
The Lost Humanity

Imagine being forced to improve yourself for eighty years. And allowed to return as a 16 year old who know pretty much everything... This is the story of Ye Tian and Ming Yue and their journey to regain their lost humanity. How will they regain their lost humanity?

ChillCultivator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

The Starline Academy

Following the agreement made. The Starline Academy was officially open. With the intent of nurturing every individual to make good use of their talent.

Currently, anyone at the age of sixteen will have to go to the Academy. People below sixteen will have to go theoretical lessons. As people at sixteen will be able to awaken their magical powers. People above seventeen to nineteenth can apply to the academy. People twenty to twenty-nine will have to apply and be evaluated base off their magical talent.

Those above thirty will be taught theoretical knowledge and be guided to become a Teacher instead.

Currently, all the teachers are actually aliens disguised as humans. Since quote from the Starline Race "Race familiarity is important when developing a race."

Ye Tian and Ming Yue compared the other excited students, remain emotionless. And greeted each other once when they met when they met at the academy.

Sure, there are a few students whom find this weird. But hey! Magic is real and they get to learn it! They are too excited to care.

Only their Ye Tian and Ming Yue's respective family members find them different. Giving a different vibe. The two barely spoke. And when they saw the two meeting and greeting, it felt like two emotionless people compared to everyone else meeting.

Ye Tian's family and Ming Yue's family both seen this. And talked to each other. Finding out that not only that Ye Tian and Ming Yue doesn't share the same past school, but theoretically they should have never met. But the history of them returning 2 days ago at the same time. And becoming emotionless seems to be too much of a coincidence.

"Hello, new students. Welcome to Starline Academy. Before we assign you to a class. We need you to awaken your magical powers and determine your class base off it."

Many students have awaken their magical talent and have their powers evaluated. It has to be known. Even though everyone can awaken. Their talent determines it all. How fast they can learn, how fast they can cast. Hardwork can bridge a gap of one grade. But in the end, talent surpasses all.

And yes. Every element in theory, can be learnt. Its just that no one bothered to master all elements. The time taken would take too much time.

Most people usually awaken C Rank Talents. With B, A and S being on the smaller scale as the rank goes higher. With +/- in each rank.

Finally. Its Ye Tian's turn to awaken.