
The Lost Jewel


2Kdee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Tessa The Grey Wolf

Tom has once again continued his journey to find the jewel but he has to go through the forest first. It's been 15 minutes since Tom entered the forest. Tom stops because he hears a strange noise coming from the distance. It was a grey wolf but it seemed friendly. "Hi my name is Tessa" she says, Tom jumped backed because it's the first tine hearing an animal speak expect the creature's in the village. Hello Tessa my name is Tom I am on a journey looking for a jewel ". "I was running away from hunters" Tessa says, then she gets an idea " If you help me get away the in return I will help you on your journey finding the jewel ". At that moment Tom accepted the offer and was glad to have someone on his journey. Tom and Tessa make it out the forest and is now headed for the Royal Capital City of De`ara. Tom has come to ask the king about the jewel. Will the king give him clues find out next time