

Long ago there was a lady named Fatma full in love with Guy name Michael. Fatma and Michael were dating until when he wants to travel to London he told his aunt for his fiance to stay with her she was first nice to her at the beginning pretend she likes her when she has different intentions his aunt is a demonic Africa woman who has halt Alought of soul by sacrifice people children to her demon her thought all is to take Fatma accept her to stay with her just because the name that was needed for the sacrifice was Fatma she visit Fatma in her dreams possessing to get her soul but any time she try she will not succeed so there was a lady who has the same name living in the same house after she has try her sister son girlfriend and never succeed she divert to the other Fatma from that time she grow to hate Michael girlfriend she is sending false new about the young lady for his son to divorce her many trials has pass through Fatma live she is devastated she told Michael all the treatment she is undergoing he always courage he to be patient and wait for him when Michael return she was all ready grow up as an adult he Mets her working as a chef in a restaurant Fatma like her job and don't want to stop everyone was saying for her to live her job Grama Auntie even the Aunty were Fatma was staying ask her to stop working she will not work when she has a visitor so she leave the job and stay with Michael when she gets pregnant Michael Aunty ask why she get pregnant for him in the back yard of the house she was confused and tell her Aunty you told me before to quit my job and you asked me that, Fatma was struggling with her pregnancy blood sausage not all that everyone was afraid that she is going to die in that pregnancy they said her family always give birth to big babies so let them return her to her parents Michael sad news Micheal has come for visit for only three months the night he should return back to London he needs to take midnight flight but much delay he Miss his flight. her mom later make him a new visa for him to travel back he then travel again Fatma has now give birth to a baby girl everybody loves her because she was beautiful Michael other aunty said to name her SHAMIRA

Salish_Sham · História
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Fatma and Michael Sims to be like Romeo and Juliet and also she stay with Michael Aunty now at Gazama street, callabatown . At first she was nice to her until a month she then start showing the truth out of her, in the morning Mrs Anita weakup her Early in the morning by four o'clock to to take care of her two little boys David and Abdul Rahman ready them to go school after washing them there is another girl name Lucy .

she works like a slave in the house every minute Lucy Lucy Lucy for her to do different work sending her here and there.

Lucy and Fatma has become sisters like friends

they both explain there secret to each other and both decided to help each other on there domestic work at home. she prefers food for the kids and take them to school some time she even late to go to school in the middle of the night Aunty Anita will weak up Lucy to change and clean the little boy Abdul Rahman when he pee it goes a time when she told Fatma that she will never responsible for buying soap for wash the dishes at home Lucy too was told the same word that she will be cleaning the store, out of the house and she will not give no one soap they should provide for them self only what she wants to see that everything should be cleans.

Fatma is confusing of all this and she remembers what her mom told her before to stay with her despite she want to be with her boyfriend Aunty now she is worried there is enough duties now things that she never do when she was with her parents now she did it for boyfriend Aunty.

One night when Fatma go to bed she has a wired dream and in the morning when she weakup she see two something like lump on her neck she call her mom and explain that the dream was wired it is terrified Mom I dream a woman standing by the big stone by the stream near the water side she was possessing like witchcraft she said it was in my dream I weakup in my dream to pee out side and when i sit by to pee I saw that woman next by the house I quickly wear my pant I stand then she raised her two hands up were I stand i feels like someone chock me squeeze my neck and Hild me up but there is no one near me I never see no one in front of me only that woman by the Conner of the building that was so terrified is like in the movie when a witchcraft is possessing to destroy or kill someone then I started praying and asking the lord to save me I continue praying in my heart and i saw a bright light from the sky so shining look like the morning sun yellow was mold middle the white light it falls down and heated her she fall and vanished and i feels like I was putting down with a cold spirit on me she said to her mom and then her mom Mrs Binta reply believe in your self and nothing will see you pray before sleep she reply I love you Mom thanks very much.

Still Fatma was feeling freaked out on what she dreams and the pain she is feeling on her neck everyday she cried on it she has take a cold treatment because she thought that Cold can makes her gum and her neck feeling better in that kind of way but still all that treatment she is feeling the same pain.

on one Sunday morning Fatma mother call her I dream what do you dream mom I dream you are walking near a deep pit you nearly wants to falls then i hold you out but have asked a man who has a dream book he told me for you to live that house is posses I want you to meet me at makeni Fatma reply ok mom I have ears you yet Fatma never believe in superstition believe she never go there to Mets her mother she rather prefer not to tell her any of her dreams again

Michael used to call Fatma on her Aunty phone sometime she gives her the phone for them to talk later she stopped given her the phone Michael want to talk to her but every time he calls his Aunty will said she is not around .

Now Michael wants fatma to have her own phone for them to communicate so he send three hundred thousand Leones for her to buy phone so they communicate with each other.