be in charge of passing on the information to us if there is any interesting comment in that room.

— Do you think he belongs to the Brotherhood of the Serpent?

Dante's face took on a grim face. The detective's question made him remember that that friendly banker, president of the Central Bank of the European Union, could be one of those responsible for the boy's kidnapping.

— There's something he said that struck me as deeply disturbing — commented Fernando Dante, as he noticed the curiosity on Greg's face.

— Something disturbing?

— Yes — he continued — when I introduced myself as an Italian-American banker interested in transferring the headquarters of his business to the European Union, he informed me that the deposit to join the new European banking system would have to be made...

— In Euros, of course.

— No, Greg, in gold!

— In gold? — the detective was surprised — But why in gold?

— This is the question — continued Fernando —, according to the Banker, the Euro will soon supplant the Dollar as an international currency. The creators of the European Union want the new currency of international trade to have the guarantee of gold!

— What's disturbing about that? This is a legitimate interest of the leaders of the European economy, I see nothing wrong with that.

— It's not what I think, Greg! If we turn our attention to that unpublished BioChip publicity folder that we got from Interpol, we will have a terrible picture of the reality that is taking shape.

— You said you had another mission, did that work?

— I hope so... the security of the world depends on it, after all, while some believe in gold, others believe in pyrite.