
The Lost Princess and the Power Stone

Kathena thought she was just a normal orphan living her dream of becoming a knight. Then the day came where everything she knew was turned upside down, leaving her to find a mysterious hidden kingdom across the Dead Sea to take what's called the power stone. Twists and turns test Kathena as she tries to discover who she is and save the hidden kingdom from others who will stop at nothing to take the stone.

Kaila_Ciesla · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter Five

They finally made it. Kathena, The Captain, Mika, and a select few had finally rowed their way to shore. Kathena stepped out of the boat and looked around to see... nothing but overgrown nature taking over any visible pathway.

"Alright, we are going to have to split up. Kathena and Dani, come with me. Captain, you take the other two. Yell when you find something." Mika says gesturing for Kathena and the crewmate Dani to follow. 

As Mika led the way, knocking down the overgrown bushes and fallen tree branches, Kathena saw an opportunity to get inside Mikas head. " So, what happens when we find the Kingdom?" 

"We ask for the power stone, and leave."

"And if they don't give it to us willingly?"

"We take it."

" What happens when we do that?"

Mika suddenly whipped around

"You really should stop asking questions you don't want the answer to." and with that, they were back to silence.

They finally stopped after what seemed like hours to take a break and eat. She sat down on an fallen tree and looked around again, still only seeing the same never ending  overgrown nature that greeted them at the entrance.

While sitting there, Kathena had a sudden feeling she was being watched. All she saw was a bunny...then she got an idea. She looked around to make sure Dani and Mika weren't paying attention.

"Hey there...do you know where the kingdom is?"

instead of an answer the bunny looked terrified and ran.

"Wait!" Kathena yelled. Without thinking she ran after it, ignoring the yells behind her. She ran faster, desperate not to lose site of the bunny, shoving bushes out of the way, ignoring the cuts on her arms. All of a sudden, it vanished. 

"Where did you go?! I just want to find my family! please..." Kathena fell to the ground, sobbing.

"Your family...?" She looked over to see the bunny next to her once again.

"Yes...I was lost to them...I found out they are from this kingdom recently, so I came to find them."


"Who's Nella?"

"Just come with me, my mom and dad will know what to do."

She followed the bunny to a clearing. Suddenly, the castle appeared out of nowhere, as if she walked through a portal.

"Woah... no way...it was hidden with magic..." Kathena said in awe.

" Yes it is. Follow me." 

Kathena followed into the palace entrance where, a man who appeared to be the king, was yelling at the queen. 

" You were supposed to be watching her! We already lost one I can't lose another! she is almost of age! She is the only heir to the throne! do you realize-"

The bunny then transformed into a girl. I tried to see her face but she moved too fast.

"Mom, dad, please stop fighting! I'm sorry I ran off but I found something-"

" Nina! there is no excuse-" the queen stopped and looked at Kathena for the first time, the king doing the same.

"Nella?" she said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Why do you guys keep calling me that? my name is Kathena." The girl finally turned to face Kathena for the first time,and her jaw dropped. "You look like me?" she managed to say.

" You are Nina's twin. You were lost to us when the pirate gang invaded looking for the power stone...They took you instead."

" I...also have this." Kathena proceeded to show them the symbol around her neck.

"It is you! that was hers...I can't believe it!" the queen started crying, holding Kathena in her arms. The king, who had been awfully quiet then did the same, even Nina joined in.

"My name is Stella, I'm your mother"

"And i'm Nideen, your father."

" I'm so happy I found you guys," Kathena, who now knows herself as Nella, said through tears, " but someone bad is coming for the power stone." 

"What?!" Nideen said in a panic.

" They sent me here to get it, but I know what it would do if I took it." she sighed,

" but it won't stop Mika. He has orders to kill me if I don't comply. The woman who raised me tried to warn me and I didn't listen. They just want power, they never cared about me." 

"And how did I know you would fail. You're too soft." 

Nella turned around in shock to see Mika standing in the doorway.

He pulled out a dagger and threw it right at her.

"No!" yelled Nina diving in front of it just in time to save Nella. She fell to the ground bleeding, the king and queen screaming. She looked in horror to see it had pierced her heart. Nella looked at Mika, hatred in her eyes now.

" You will pay for that." and with that she let herself transform into a dragon once again, flames roaring out of her mouth where Mika had been standing. To her dismay, he had gotten away. 

"Nella! be careful. The power stone should be safe, but he seems to know what he's doing." her mother said. She looked down at her sisters now lifeless body and used that rage as she looked around for Mika. This would be the last time he hurt anyone ever again.